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Professor Cali khalif galaydh: faroole is insane and a danger to his own clan family

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Taleexi;790650 wrote:
President Farole iyo codbaahiyaha marar badan baa idhi ha la kala fogeeyo balse laygama hoos qaadin. Prof. Galaydh put President Farole in his place but I disagree with him where he stated; we don't need your support. We actually need the support of any Somali be Puntlanders or rest of Somalis however, Faroole exhibits some signs emptiness and hopelessness at times and is an enemy to himself umaba baahna cid wax ka sheegta. If I were him I would leave Khaatumo people to their own devices but af aanad lahayn ma qaban kartid.

It looks like your on your own saxib. ;)

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Wasiir ku Xigeenada Arimahadda Dibadda Maamulka Khaatumo Farduus Faarax Mire




Maamulka Khaatumo State of Somalia oo Si Aad Kulul Ugu Jawaabay Hadalo Ka Soo Yeedhay Faroole



Maamulka Khaatumo State of Somalia ee dhawaan ka soo baxay kulankii ka dhacay degmada Taleex ayaa si kulul jawaab uga bixiyey hadalo maalinimadii shaley ka soo yeeray madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole oo ku aadanaa dhismaha maamulkaasi.



Wasiir ku Xigeenka Arimahadda Dibadda Maamulka Khaatumo Farduus Faarax Mire oo saxaafada soo gaarsiisey qoraal ay ku sheegayso inay uga jawaabayso hadalkii Madaxweyne Faroole waxayna sheegtey in ugu horeyn uga mahadcelinayaan Faroole codka uu ku sheegay in ugu baaqayo Somaliland inay ka baxdo deegaanada SSC ka hor inta aan la tagin shirka London si bay tiri loo gaaro geedi socodka nabadda Soomaaliya loona soo celiyo qaranimadii Soomaaliyeed.


Laakiin Farduus waxay ku sheegtey hadaladii ka soo yeeray Faroole ee ku aadanaa dhismaha maamulka Khaatumo State in uu ahaa mid aanu ka fiirsan waa sida hadalka ay u dhigtaye, isla markaana aanu meel dayin ama ka fakarin saameynta hadalkaasi uu ku yeelan karo bulshada walaalaha ee Khaatumo State iyo Bulshada Puntland.



“Faroole wuxuu si isadaba joog ah u mucaaradayey maamulada iyo hogaanka SSC ee doonaya in deegaanadooda ka saaraan Somaliland, waxaan doonayaa in madaxweyne Faroole uu dhawro darisnimada, xiriirka bulsho ee labada maamul waana in uu joojiyaa faragalinta uu ku bilaabay madaxbanaanida deegaanka iyo maamulka Khaatumo State” ayay hadalkeeda sii raacisay Farduus Faarax Mire oo ah wasiir ku xigeenka arimaha dibada Khaatumo State.


SBC News Desk

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There is nothing new about 2 politicians getting personal, but plz just leave the clans out of your squabbles.

One question for Khatumites though, why the need for foreign affairs Minister/Ministry?

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Mario B;790679 wrote:
Wait till Abtigiis sees the picture of the foreign affair Minister of KS.

I was told he already secured her contact.

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^^^ good question, its called the Somali delusion..its based on the obssession of clan and of status. One has it therefore i must have it. which just further proves my arguement that this has nothing to do with Somali unity as: Somali unity would entail that foreign affair be left to central government weak as it is...but ha la yabin saxib. Saado Calli is there finance minister :D

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Mario B   

The Hermet;790684 wrote:
^^^ good question, its called the Somali delusion..its based on the obssession of clan and of status. One has it therefore i must have it. which just further proves my arguement that this has nothing to do with Somali unity as: Somali unity would entail that foreign affair be left to central government weak as it is...but ha la yabin saxib. Saado Calli is there finance minister

Somalidiid talking about unity...ah, the irony, your enclave started this rot and NOW you must EMBRACE it to it's final conclusion. :D:D:cool:

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Mario B;790689 wrote:
talking about unity...ah, the irony, your enclave started this rot and NOW you must EMBRACE it to it's final conclusion.

I couldnt care less for unity: nor do i pretend to. call me somalidid as if it will change anything. My land is called Somaliland it streches from the djibouti border to las canod saxib. My flag fly over the entire state aint nothing you or saado caali can do about it. Tell her to keep dancing till shes 80 and see if it makes a difference and the final conclusion is to my advantage the more sub sub sub states the better. break the mother****er up. to the last village it wont matter in 6-7 months anyways. As for Somaliland we will keep it united through peace or through blood. :cool: always to our advantage :D

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Mario B   

^^ I say dream on, Somaliland is Somalialand. The land belong to us and you're not going decide our fate. I also couldn't give funk what status your enclave towns ended up being....your lil project has hit the buffer that is KS. :D and this is the beginning of the END.:cool:

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Mario B;790726 wrote:
^^ I say dream on, Somaliland is Somalialand. The land belong to us and you're not going decide our fate. I also couldn't give funk what status your enclave towns ended up being....your lil project has hit the buffer that is KS.
and this is the beginning of the END.:cool:

i been hearing the same thing for the past 20 years my friend and still my flag flys aint coming down anytime soon. Somaliland only gets more powerful year after year. enjoy your Saado Cali concerts and life in exile :D:cool:

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Mario B   

The Hermet;790734 wrote:
i been hearing the same thing for the past 20 years my friend and still my flag flys aint coming down anytime soon. Somaliland only gets more powerful year after year. enjoy your Saado Cali concerts and life in exile

Well, those were mafrish talks:cool: and there was no KS....:D this time around we are changing the reality on the ground, starting from Buuhoodle, the healthier the South gets, your propaganda to the international communities will be replied with dismissive smirk, you will be told where to go [Mogadishu]. :D


Talking about putting the Cart before the donkey.:rolleyes:

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Mario B;790740 wrote:
Well, those were mafrish talks:cool: and there was no KS....
this time around we are changing the reality on the ground, starting from Buuhoodle, the healthier the South gets, your propaganda to the international communities will be replied with dismissive smirk, you will be told where to go [Mogadishu].


Talking about putting the Cart before the donkey.:rolleyes:

if you say so..;)

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