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Xaaji Xunjuf

Professor Cali khalif galaydh: faroole is insane and a danger to his own clan family

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haha...taken for a ride. I think that's your words for domination. Whatever you wanna call it old chapp Erigavo is one city with one flag flying over it. There is no green line. You wanna live as a Somalilander its your town if you in exile. Unlike Galgacyo with a green line: between three peoples: West Puntland, Puntland and wanna talk about this Somali unity bullshi**t then unite this town into one...then start talking..its pure logic. If you can not even unite this town then forget Somalia its all hot action. somaliland learned about your so called Somali Unity..IT DONT EXIST AND NEVER WILL.

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With A Friend Like Faroole Who Needs A Foe


Feb 12, 2012




The SSC had a history of making sacrifices for the Somali cause for which they paid heavily, got little in return and expected none. First was the Darwish campaigns against the British colonisers in which close to a million people died, directly or indirectly, as a result of that struggle. Then there was their unquestioning support for SYL from the outset and the quest for independence . And it was their continued wish to save themselves and the union from its enemies that led them to be a partner in the establishment of the Puntland State of Somalia as a way of fending off the predatory, anti Somali (Soomaalidiid) secessionist authority based in Hargeisa.

As the SSC came to learn to their bitter regret and cost, joining Puntland has become like jumping from Somaliland's frying pan into Puntland's fire. For too long, it had been a one-way relationship in which the SSC (and others from NW Somalia) had been used for what they were worth. Even so, they had accepted their lot as if that was their role or as if they were hostage to fate and had no other option. That is the way Puntland administrations under various leaders have seen it.


Abdullahi Yusuf might have been a ruthless power-hungry despot who stopped at nothing to achieve his ends. But one has to give the devil his due : unlike the other charlatans after him, he was certainly more presidential who earned the respect of his people through firmness and fear and brought stability to the those parts of Puntland that mattered to him, something many of his people miss so much and yearn for in their present ballooning instability.


Unlike Puntland proper, the SSC regions had been taken for granted as add-on assets for Puntland, to be used when needed but otherwise they figured little in his considerations or those who came after him. Who can blame them when those who claimed to represent the SSC regions in the Puntland administration (and also Somaliland) rarely ever advocated or defended the interest or rights of their people but only pursue their own self-interests to the present day.


President Abdullahi Yusuf is the author of the SSC's current doldrums under Somaliland occupation. That was triggered when he took away the SSC militia based at Adhicadeeye defending Lascanod. He did this in order to take care of his own personal defence and his government based at different times in Jowhar, Baidowa and later Mogadishu with scant consultations with the SSC people and total disregard for the defence of Lascanod and the rest of the SSC. Whether his action was a signal to Somaliland to attack and capture undefended Lascanod is a moot point. What is important is that that is the way Somaliland saw it and that is what they did, with no serious attempt by Puntland to defend the city and no finger raised since then to liberate it.


Then came Cadde Musse, a good natured little man, caricatured at times as a buffoon, for whom his world revolved around his immediate surroundings and his sub-clan's fiefdom. Even Galkayo was a distant place inhabited by aliens. The SSC mattered even less. Indeed, he had more empathy for Hargeisa where he spent sometime in exile seeking refuge from Abullahi Yusuf's long reach. It was during his presidency that Lascanod, the capital of Sool, was captured by Somaliland. The Puntland defenders simply deserted the city to its fate with hardly any resistance. Clearly, they were taking their cue from Garawe.


Cadde Muse's crocodile tears and knee-jerk remonstrations after the capture of Lascanod were only meant for public consumption but otherwise no one took him seriously, least of all Somaliland which looked on him as an amusing comic figure. Many of those who would have defended Lascanod died in the south defending instead President Abdullahi Yusuf and his government with no thanks or reward to the SSC people or indemnity to their bereaved families.


The worst president Puntland had so far, certainly from the Khaatumo State's perspective, is the incumbent one, better known as Faroole, an Australian citizen and a former taxi driver in Australia. Unscrupulous, venal and fiendish, he would have been better cast as a shady Hollywood gangster than one cut out for a president even for a God-forsaken place. People's faces are like mirrors reflecting their true persona, and Faroole's own is displayed all over his crooked face.


