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Way to go turkey

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Mario B   

Cambuulo iyo bun;789883 wrote:
im talking about flying from the west to mogadishu that is over 1k my friend why waste on 3 days in mog

If i'm flying to Xamar at that cost, I'll be staying for a month...Anyway I read somewhere that the tickets are 450 Euros....I think the Gov should build a tent city near the beach like they do in safari tours....they can charge $10 a nite. :D:D This numpties dont know how to run a country...the GOV should be creating it's own enterprises. We can't be beggars forever. :D

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Maybe if u a non Muqdishawiya i wouldn't pay 1k for 3 days and spend the rest in nairobi heck i wont even have time to se all the relatives, badda geel laq,Liido, Jaziiro and the rest of Mogadishu,, the most people i know who went has been gone for at least 2 weeks man..

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Mario B;789885 wrote:
If i'm flying to Xamar at that cost, I'll be staying for a month...Anyway I read somewhere that the tickets are 450 Euros....I think the Gov should build a tent city near the beach like they do in safari tours....they can charge $10 a nite.
:D This numpties dont know how to run a country...the GOV should be creating it's own enterprises. We can't be beggars forever.

Nice man make sure u have a good time! Im so jelous im planning to go in the summer 2012 after 18 years , i'll be gone at least 2 month.


rebuilding of the city has already started sxb, you'll see soon my friend, i know a lot of ppl who are planning to open shops,restaurants, hotels.. Inshallah kheyr

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Gheelle.T;789610 wrote:
^Waryaa NG, baryahan xanaaq baa kaa soo haray ma istiri


Waryaa your questions are valid, but we still don't have more details to answer them. Speculate that's all for now. If Turkish Airlines offers cheaper tickets from Europe to Mogadishu with out going through all the transits (Nairobi, Addis, Dubai, Djabouti) headaches, don't you think majority of Somalis will travel by TA? Given that Mog be a connecting point to the rest of the country.

Adeer xanaaq maaha ee raga weyne markay sheeko ciyaal kuula yimaadan, waa inaad isha ku gubtid uun. If I wanted the kind of discussion that intellectual infants engage in, I'd go have a conversation with Somalia, Hermit or Africa Own.

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Aragtida Dadweynaha ee ku aaddan Duulimaadyada ay Diyaaradda Turkish Airlines ka billaabayso Soomaaliya


Khamiis, Feberaayo 16, 2012 (HOL) − Iyadoo toddobaadka soo socda lagu wado in Turkish Airlines ay billowdo duulimaayadii ugu horreeyay ee ay ku tagayso magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa arrintan aragiyo kala duwan ka bixiyay shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Hadal qoraal ah oo arbacadii ay soo saartay shirkadda ayay ku sheegtay in lixda bisha Maarso ee fooda nagu soo haysa ay si toos ah u billaabi doonto duulimaadyo ay ku tagayso Muqdisho.


Go’aankaan ay diyaarada Turkigu uga shaqo billaabayso Soomaaliya ayaa yimid bilo kaddib markiii ra’iisul wasaaraha dalkaas, Recep Tayyip Erdogan uu booqasho rasmi ah sanadkii hore ku tagay Muqdisho si uu muujiyo baahida loo qabo in la kordhiyo gargaarka dadka macaluushu ku habsatay iyo in laga qaybqaadan karo dib-u-dhiska dal ay colaaduhu ka socdeen muddo 20-sano ka badan.


Ra’isul wasaare Erdogan wuxuu xiligaas ku dhawaaqay in dalkiisu tageero lixaad leh ka gaysan doono sidii wax looga qaban lahaa xaaladda murugsan ee Soomaaliya ka jirta, gaar ahaan inuu diiradda saari doono dhinaca horumarinta bani’aadamnimada.


