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Waraysigii Aqoonyahan Yusuf C/laahi Janaale Oo Tilmaamay Dhaliilo Xukumadu Somaliland Leeday

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A khadar I know ehh inta badan qashinkoda maba akhristo .. and, I know you forgot to thank me for this post. So lemme say you are very welcome lol..


aaway XX oo i waydiinayay maalin dhoweed sadexdisa magalood meshay ay ku yalaan loool..Ninkan aqoonyahankan baa u sheegi laha.



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Thank you dear!


XX ha isku wareerin dhagax dixeed maxaa gala... Allaylahee waxaa madaxiisu uu u furanyahay kaliya wixii ka soo yeedha xaga tolkiisa..

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^ lol tolkisa uun bu dhageesta waan ogahay dee mar haduu anigu iga fahmi wayey sadexdisa magalod, ninkan tolkisa ah ba u sheegi laha..farwawayn ayuu ku sheegay LOL..



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Thanks Aaliyah. It shows how some "Somalilanders" point to the naked aggression of their admins. There are good people in every group who condemn bad policies and unjust clan-based attacks.

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Everone knows about these issue's. But many don't know that something is being cooked and it will be good and kheyr inshallah.

One day we will remember these moments and understand why it was needed something wich many can't seem to understand. Even Xaaji.

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Nassir, I agree that there are good people in every clan. And after all many of us are related one way or the other. But, when it comes to politics and every clan/subclan sets itself its own state. By no means can it force other people of other clans or subclans to join them if they don't want to. Everyone knows wuxu xaq uleyahay maanta loma sheegayo. This man in this video actually still lives in the delusion that somaliland is supposed to be a qaran and should be fair to other "beelo" as he calls people from makhir state, khaatumo state,and Awdal. He admits that somaliland is clan-based o ku koban sadexdoda magaalo I would give him a credit for that but he seems to still hold on to his imaginary recognition and that Somaliland should be its own country.To be honest if they can get recognition with their three cities I could careless but they know that is not attainable. With that been said, the fact is Somalia( not Somaliland) is a qaran. And every state needs to be represented fairly in the Somali governmentl


Nabadu waxay ku jirta qofkasta in uu intisa ku imaan qabo..but some ppl can't seem to accept that. They just live in their own bubble

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I thought we concluded this fairy tale:


lets rewind a little. As i said in 1991 Much of Somaliland was raised to the ground and 70 thousand people were dead all of them from one group within Somaliland and killed because of their lineage. In 1991 Somalilands tribes signed the peace accords of which both Cali Khalif Galayd was present and the saladin of buhoodle and Las canod. The peace accords were adopted and the hostilities were ended. No one took revenge we agreed to let bygones be bygones and move on in peace. now, the people of buhoodle have in their words brought an end to the peace accords. Frankly speaking thats a matter for them. but we still have unfinished business. The end of the Somaliland peace accords means. We return to the status qou of 1991. So this leaves the people of buhoodle 3 options.


1. You pay the blood money for all killed the UN states its around 70,000 and damages to property estimated to be in the billions.

2. You re-join the Somaliland peace accord, and we forget the past and continue. giving proper representation at both the local and national level, access to the stable Somaliland shilling, security and the benefits as stated such as the water projects of las canod, free education for children and full access to all Somaliland cities.

3. We kill 70,000 people and destroy the same amount of property to call it even, in other words an eye for an eye. no more no less.


I as a Somalilander would be content with all three. im sure most Somalilanders would be as well.

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Taleexi;791031 wrote:
Khatumo wants to live in peace with "SL". If Somalilanders want so.

firstly the " " aint going to get you anywhere because unlike khatumo Somaliland exists in reality on the ground, and proof of this is that its flag flies over your villages. The issue here is as i said i unpaid debt in human lives and property damage. If you want peace, peace is yours sincerely, welcome to erigabo and every other city in Somaliland as equal citizens as before: and to the peace terms of 1991 forget all the blood and lost lives and start a fresh. Khatumo on the other hand: is a declaration of an end to the 1991 peace accords. Now i couldn't care less of khatumo do what you like with your village, but pay me the blood money and damage to property in billions of dollars that we cancelled in respect to the Somaliland peace accord of 1991. its ethier you except the peace accords, you pay me, or an eye for an eye until we reach 70,000 of you dead and an equal amount of property destroyed. Khatumo and i want peace saxib ma soconayo runtana wa taa. pay me, except the peace or die. :cool:

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I prefer being free or die trying saaxiib. You are brainwashed kid and we all know who massacred by whom. Let the count begins! Though wishes remain only to be wishes. A fact, some areas of Khatumo are under your sphere of influence but stay tuned Khaatumo is in deliberation mode of removing the shackles of occupation from itself on.

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Taleexi;791049 wrote:
I prefer being free or die trying saaxiib. You are brainwashed kid and we all know who massacred by whom. Let the count begins! Though wishes remain only to be wishes. A fact, some areas of Khatumo are under your sphere of influence but stay tuned Khaatumo is deliberation mode of removing the shackles of occupation from itself on.

That's what I love about u guys predictably suicidal and that's just the response I was hoping for. Good luck to you guys then an eye for an eye it is then. :-)

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