No need to blame the suffering Puntlanders. It is not them who elect their presidents or parliamentarians in a free and fair elections. This is the preserve of an organised clan-based jamboree where money changes hands, sordid backroom deals done, and only those candidates with the deepest pockets and ready to pay selectors lavishly come on top. When that kind of practice rules, you get the leaders they produce a la Faroole- a true gangster if there was one.


Arrogant, abrasive and increasingly autocratic, Faroole has turned Puntland into his own family business, a la Bashir Assad and former deposed Arab dictators and autocrats. Unabashedly, he and his son greedily siphon off State resources as depicted vividly in Amin Amin's cartoons. Under his presidency, Puntland has descended from its earlier enviable stability under president Abdullahi Yusuf into one where serious fault lines and schisms had opened up, lawlessness and targeted assassinations became routine, and some clans are openly threatening to withdraw from Puntland and form their own administrations, taking a leaf out of the SSC's book. A domino effect is underway if not the demise of Puntland itself. How ironic that as the SSC people rise up from its hole, Puntland under Faroole is heading that way.


When it comes to his bad blood with the SSC people, a little bit of Freudian psychoanalysis is in order. It all goes back to the time when he was a junior officer with one of the Somali national banks in Mogadishu. People who knew him from that era explain his current obvious antipathy towards the SSC people (now the Khaatumo State of Somalia) as dating back to this time and to his consuming bitter resentment against his former boss for holding up his promotions. Faroole, they said, never forgives and forgets and his hostility towards his now deceased boss has since metamorphosed into hatred and revenge against his SSC people.


Faroole's deep rooted animus towards the SSC is clear from his current stance where he is determined to block all avenues and close all doors for the SSC to get out of its hole under Somaliland's occupation: On the one hand, he does not want to free Lascanod as is incumbent upon Puntland's administrations; on the other hand, he opposes and obstructs any SSC initiative to liberate their regions and establish their own administrations as he is now doing to Khaatumo State and did before to the SSC Hogaan; and worse, he will go to all extents to collude with Somaliland in order to perpetuate their concocted "dispute" over the territory in order to block the international community from directly dealing with the SSC people and their Khaatumo State for their different reasons and benefits.


Nothing shows Faroole's treacherous animosity than his vindictive, mean speech the other day, in which he attacked the Khaatumo State and its founders, giving badly needed succour and support to Siilaanyo at a time when his wild dogs were mercilessly attacking Buuhoodle and tormenting the helpless people of Lascanod. It is no accident that these two neighbouring regional administrations were acting in unison in orchestrating their verbal and physical aggression against the Khaatumo State and its people.


In his speech, Faroole rubbished the legitimacy of the Khaatumo State on the ground that it was established "by few trouble makes from outside who threaten the peace of Somaliland and Puntland and disturb the stability of the region". He has been echoing ad nauseam the same mantra from Somaliland. If Faroole and his Somaliland partners expect the world to believe that the Khaatumo State proclaimed by the Taleex conference - which was attended by nearly 2000 delegates and observers, and representing the entirety of the SSC civil society, including the diaspora, all the Garaads, Ogaas, sultans, chiefs, as well as religious leaders, women, etc and which was acclaimed inside and outside Somalia - was one masterminded by few troublemakers from outside, then they can only live in a cloud cuckoo land. They are free to fool themselves but no one else takes their nonsense seriously, least of all the international community.


The other side of their argument is that the few SSC mercenaries, turncoats and guest workers in their pay are the true representatives of the SSC and that is why the SSC regions are part of Puntland or Somaliland as they both claim for their different reasons. Just to prove that point, Faroole was flanked as he spoke by a beaming self-satisfied "vice president" Abdisamed Ali Shire and receiving rapturous applause from parliamentarians masquerading as the representatives of the SSC regions long after its people had left Puntland and formed their own separate Khaatumo State.

