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Djibouti Envoy arrives in Puntland (Pictures)

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Waxaa Maanta Soo Gaaray Magaalada Garowe ee Xarunta Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Wafti Ballaaran oo ka Socda Dowlada Jabouti.


Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa garoonka diyaaradaha ku soo dhaweeyey wafdi heer sare ah ee kasocda Dowladda Jabouti kaasi oo uu horkacayey wasiirka awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta Xaamud Cabdi Suldaan.

Waxa ku weheliyey socdaalka wasiirka agaasimaha guud ee madaxoyada Jabouti Ismaaciil Xuseen Taani iyo taliyaha amaanka Jabouti Xasan Siciid Kheyre iyo u qaybsanaha Puntland ee Jabouti Cali Cabdi Awaare.

Ka dib salaam sharaf ay ka qaateen cutubyo katisan daraawiishta Puntland iyo ciidamada bambeyda ayaa loo galbiyey dhanka aqalka martida ee loogu talo galay wafdigan Jabouti ka socde,waxana Dr.Farole uu u sheegay inay farxad u tahay imaatinkooda iyo weliba ka qaybgalka shirka dastuurka Somalia.






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