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Shirkada Biyaha Gaalkacyo oo Ceelal hor leh ka qotay Magaalada Gaalkacyo.

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Gaalkacyo( Shirkada biyaha Gaalkacyo ee GALWA ayaa maanta soo gabgabaysay qodida Ceelkii 6aad ee ka mid ah Ceelasha ay Magaalada Gaalkacyo biyaha ka siiso. Maareeyaha Shirkada Biyaha Gaalkacyo ee GALWA Fu’aad Abshir Xasan ayaa warbaahinta u xaqiijiyay in dadaal badan ay ku bixiyeen qodida Ceelkan si uu u buuxiyo Baahida Biyaha ee Magaaladan gaalkacyo ka jirta, iyadoo horay ay Celado kala duwan u soo gaareen Ceelashii ay shirkadu Magaalada biyaha ka siin jirtay.


Maareeyuhu wuxuu tilmaamay in ay dareen weyn u leeyihiin Cabashooyinka Bulshada uga iimanaya ee la xiriira baahida biyaha ee Magaalada ka taagan, wuxuuna ka dhawaajiyay in ay dadaal walba u galayaan sidii ay Magaalada qaybaheeda kala duwan biyo nadiif ah oo ku filan u gaarsiin lahaayeen.


Maxamuud Cabdi Yare oo ah Maamulaha Shirkada Qodida iyo Dayactirka Ceelasha ee Soomaaliya ayaa isna ka warbixiyay dadaalka ay qodida Ceelkan ku bixiyeen iyo mudada ay ku qaadatay, wuxuuse tilmaamay in Ceelkani uu wax badan ka tari doono Baahida Biyo ee Magaalada ka jirta.


Maxamuud wuxuu tilmaamay in ay shirkadiisu mudo kooban 15 maalmood ah ku soo gabagabaysay qodida Ceelkan oo ka mid ah Ceelasha ugu dhaadheer ee Soomaaliya laga qodo, wuxuuna sheegay in Ujeedadooda ay tahay in Bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee biyaha u baahan ay u hirgaliyaan ceelal ay si waafi ah uga cabaan.


Arrintani waxay ku soo aadaysaa xilli Qaybo badan oo ka mid ah Magaalada Gaalkacyo laga dareemayo biyo la’aan xilliyada qaarkood iyadoo taasi inta badan loo sababeeyo Cilado ku yimaada Ceelasha Shirkada iyo Xilliyada qaarkood oo ay ceelashu biyo yareeyaan.


Cumaryare, Gaalkacyo.











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Water...they couldnt find any in garowe and bosaso you had to go all the way south to Galkacyo for Water...remember you only get 25% of that water..the rest belongs to Galmudug, West Puntland State, Las Casry state as welll...hahah:D


haraaad ba dilay walahi...

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The Hermet;789066 wrote:
Wow water...they couldnt find any Garowe and Bosaso you had to go all the way south to Galkacyo for Water...remember you only get 25% of that water..the rest belongs to Galmudug, West Puntland State, Las Casry state as welll...hahah:D


haraaad ba dilay walahi...

this thread is not about your inferior complexity issues, fadlan stop trolling in other people's thread. Anyway, back to the thread.

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kingofkings;789067 wrote:
this thread is not about your inferior complexity issues, fadlan stop trolling in other people's thread. Anyway, back to the thread.

Aint you the primary example of how to "troll" on other peoples threads?? young WaterSearcher...:cool:

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The Hermet;789070 wrote:
Aint you the one who tought me how to "troll" on other peoples threads??

wow. i don't even know where to start. I taught you how to troll? well, it looks like i failed you and for that i'm sorry. However, if your serious about being a good troll, see my troll thread. It has good examples for you to follow if you're serious. On a serious note, the purpose of this thread is to inform others of the work that is taking place in Mudug. Therefore, if you have nothing to add, please exit the thread.

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The Hermet;789066 wrote:
Water...they couldnt find any in garowe and bosaso you had to go all the way south to Galkacyo for Water...remember you only get 25% of that water..the rest belongs to Galmudug, West Puntland State, Las Casry state as welll...hahah:D


haraaad ba dilay walahi...

Kulahaa "Watersearcher", the man is from an area that has no underground aquifers, there's a shortage of water in Hargeisa unlike anywhere else in Somalia and he has the nerve to talk.


Kingofkings are you listening to this? :D

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Somalia;789230 wrote:
Kulahaa "Watersearcher", the man is from an area that has no underground aquifers, there's a shortage of water in Hargeisa unlike anywhere else in Somalia and he has the nerve to talk.


Kingofkings are you listening to this?

i'm shamed for him and myself that i failed him as a teacher. oh the shame of failing a pupil. Anyway, regarding his lame comment and his sorry attempt to make himself feel good, my thoughts are; the poor triangle enclave kid did not see the water shortages that occurs in his secessionist region.

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the professionalism here is surprising. hard hats, logos, some semblance of professionalism. maryooley is on the right track me thinks. keep it up

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