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What puzzles many people within the SSC community and among the Somali people at large is that it should have taken them so long to leave Puntland and form their Khaatumo State when this need was plainly overdue years ago when they could had avoided their current situation and in particular Somaliland's occupation. All the same, it is better late than never and what matters now is that the Khaatumo State of Somalia has finally been established. And today, the resilient persevering people of the State are no longer holed up in their mire but are on the march undeterred by Faroole's futile fulminations or Siilanyo marauding and murderous militia.


"Despite the formation of their Khaatumo State, the people from the SSC regions will continue to maintain, and if anything strengthen, their unshakeable brotherly relations with the people of Puntland. Indeed, the SSC people are touched and grateful for the moral and material support they receive from them at this time of Siilaanyo's aggression against Buuhooldle when Faroole in contrast is only stabbing them in the back. Gaalkacyo above all had taken a special place in the hearts and minds of the SSC people. Winston Churchill was once asked what he thought of France. He replied that it would have been a great country if only without the French! Equally, Puntland would have been a splendid place without Faroole. Spare a thought for the great people of Puntland."


Osman Badawi, Chairperson

Foreign Relations Commission, Khaatumo State of Somalia

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^Simply a ridiculous article. Now's not the time for Khatuumo leadership to be talking about Faroole - there are bigger fish to fry.

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ElPunto;790539 wrote:
^Simply a ridiculous article. Now's not the time for Khatuumo leadership to be talking about Faroole - there are bigger fish to fry.

Maybe according to Faroole supporters, it is a ridiculous article, but from our Khaatumo perspective it is a great article. About a week ago, Faroole started insulting and condemning Khaatumo State of Somalia, Khaatumo People have no choice, they have to respond Faroole's false accusations. About ago Faroole said " I request our Ethoipian Friends to mediate between Puntland & Somaliland, (NOT Khaatumo State & Somaliland)." He added " Khaatumo State want to create war and instability in North Somalia, particularly between two friends Somaliland and Somaliland"

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When you're in a predicament and you look at everyone else to lay blame on - you are by definition ridiculous. But do carry on.

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ElPunto;790559 wrote:
When you're in a predicament and you look at everyone else to lay blame on - you are by definition ridiculous. But do carry on.

Last week Faroole started insulting and blaming Khaatumo people and leadership. We have no choice but to respond his uncalled insults and false accusations.

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Did you read what you posted?? A/Y, Cadde, Faroole all contributed to SSC predicament and no Xaabsade and the others.


If you want to get back at Faroole - do so by mentioning only him but if you want to indulge in fantasies - articles of this type are the ticket.

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Liibaan February 08, 2011

Faroole: "Maamulka Khaatumo Waa Qaswadayaal , Itoobiya Waa Dal Saxiib Ah. Itoobiya Nabad Ayee La Rabtaa Somaliland Iyo Puntland. Waxaan Itoobiya u Soo Jeedinayaa Inay Dhexdhaxaadiso Somaliland iyo Puntland. Itoobiya Waaxaan u Sheegayaa Khaatumo Waa Qaswadayaal, Dhibtana Ayagaa Ka Danbeeya, Madaxda Khaatumo Cidna Ma Ma Talaan"


Xuquuqda Qoraalada, sawirada iyo warbixin kasta waxay gaar u tahay (RBC Radio). Lama adeegsan karo, dib looma daabici karo, lama baahin karo ama kambayuutar laguma keydsan karo si toos ah iyo si dadban intuba, haddii aan fasax laga heysan maamulka (RBC Radio). Fadlan hana xadin



Madaxweyne Faroole


Garoowe[RBC Radio] Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Cabdirixmaan Shiikh Maxamed Faroole oo ka hadlay dagaalkii ku dhexmaray Ciidamo ka tirsan Somaliland iyo Ciidamada Khaatumo deegaanka ah hiirtii waarberi deegaanka Sool-joogto iyo Maygaagle, isagoona sheegay in ay si weyn u Canbaareynayaan kuna tilmaamay Maamulka Khaatumo Satate mid Qaswade ah.


Madaxweyne Faroole oo Warbaahinta kula hadlay magaalada Garoowe ayaa sheegay in Xukuumada Somaliland ay weerar qaawan kusoo qaado magaalada Buuhoodle bishii January 15- keedii,waxaana uu ku tilmaamay in nasiib daro ay tahay in goobo ay ku sugan yihiin dad xoolo dhaqato ah ay weerarto.


