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Puntland Govt Denies Its Soldiers Were Killed at Sugurre

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Puntland oo beenisey in deegaanka Sugurre ciidamo looga laayey


Updated:- 1 min ago| 0 Commnets


Dowlada Puntland ayaa beenisey war ay qaar kamid ah Saxaafadda Soomaalidu baahisey maalin nimadii shalay.


Warkaas oo ahaa in ciidamo badan oo kuwa ammaanka Puntland ka tirsan lagu laayey deegaanka (Sugurre) ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa lagu tilmaamay mid aan sal iyo raad lahayn.


Afhayeenka dowlada Puntland Axmed Cumar Xirsi (Libaax-joorre) oo maanta magaalada Garoowe Saxaafadda shir ugu qabtay ayaa sheegay in uusan jirin wax dagaal ah oo deegaankaas ka dhacay.


Libaax-joorre waxa kale oo uu tilmaamay warka sheegaya in askar 20 ku dhow lagu laayey deegaankaasi uu yahay mid been abuur ah xaqiiqadana aad uga fog, wuxuuna intaas raaciyey uusn jirin wax isa hor imaad ah oo goobtaas ka dhacay.


Hadalka dowlada Puntland kasoo baxay ayaa yimid kadib markii qaar kamid ah warbaahinta Soomaaliya gaar ahaan kuwa koonfurtu ay baahiyeen in kooxda Shabaabka xiriirka la leh ee buuraleyda Golis ay laayeen 17-askari oo Puntland ka tirsan.


Sugurre oo qiyaastii 4okm dhinaca koonfur galbeed magaalada Boosaaso kaga beegan waxaa ku sugan ciidamo tira badan oo ka irsan laamaha ammaanka ee Puntland, horayna deegaankaas waxaa uga dhacay dagaalo dhexmaray ciidamada dowladda iyo kooxaha hubeysan ee buuraeyda Golis.


Horseed Media

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We already knew this. The secessionists make up stories as they go along.


Like life in limbo, they've been living that for 20 years, ain't nobody know it better than them.

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wait untill Mintid Farayar wakes up from last night's chewing session, and you will see how he floods the site with grieve laden fake/negative news about Puntland in the site .

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peasant;789683 wrote:
Macna Yare meesha wax weyn kuma hayee, isagu burburkii dowlad beleedki snm ayuu weli la taahaya.

LOL@burburkii snm ayuu weli la taahaya


How true.


Macno Yare has a deep seated cuqdad against Puntland so much so that he forgets the fake news he procures has no an iota of credibility and can be easily shot down with hard truths .

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