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Madaxweyne Shiriif oo Garoowe soo gaarey (Sawiro)

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Waxaa goor dhow magaalada Garoowe soo gaarey wefdi uu horkacayo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya mudane Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Wefdiga madaxweyne Shiriif oo ay ku jiraan xubno kale oo ka tirsan dowladda KMG ah ayaa waxaa si diiran loogu soo dhoweeyey Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Garoowe.


Mas’uuliyiin tira badan oo ka tirsan madaxda ka qayb gelaya shirka Garoowe-2 ayna kamid yihiin madaxweynaha Puntland, Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, iyo Augustine Mahiga ayaa wefdiga Shiriifka soo dhoweeyey.

Sidoo kale soo dhoweynta madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waxaa ka qayb qaatay dadweyne aad u tira badan oo isugu jirey arday, xubno ka tirsan ururada haweenka, iyo kuwo ka socdey ururada dhalinyarada.


Waa markii 2-aad ee uu madaxweynaha Soomaaliya magaalada Garoowe soo gaaro mudo 3-bilood gudohood ah, waxayna booqashadii tan ka horeysey ee uu Garoowe ku yimid ahayd xiligii uu furmayey wejigii 1-aad ee shirka wadatashiga Dastuurka.


Sawirada iyo codadka mas’uuliyiinta Horseed Media sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ayey idiinku soo gudbin doontaa.




Horseed Media

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All i see is a pavement less airport made of sand..a $2 wooden stand: with 2 of the worlds cheapest flags. A president of a government soon tobe history in 6-7 months and the leader of a bunch of people involved in the largest criminal enterprise in the horn of must be exciting times for you...congrats. :cool:

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that president you mention with careless thoughts is not only your president, but also the one that will decide the future of your triangle enclave.

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kingofkings;790575 wrote:

that president you mention with careless thoughts is not only your president, but also the one that will decide the future of your triangle enclave.

If he is my president why can he not even land in any Somaliland airport. funny concept of presidency you guys have. Anyways back to reality, no one will decide the fate of Somaliland except its people and democratically elected government..who elected Mr Quranic School Teacher, who does he represent in reality, he is protected in his own capital by African troops. Welcome to reality. :cool: and enjoy your $2 dollar wooden stand and fantacies. In 6-7 months it will all come to an end.

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Mario B   

The Hermet;790618 wrote:
If he is my president why can he not even land in any Somaliland airport. funny concept of presidency you guys have. Anyways back to reality, no one will decide the fate of Somaliland except its people and democratically elected government..who elected Mr Quranic School Teacher, who does he represent in reality, he is protected in his own capital by African troops. Welcome to reality. :cool: and enjoy your $2 dollar wooden stand and fantacies. In 6-7 months it will all come to an end.

For someone with a flag that has Tawheed written on it, I'm shocked by your belittling of the Quran teacher, that just goes to show... yours was just just a "pious"symbol with no substance. Oh, us from the hyprocrites.:eek:

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Mario B;790687 wrote:
For someone with a flag that has Tawheed written on it, I'm shocked by your belittling of the Quran teacher, that just goes to show... yours was just just a "
"symbol with no substance. Oh, us from the hyprocrites.:eek:

Enjoy the cheap temperory smirk, in reality my flag is my flag its symbolism is what it is, like the five pointed star that ended up with one point :cool:

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Mario B   

The Hermet;790719 wrote:
Enjoy the cheap temperory smirk, in reality my flag is my flag its symbolism is what it is, like the five pointed star that ended up with one point :cool:

Are you still dissing the Quran Teacher? just an enclave in Somalia. And talking about Flags, every village in Somalia has one. :rolleyes: but guess which is flying in the building that matters.? Correct.:cool:

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Mario B;790735 wrote:
Are you still dissing the Quran Teacher? just an enclave in Somalia. And talking about Flags, every village in Somalia has one. :rolleyes: but guess which is flying in the building that matters.? Correct.:cool:

enjoy your last 6-7 months of existence. :D

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The Hermet;790736 wrote:
enjoy your last 6-7 months of existence.

i was about to same the same thing about you. oh well, you beat me to it. enjoy until August.

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