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How do you fix a problem like Somalia?

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^Where exactly is the bottom? Sub to power of 15 clans exist - at what point is a 'bottom-up' defined? At the rate we're going - vilages of a few thousand will have 10 different self-dclared mamuls.


Ultimately accountability is what matters. You can have it in various forms. The problem is that instead of pushing for accountability - everyone who has a grievance wants to set up their own mamul. Ultimately this extreme fad will collapse on itself.

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Mario B   

ElPunto;790648 wrote:
^Where exactly is the bottom? Sub to power of 15 clans exist - at what point is a 'bottom-up' defined? At the rate we're going - vilages of a few thousand will have 10 different self-dclared mamuls.


Ultimately accountability is what matters. You can have it in various forms. The problem is that instead of pushing for accountability - everyone who has a grievance wants to set up their own mamul. Ultimately this extreme fad will collapse on itself.

I agree!

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ElPunto: See trees from the forest. Atom is the smallest particle of matter and itself consist of Electron, protoron and nuetron where each is doing its distinct function in order the atom doesn't collapse within. Therefore, let every tuulo with few thousand people has its maamul and after it obtains peace within it can initiate dialogue with its neighbors. This grassroots evolution will for sure have an exponential growth. I aint lying it is a cumbersome methodology but it remains to be one of the few solutions that are not yet tested.

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Mario B   

Ngonge and Oodweyne spreading the virtue of Clannism, with "Clan is everything" mantra, and here was me thinking that "SomaliLand" was a democracy!! *doh* :rolleyes:

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Taleexi;790659 wrote:
: See trees from the forest. Atom is the smallest particle of matter and itself consist of Electron, protoron and nuetron where each is doing its distinct function in order the atom doesn't collapse within. Therefore, let every tuulo with you thousand people has its maamul and after it obtains peace within it can initiate dialogue with its neighbors. This grassroots evolution will for sure have an exponential growth. I aint lying it is a cumbersome methodology but it remains to be one of the few solutions that are not yet tested.

Ok - but you haven't addressed the concern. In your atom example there is a limit to the organizing structure ie electron, proton etc But the Somali case is one where there isn't. So using your example - the proton would be separated out into North Proton, South Proton etc and within that you could get Northeast Proton etc. etc. Once you agree on where the limits are can you obtain peace and iniatiate dialogue. And as Somalis we haven't.

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Taleexi;790675 wrote:
Indeed so it seems .. Jumma wanaagsan

The day your people vote for their representatives you could speak for the moment keep your mouths shut. :cool:

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Mario B   

The Hermet;790708 wrote:
The day your people vote for their representatives you could speak for the moment keep your mouths shut. :cool:

You should listen to Ngonge more, he carries the wisdom of the "enclave" .... I mean the "enclave" carries the wisdom of Ngonge.:cool:

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Mario B;790712 wrote:
You should listen to Ngonge more, he carries the wisdom of the "enclave" .... I mean the "enclave" carries the wisdom of Ngonge.:cool:

Ill repeat what i said the day you vote for your representatives is the day you can open your mouth, don't Ngonge me. :cool:

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AS THE TITLE OF this writing implies, which bids itself to avert the possibility of a Melian fate recurring to any region in our country, I strongly believe that Somali peoples, who inhabit regions that fall between/under or outside the borders of the self-interested administrations currently existing, that they should be well advised to promptly device plans to gain sole control over their affairs. If not, they may probably face the bleak prospects of prolonged economic and political marginalization, or outright, forceful occupation and eventual population displacement. This is the alarm I sound for now, with the hope of pre-empting consequences of an unending protracted tribal conflict over territorial claims and counter-claims of irreverent regional administrations. The decision of a people to become masters of their own affairs is what I would like to call ‘The Maakhirian Shift

By Paragon

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Mario B   

The Hermet;790713 wrote:
Ill repeat what i said the day you vote for your representatives is the day you can open your mouth, don't Ngonge me. :cool:

I think the day is not very far, my friend...:cool: You should start calling home agent Godane, Afghani and all top landers in that organisation [Al Shaabab] to come and join the one vote one man always, mantra!! :D

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i think your refering to the one man one vote:cool:


Its called representation its the basis of governance, that a man has a free choice in electing who represents him in matters of governance, dont worry when you become more advanced youll understand, it seems Somaliland is light years away. I hope you get out of the age of hot air and bullsh**t $2 wooden stands and fake political processes..but it doesnt really matter anymore seeing your about to become the only colonial territory in the 21 century. :cool: as for Godane..let me put into perspective for you my friend. He use to wash peoples toilets in Hargaisa seriously no joke, he goes to Somalia and becomes the Amir hahahaah...what does that say about you. Our toilet cleaners call the shots in Somalia is it then any surprise why Somalia has failed and continues to fail without Somaliland. :cool:

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