….”Waxaa nasiib darro ah in Xukuumada Somaliland ay weerar qaawan kusoo qaado magaalada Buuhoodle bishii January 15- keedii,sida ay nagu soo gaarayaan Wararku saaka mar kale ayey soo weerartay deegaanka ,iyadoo Ciidamadeedu fadhiyeen goobihii miyiga ee xooluhu biyaha ka cabayeen…”ayuu yiri Faroole.


Maamulka Soomaliland ayuu ugu baaqay in si degdeg ah uu Ciidamadiisa ugala baxo deegaanka Buuhoodle iyo deegaanada kale ee ay ku sugan yihiin,wuxuuna xusay in hawsha dagaal ay wado deegaanka Buuhoodle Somaliland ay ka dhalan karto dagaal sokooye.


….”Dawladda Somaliland waa in ay ka baxdaan magaalada Laascaanood si degdeg ah oo aysan ka qeybgelin Shirka Landon Ciidamadeeda oo ku sugan Laascaanood….:ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Faroole.


Siyaasiyiinta kasoo jeeda Maamulka Khaatumo ayuu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin kuwa xukun ku raadinaya masiirka Shacabkooda, kuwaas oo u horseedaya dhibaato hor leh,waxaana uu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin qaswadaal siyaasadeed.


Beesha Caalamka ayuu Faroole u sheegay in aysan Shirka lagu qaban doono magaalada Landon ee cariga Ingiriika loogu yeerin ama laga qeybelin dad si weyn uga soo horjeeda nabada iyo wada noolaanshaha.


Sidoo kale Dawladda Itoobiya ayuu ka codsaday in ay runta u sheego Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Siilaanyo oo hadda ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa iyo kuwa uu ku sifeeyey in ay yihiin qaswadayaal.


Si kastaba hadalkan Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa imaanaya xili deegaanka Sool-joogto iyo Maygaagle ee deegaanka Buuhoodle uu Saaka hiirtii waaberi uu ka socdo dagaal aan caga fiican ku taagneyn kaas oo sababay khasaare isugu jira dhimashi,dhaawac iyo kahaasre hantiyeed.


RBC Radio

Xafiiska Wararka Boosaaso

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February 08, 2011

Faroole: "Maamulka Khaatumo Waa Qaswadayaal , Itoobiya Waa Dal Saxiib Ah. Itoobiya Nabad Ayee La Rabtaa Somaliland Iyo Puntland. Waxaan Itoobiya u Soo Jeedinayaa Inay Dhexdhaxaadiso Somaliland iyo Puntland. Itoobiya Waaxaan u Sheegayaa Khaatumo Waa Qaswadayaal, Dhibtana Ayagaa Ka Danbeeya, Madaxda Khaatumo Cidna Ma Ma Talaan"

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ElPunto;790570 wrote:
Did you read what you posted?? A/Y, Cadde, Faroole all contributed to SSC predicament and no Xaabsade and the others.


If you want to get back at Faroole - do so by mentioning only him but if you want to indulge in fantasies - articles of this type are the ticket.




Khaatumo State was established to discredit and defeat traitors like Xaabsade & AbdiSamed before Sillaanyo and Faroole. Xaabsade & AbdiSamed Co were not invited to Khaatumo II Grand Conference for good reasons.


A/Yusuf and Cadde Muuse started Puntland's Anti- SSC/Khaatumo Policy, Faroole is continuing the same failed Puntland policy toward SSC/Khaatumo State. Faroole is exceptional, because he is more extremist, more anti-SSC/Khaatumo. And also Faroole is adding insults to the injury.

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President Farole iyo codbaahiyaha marar badan baa idhi ha la kala fogeeyo balse laygama hoos qaadin. Prof. Galaydh put President Farole in his place but I disagree with him where he stated; we don't need your support. We actually need the support of any Somali be Puntlanders or rest of Somalis however, Faroole exhibits some signs of emptiness and hopelessness at times and is an enemy to himself umaba baahna cid wax ka sheegta. If I were him I would leave Khaatumo people to their own devices but af aanad lahayn ma qaban kartid.

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