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(animals) looting Somali shops in South Africa

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Ganacsato Soomaali ah oo boob loogu geystay K/Afrika




In ka badan 19 dukaan oo ay leeyihiin ganacsato Soomaali ah ayaa boob loogu geystay tuulooyinka hoos taga magaalada Rustenburg ee gobolka North West ee waddanka Koonfur Afrika.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in boobkaasi ay geysteen shaqaale careysan oo dowladda ka codsanayay in loo kordhiyo mushaaraadka ay qaataan, kuwaasi oo dibad baxyo ka dhigay deegaanno hoos taga magaaladaasi.


Xoghayaha Jaaliyadda Soomaalida ee gobolka North West Cabdiraxmaan Yaasiin ayaa sheegay in booliska Koonfur Afrika ay is-hortaageen dadkii boobka geysanayay, walow boolisku uu awoodi waayay in uu joojiyo rabshadaha ay sameynayaan dadkaasi careysan.


Mr. Cabdiraxmaan ayaa intaasi raaciyay in aysan jirin waxyeeleyn loo geystay ganacsatada dukaamadooda boobka loo geystay, wuxuuna tilmaamay in ay ka cabsi qabaan in mar kale ay boob u geystaan shaqaalaha Koonfur Afrikaanka ah ee careysan.


Booliska gobolka North West ayaa gaaray deegaannada boobka laga geystay, waxayna heeggan ugu jiraan sidii ay uga hor tagi lahaayeen rabshado iyo boob mar kale ka dhaco deegaannadaasi.


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Not surprised this is happening, but its just one of the many byproducts of statelessness. No protection for Somalis and our most vulnerable are game. These places are uber violent and suffer from extreme poverty, so i ask the question why have Somalis not tried to diversify away from setting up in these dangerous areas. The police are obviously not doing much, and from personal experience i know quite a few south africans blacks not white who harbour obnoxious and xenophobic views of Somalis and other africans in general. Still having said that i cant generalise.

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OdaySomali;790439 wrote:
This is South Africa


This is outrageous. This !diot murdered two South African police officers and now he is walking on the streets bragging about robbing people every night, He's also completely willing to kill other people who get in his way. Where is their Justis system. Why did they loose this maniac on the streets. South Africa is a garbage country.

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What do you expect ? Peace and loving in the ghetto ? Someone with business mind knows that starting business, you need a security.

If you plan to open small shop in the ghetto would you be expecting peaceful customers ? I am sorry but world doesnt work that. You get shot

and robbed.


Somalis there need to be smart and move on .

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those somali ganacsato are either blind and deaf or suicidal. how someone risks horrible death at the hands of the savages is beyond me. war waxaan maxay ahaayeen. even the most uninformed folks should have heard the stories and left by now.

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Nagadaa this nonsense about looters and animals. Who are we to talk - we sold off national monuments!




Archdemos;790461 wrote:
Not surprised this is happening, but its just one of the many byproducts of statelessness. No protection for Somalis and our most vulnerable are game. These places are uber violent and suffer from extreme poverty, so i ask the question why have Somalis not tried to diversify away from setting up in these dangerous areas. The police are obviously not doing much, and from personal experience i know quite a few south africans blacks not white who harbour obnoxious and xenophobic views of Somalis and other africans in general. Still having said that i cant generalise.

I think they go there precisely because it's violent and poor - business tends to underserve those areas and there is less competition. That being said you have to think about how much your life is worth before venturing in - but then Somalis have a warped sense of that. The folks getting on boats in the Gulf/Med or walkng through the deserts of North Africa and Mexico - you gotta figure something is wrong.

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Calling others just like you Animals to begin with is discriminatory. What makes you think you are no Animal considering what you have/your fellow Somalis have done in their country/people/nationhood et cetera?


ElPunto- I concur….

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raula;790616 wrote:
Calling others just like you Animals to begin with is discriminatory. What makes you think you are no Animal considering what you have/your fellow Somalis have done in their country/people/nationhood et cetera?


ElPunto- I concur….

Are you ******* kidding me ? In peacetime Somalia did we have a muder rate of 20,000 people per year ? Somali war is (a) only in the south and (b) foreigners have a big hand in it, © it is political and (d) even then we might not even surpass 20,000 per year. Also we have morals and we are not gaalo moral-less animals. We don't have 30% HIV rate because of out of control licentious and devious sexual ways. Out people may be poor but we generally do not attack and kill foreigners in our midst e.g. Oromos, Ethiopians, Indians Sudanse shopkeepers etc.


Im sorry but peacetime Somalia and Peacetime South Africa there is no comparison. We are in war, we all know it happens. But 'peaceful country' WITH a government and 20,000 murders not including those injured, maimed or otherwise dead from HIV @ 30%. Sorry no comparison to be made.


Copare it to peaceful Puntland or Somaliland. 30% HIV and 20,000 murders ? I dont think so.

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^Adiga ma fiyodahay? Peacful Somalia had less violent crime than peaceful SA. Granted. Consider this - your ppl are now coming to violent crime/sexcual deviant SA in droves and much more would come if they could. As such - yaree insults and the derogatory comments.

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^ Maxaa u yareenaa when they are killing my people in the hundreds. An estimated 1,000 somalis been killed between 2003/2012 SMH. I will tone it down though.

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OdaySomali;790669 wrote:
^ Maxaa u yareenaa when they are killing my people in the hundreds. An estimated 1,000 somalis been killed between 2003/2012 SMH. I will tone it down though.

LoL, it's not like South Africans came to Somalia and start killing "our people". Those people chose to go there and knew very well what the country was like. Doesn't make it right, but we are in their country. So my "Mexican" friend is right again, tone it down little bit. :)

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