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Final Exam!

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The End of the Hegira year is approaching, just like the final exams around the corner. Muslim Pilgrims are making their journey to Makkah responding to Abraham's Duaa and Allah's call for Hajj.


These Pilgrims are mostly old, though increasingly young, all of them seeking Allah's forgiveness and mercy for all of their bad behaviors in the past.


Some of these Pilgrims have lived a pious and righteous lives, while others lived on the fast lane, only to realize at the last minute, that the hour of truth is catching up with them, so once more, they pull the same trick as in their college Freshmen years:


Cram For their Finals!



You see Nomad, in College, the final exam paper, depending on the subject, has some four main questions, and 50 minutes to answer, how about a Final Exam with Four Questions, with more time, like 50,000 Years! ( The day of judgement is equivalent to 50,000 Earthly years) .


That's right saaxib, here are the questions on the Final Exam, this is an open book ( Quraan + Sunnah ) exam.


عنْ عُمُرِهِ فيما أفناهُ وعنْ جسدِه فيما أبْلاهُ وعنْ مالهِ مِنْ أيْنَ أخذهُ وفيما أنْفَقَهُ وعنْ عِلمِهِ ماذا عَمِلَ بهِ".



1. Your Lifetime: How have you utilized it?


2. Your body: What have you done with it?


3. Your Wealth : How have you earned it, and how have you disposed of it?


4. Your Knowledge: In what activities have you employed it?, what results have you accomplished with it and for what purpose?



Time for answering this paper?



50,000 Years!


Against, a Semester of 60-70 years, and planet earth as your classroom.



Are You ready for your Finals?






2007 eNuri Softwaano Series

Be Humble, Don't Gamble!

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The best days on earth are upon us, the Layalin Cashr, the ten days of Dhil Hijjah. In these days our good deeds and charity earn us more credit than at any other time in the year, the Prophet SAWS said, a charity in these ten days of the month of Dhul Hijjah are equivalent in value to a Mujaahid who left with all of his possessions and person in the cause of Allah and never came back.


This is a reminder for all of you to take advantage of these blessed days in as many ways of charitable deeds, specially to alleviate the pain that has befallen our people in the current adversity of famine, war and now heavy rains.



May Allah Bless you all




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