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How do you know how much they are worth?


Waxaad ogtahay ka hadal, millions inuu haysto see ku ogaatey? bank statement kiisa maa furtaa bil walba? cajiib.

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Somalina;789793 wrote:
How do you know how much they are worth?


Waxaad ogtahay ka hadal, millions inuu haysto see ku ogaatey? bank statement kiisa maa furtaa bil walba? cajiib.

There were reliable reports that he has offshore accounts in Malaysia. This is known like the sky is blue. Look outside your window, the sky is likely to be blue, the same way if you look at Shariif Sakiin, you know he's likely to be loaded.

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Somalina;789793 wrote:
How do you know how much they are worth?


Waxaad ogtahay ka hadal, millions inuu haysto see ku ogaatey? bank statement kiisa maa furtaa bil walba? cajiib.

Why are you asking for 'ballpark figures' if you want certainty and 'bank statement'? Cajeeb. Waxaa rabtid faseex ka dhig.

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ElPunto;789770 wrote:
It really doesn't matter. Can any of them compete with Shariif Sakiin in terms of money, influence peddling and sheer political survival skills? Kuli daqad buu ka wada turayaa.

Shariif Xasan dad la tartami jiray oo ka quustay ayaa dhaho dadka ayuu sixraa ee iska jir yaanan lagu sixrin. 058.gif Qaarkood ka darana owliyo waaye ku sheegaanba because of ehelka uu ka dhashay. Koow. Ninkaas waala buun buuniye.

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ElPunto;789798 wrote:
Why are you asking for 'ballpark figures' if you want certainty and 'bank statement'? Cajeeb. Waxaa rabtid faseex ka dhig.

Waxaan ku weydiiyey, waxaad tiri wuu ka maal badan yahay wasiirada dhan marka la isku daro, haddaba wasiirada waxa ay haystaan ma ogtahay? waa maya, wuxuu Sakin haysto ma ogtahay? waa maya, haddaba sidee ku ogaatey inuu ka maal badan yahay ayagoo dhan marka la isku daro?, su'aashaas ayaa meesha taalo.


Sababta aan kuu dhahay waxaadan ogeyn haka hadlina waa taas. Wax kale ma ahan yaah. I hope inaad fahamtey.



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^Reread the last 2 words of that sentence. It ends with 'I suspect'. That doesn't imply certain knowledge. It implies a suspicion. And anyone can air their suspicions. Though these suspicions aren't held by me alone. I hope you faham maintenant.



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The Zack   

Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;789746 wrote:
Tana ku dara:


Wasiirka cusub ee arrimaha dibadda oo shalay la magacaabay C/llaahi Xaaji Xasan, oo hore u ahaa wasiirka beeraha = Reer Kanada


Saan ayee ahayd dowladii Farmaajo. Tii Ina C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarkena saan camal ayee ahayd qaarkood wasiiradiisa. Reer Qurbojoog dalka wareeriye, oo jeebabkooda inay soo buuxsadaan u baxay, siiba Reer Kanada iyo Mareykanka. Reer Ingiriis sadexeeyo.

Ina Sharmarke had lots of the ex-warlords and corrupt individuals in his cabinet. The real change was implemented by none but Farmaajo. He was the first PM (since Somalia has failed) that excluded all warlords and criminals from his cabinet. Abdiwali did a great job following those foot steps.


P.s. Baddalitaanka wasiirka dibadda lagu baddalay kan beeraha, reer Bay and Baydhabo waa ka xanaaqeen, it violates the holy 4.5 system. They said they want "wasiir xoog leh",not a mere beeraha post LOL.

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P.s. Baddalitaanka wasiirka dibadda lagu baddalay kan beeraha, reer Bay and Baydhabo waa ka xanaaqeen, it violates the holy 4.5 system. They said they want "wasiir xoog leh",not a mere beeraha post LOL.

Ee aloore qof wax la socdo uma ekid. Wasiirka hore arrimaha dibadda (Max'ed Max'uud Xaaji Ibraahim) Reer Diinsoor ayuu ahaa, kan badalayna (C/llaahi Xaaji Xasan) Reer Baydhabo iyo agagaarkaas ka soo jeedaa. Iyagaa isdhaafsaday the two posts.


Reer Diinsoor iyo kuwa dega Shabeellaha Hoose ka carooday, not kuwa Baydhabo dego, isku badalka la sameeye. C/llaahi Xaaji Xasan shaqsi ahaantiisa u aqaanaa, Reer Windsor, Ontario, ayuu ahaan jiray.

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The Zack   

^You basically agreed with what I posted. Isn't Diinsoor in Bay, reer Diinsoor waa xanaaqsan yahiin duqa. They want their "foreign" ministry back. I might have said reer Baydhabo and Reer Baay, but the point is clear.


Talaabada leysugu badalay wasiirrada ka tirsan xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyayba siweyn loo hadal hayay, waxaana xusid mudan in mudnayaal ka tirsan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo ka soo jeeda beesha ***** horay uga digeen is badalkan noocan ah oo sida ay sheegeen carqaladeyn kara hab-ka ay ku dhisan tahay dowladda ee 4.5

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;789754 wrote:
Abwaan, meesha ka kac yaaqeey, wax doono inta meesha lagu kala kicin. Mise Agoosto 2012 sugeysaa. 'Yes, we can' olole ku jirtaa miyaa.


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