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Diffrence between West-Puntland/Ras Caseyr and Maakhir/Khaatumo

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Taleexi;789731 wrote:
Bal halkaa maanta ha inoo joogto.

khatumooo o markalle la amusiyay...saxib iska amusaa walahi baacaaaac moyaane wax ad haysin ma jirto...the very city you claiming to be from your not even allowed to go to...dadkan maxa sharafti laga qaday..waa iska more khatumooo

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Somalina;789641 wrote:
If that's the case, there should be three administrations in Erigavo nooh. The SL flag flies high in that town just like it flies in LA.

:D I agree, one admin for every subclan nooh. But what to do with the sub-sub clans??


I remember there was even a party for something of Xingalool State in Sanaag, which is a sub-sub-sub clan.

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