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Puntland's First Grassed Stadium Developing Well. Video

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Gaacur they were disappointed that it didnt open for the puntland regional cup, lakin the last phase of it ba harsan, Phase 3. It will be completed hopefully in-time for the national football cup 2012 december, thats the target now.


But if u could not see the grass already laid out, then your blind not me. Waxaa harsan stand and darbi lagu wareejiyo uun, lakin hawsha ugu weyna way soo dhamatay

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Just go away with your negativity, negativitiy wax lagu ma soo dhiso. There is 3 phases in the grandest sports stadium in Somalia, be patience it will come through. I am just damn glad it will be grassed because I thought from pics I saw that it wouldnt be, but as usual the picture taker was focusing on one side of the stadium that is still dirt.


Sxb this is huge guul uu soo hoyatay dhamaan somaliyeed in manta laga dhisayo garoon calaami ah oo carurteena ku ciyaaran, kuna taba bartan. Iskaba daa wixi kale ee calaamiga sida handball court, track fields, etc

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Gaacuur;790902 wrote:
Ditoore, meesha wax Stadium la dhaho kuma arkin, darbi dheer iyo ganjeel lee u jeedaa.. I hope in Stadiums fiican loo dhiso gobolada dhan.


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wax grass ah ma u jeedo, at least in la bilaabo dhisidda darbiga hore waa Horumar, laakiin waxay u baahan tahay howl badan..


National Football Cup waxaa lagu qabanayaa Xamar, soo Garowe laguma qaban kii lasoo dhaafay..


LOL@ 0:27 waxaa lagusoo riday xabado. qatar waaye haddiiba xabad la isagaa kaa ridaayo.

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Gaacuur;790910 wrote:
wax grass ah ma u jeedo, at least in la bilaabo dhisidda darbiga hore waa Horumar, laakiin waxay u baahan tahay howl badan..


National Football Cup waxaa lagu qabanayaa Xamar, soo Garowe laguma qaban kii lasoo dhaafay..


LOL@ 0:27 waxaa lagusoo riday xabado. qatar waaye haddiiba xabad la isagaa kaa ridaayo.


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Gaacur loves to ignore the reality



wax lamid ah taasi aar ha inna tuso dhulkiisa, wa nin iska hadlay maseer dishay lakin maseer dadkaga waxba uma halaysid ogow taas

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Anyways, the reality is their is 1 phase left of the garowe stadium, and it will be complete maybe not in time for the puntland cup as alot may have been suspecting but It will be ready for grand opening once the last phase is completed. This will lead to a boom in puntland as soon as they all hear garowe has now international stadium, you can imagine Bosaso will build one to complement it

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So what you all think guys, should we also equip the stadium with night lights so the kids can play at night? And what you think the prospects are when garowe completes it what sort of message will this send to other puntland cities and somalia in general? Will they do the ku-dayo on it or will they just ignore it or will they send congratulations?

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oh by the way but is it me but does that pitch looks like it is gonna be massive. It appears where the rocks are and look how far the other side of the stadium is and that is only seeing it from a width perspective, god only knows how long the pitch is but I assume its gonna be stadium quality and not football ground quality. It looks massive

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