Dowladda Turkiga ayaa waxay durbadiiba dib u furtay safaaraddeedii Soomaaliya, waxaana haatan ay halkaas ka wadaa mashaaric kala duwan oo isugu jira gargaar loo fidinayo dadka tabaaleysan, dib-u-dhiska iyo waliba horumarinta dhinacyada bulshada, waxaana diyaaradoodu ay Soomaaliya tegi doontaa toddobaadkiiiba labo goor, iyadoo wax ugu badan ee ay halkaasi geyn doonto ay noqon doonaan adeeg lagu fulinayo howlaha ay dowladda Turkigu kawaddo Soomaaliya.


Tilaabadaan ay ku dhawaaqday dowladda Turkiga ayaa waxay dad badani u arkaan inay tahay mid soo celinaysa rajada Soomaaliya oo burbur iyo ammaan xumo ay ka jirtay waqti dheer, isla markaan ay kusoo jeedinayso indhaha beesha caalamka.


"Waa tallaabo muhiim ah... waxayna tusaale u tahay soo noolaanshihii dowladnimo ee Soomaaliya... waana mid isku xiraysa Soomaaliya iyo caalamka intiisa kale... sidoo kale waxay dadka Soomaaliyeed ee qurba-joogta ah ku dhiiri-gelinaysaa inay dib u laabtaan oo ay ka qaybqaataan dib-u-dhiska dalkooda," ayuu HOL u sheegay Maxamed Cali oo mar horay isugu sharraxay jagada madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.


Qaar ka mid ah dowladaha waaweyn ee caalamka iyo kuwa gobolka ayaa bilihii ugu dambeeyay bilaabay dhaqdhaqaaqyo militeri iyo kuwo siyaasadeed kuwaasoo himiladoodu tahay sidii wax looga qaban lahaa mushkilada ka taagan dalka ku yaalla geeska Afrika ee Soomaaliya taasoo xiligaan laga cabsi qabo inay ku baahdo gobolka iyo meelo kale.


Dowlada Britain, ayaa dhankeeda toddobaadka soo socda lagu wadaa inay dalkeeda ku marti-galiso shir caalami ah oo looga arrinsanayo xaaladda Soomaaliya, kaasoo ay ka qayb-gali doonaan hor-joogeyaasha Soomaalida, madaxda in ka badan 50 dal iyo ururro caalami ah.


Maxamed Faarax Talyaani

Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Well done. Not sure about the route though. If it lands in UAE then goes direct to Xamar great. If not then it might be a bit of a damp squib.


Who operates the airport in Xamar?

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^^ Will work fine for me if the price is ok and there are connecting flights to H town when I go in April. It means I may go direct to Istanbul and not come and bother you in Dubai. ;)


(but still, two flights a week?).



426 Euros for a direct flight? If the connecting flights cost no more than 100 euros, it'll still be cheaper than the current stuff.

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Many families have a holiday within a holiday by stopping in the UAE for shopping etc. If you were brave enough you would open a dirac shop or two in Istanbul :D

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NGONGE;789971 wrote:


426 Euros for a direct flight? If the connecting flights cost no more than 100 euros, it'll still be cheaper than the current stuff.

It is not a direct flight per say - one connection flight from london to istanbul - one stop over at khartoum and then Mogadishu - still better though.

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The Turks also made improvements on the airport in Xamar.




I believe there is a private company that runs the airport operations in Xamar. Nomad Somalina had a spectacular pics about the airport since this company took over.

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NG, lol@isha ku gubtid. Waryaa that's bridge boy's talk :)


Back to TK airlines, two flights a week might be stretch, but who knows they may use smaller jets from Khartoum to Mogadisho. Either way, this will be a good start.

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GT, qofkii marko hadalka caadiga fahmi waayo, dee kuu fahmo uun ba lagu hadla. I know it works. Ma caleena anyway. That's for another thread and another talk.


Sayid, even better. I always wanted to go to Khartum. The price is still good (which makes it even more amazing that they'll do two trips per week).

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^You want to go to every Arab country dee :D


Xiin, if it's a private Somali company, fine. If not, it should be. Xamar airport is getting back on the maps of all major airlines. Now for the hotels and safety and security.

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