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Djibouti Envoy Tours Puntland's Capital Garowe

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Djibouti Envoy led by the Minister of Religious Affairs Dr.Xaamud Cabdi Suldaan visited several ministries including Ministry of Finance and Education. They also visited Garowe Teachers Education College and other training facilities.












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Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire iyo wasiirka awqaafta iyo arrimaha islaamka Jabouti Xaamid Cabdi Suldaan ayaa maanta 16 ,Feb 2012 kormeerey xarumo ku yaal Garowe oo hormuudka yihiin waaxyaha waxbarashada iyo caafimaadka.


Wasiirka amniga Gen.Khaliif Ciise Mudan taliyaha ciidamada booliksa Puntland Col.Maxamed Siciid Jaqanaf iyo u qaybsanaha Puntland dalka Jabouti Cali Cabdi Awaare ayaa dhinaca Puntland ku weheliyey Gen.Cabdisamad,halka wasiir Xaamid ay la socdeen agaasimaha guud ee madaxtoyada Jabouti Ismaaaciil Xuseen Taani ,taliyaha amniga Xasan Siciid Kheyre iyo safiirka Jabouti u fadhiya Somalia.


Wasaarada waxbarashada Puntland ayaa kow ka ahayd xarumihii maanta ay booqdeen wafdigan Puntland iyo Jabouti ka tirsanaa,waxana ay warbixino ka dhageysteen wasiir kuxigeenada waxbarashada iyo agaasimayaasha waaxyaha kala duwan.


Madbacada wasaarada iyo xafiiska imtixaanaadka iyo sidaa loo sameeyo shahaadooyinka ayaa ahaa kuwo sida gaarka ah u soo jiitey indhaha wafdiga oo si balaaran oo faahfaahsan loogu sharaxay qaabka lagu shaqeeyo.


Hoolka barlamanka Puntland oo ay ka socotey hawlo dhisitaanka hoolka cusub ee shirarka ayaa gudoomiyaha barlamanka Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi uu uga waramay sida ay ay hawshu socoto iyo qaabka la filayo inuu ku soo baxo dhamadkiisu.


Wasaarada arrimaha gudaha ayaa ahayd goobta ku xigtay oo uu agaasimaheeda guud Cabdilaahi Xaaji Alcolo uu wafdiga u waramay waxqabadka wasaaradiisa,isagoona tilmaamey in ay xooga saaran xalinta khilaafaadka beelaha iyo horumarinta dowladda hoose ee degmooyinka.


Caafimaadka ayay wafdigu sidoo kale saaka ay booqdeen waxana ay ka maqleen tirakoobyo iyo warbixinada guulaha laga agaarey Puntland dhinaca horumarinta adeegyada caafimaadka oo uu wasiirku xigeenka caafimaadka Puntland Dr.Maxamed Xasan Ducaale uu soo jeediyey.


Kuliyada tababarka macalimiinta Garowe GTEC ayaa iyadu noqotey goobta ugu danbeysey ee wafidga saaka uu booqdo ,iyadoona halkaasi uu ku soo dhaweeyey maamulaha GTEC Dr.Cabdirisaaq Shoole oo uga waramay marxaladaha ay soo martey iyo cida gacan ka siisa waxbarashada ardeyda.

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Reimburse the wasted gas? They're dreaming of a cut of any newly found oil/gas thus the sniffing around. I wonder if Somalia becomes rich whether Djibouti will say - ana waa ikan.

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I do not think that lack of funds are the real problem in Djibouti since the public budget alone is nearing the $ 600 millions with minimal taxation (it would be great should the overall Somali budgets reach that target even within 10 years of better stability for example).


But funnily enough, if oil is exploited, most Djiboutians are automatically entitled to it as they largely hail from Awdal and other northern constituencies part of the TFG 4.5 groups (pres H. Guled was from Garissa...some djibs and one djib MP are even from Puntland clan);

it's not even dual citizenship as the Somali constitution start by defining nationals as all Somalis, not to mention that Djibouti itself is one of the claimed territories (though Somalis only reside traditionally in around 20% of Djibouti for the few really indigenous).


More seriously, I think having pooled resources or cooperation is imperative:

the Djiboutian date palms project with the Saudis could be ideally extended to the Bossaso hinterland for instance.

Ports and Telecommunications are sectors where the Djiboutians are at the forefront in Africa too.

Sharing expertise or even pooling resources in the Water and Clinical training areas could make a difference too.

It may even makes sense for Somalia health ministry generic drugs procurement and other regulations be subcontracted to the Djiboutians at least initially etc (sharing experience is as valuable as wealth)...

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Mario B   

Some good points there, Abu-Salman.


I believe Djibouti shoud remain independent, we should finalise our provisional border with Ethiopia and the NFD people should just take over Kenya. :D


"Somaliland" will forever be SomaliaLand. :D

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