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The real 4.5 power-sharing

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Dowladda hadda jirto waxaa u horboodo wasiiradaan:

  1. Ra'iisul wasaaraha C/weli Maxamed Cali - Reer Mareykan
  2. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Maxamed Maxamuud Xaaji Ibraahim - Reer Ingiriis
  3. Wasiirka gaashaandhigga - Xuseen Carab Ciise - Reer Mareykan
  4. Wasiirka maaliyadda C/naasir Maxamed Cabdulle - Reer Mareykan
  5. Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha C/samad Macalin Maxamuud - Reer Kanada
  6. Wasiirka warfaafinta iyo isgaarsiinta C/qaadir Xuseen Maxamed - Reer Ingiriis
  7. Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo warshadaha C/wahaab Ugaas Xuseen - Reer Iswiidhan
  8. Wasiirka caafimaadka C/casiis Sheekh Maxamuud - Reer Mareykan
  9. Wasiirka dastuurka iyo dibuheshiinta C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil - Reer Kanada
  10. Wasiirka qorsheynta iyo iskaashiga caalamiga C/llaahi Goodax Barre - Reer Mareykan

Out of 19, ten are listed. Kuwa kale wasiirada ah qaarkood lama hubo baasaboorada kale ay wataan. Kuwaan kor ku xusan waala hubaa.


Marka sidaa aragtid bahda Reer Mareykan sadbursi ayee wadaan.

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Carafaat;789546 wrote:
Waan yaabanahay niyow, aduunka Somali kale ma joogaan tolow.

Sxb, adiga maad orodid? Hadii aad meesha kujire laheed, adigaan kuu GALIN la'haa.:) waana iga run. Laakinse, SoL maxaad u qaban laheed? Niyow?

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It tells you how the nation has been brain drained. Majority of the people with technical skills live outside the country, hence why the diaspora fill any meaningful positions in governments, NGOs, and even in private sectors.

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Tana ku dara:


Wasiirka cusub ee arrimaha dibadda oo shalay la magacaabay C/llaahi Xaaji Xasan, oo hore u ahaa wasiirka beeraha = Reer Kanada


Saan ayee ahayd dowladii Farmaajo. Tii Ina C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarkena saan camal ayee ahayd qaarkood wasiiradiisa. Reer Qurbojoog dalka wareeriye, oo jeebabkooda inay soo buuxsadaan u baxay, siiba Reer Kanada iyo Mareykanka. Reer Ingiriis sadexeeyo.

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Carafaat;789537 wrote:
Isweedhan clearly is 0,5.

lol...Kuwa Soomaaliya ka soo galay maba ku jiraan haye? May be they are...

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It really doesn't matter. Can any of them compete with Shariif Sakiin in terms of money, influence peddling and sheer political survival skills? Kuli daqad buu ka wada turayaa.

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^Haven't a clue - millions. More than all these and former ministers/presidents put together I suspect. Not bad for a man reputed to be illiterate. Walle wuu tabcay!

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