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Somalia Constitutional Conference Phase 2 Begins In Garowe Feburary 15 2012

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Garoowe: Wefdiga Jabuuti oo booqday qaar kamid ah xarumaha Dowladda [sAWIRO]

Updated:- 22 hours ago| 0 Commnets


Wefdiga dalka Jabuuti ka jooga magaalada Garoowe ee ka qayb gelaya shirka wadatashiga ayaa maanta booqday qaar kamid ah xarumaha dowlada.


Wefdigan oo uu horkacayo wasiirka cadaaladda ee dalka Jabuuti ayaa waxaa kormeerkooda ku weheliyey madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Gen. Cabdisamed Cali Shire.


Waxaana goobaha ay maanta booqdeen kamid ah xarumaha wasaaradaha waxbarashada, arimaha gudaha, Baarlamaanka, iyo madaxtooyada.


Xarunta wasaarada waxbarashada ee Puntland oo ay wefdigaasi Saxaafadda kula hadleen ayaa waxaa kusoo dhoweeyey mas’uuliyiin wasaarada waxbarashada ka tirsan oo uu kamid yahay agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Maxamed Cabdi wahaab.


Wuxuuna sidoo kale ka warbixiyey marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee ay waxbarashada Puntland soo martay iyo heerka ay maanta marayso, isagoo xusay in wasaaradu ay dadaal badan ku bixisay sidii Puntland dhinaca waxbarashada looga horumarin lahaa guulo badanna ay soo hoydey.


Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland oo isagu wefdigaas ku weheliyey kormeerka ay maanta ku sameeyeen qaar kamid ah xarumaha dowlada ee Garoowe ayaa sheegay inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin booqashada ay wefdigani Garoowe kusoo gaareen.


Wuxuuna mahad balaaran u jeediyey dowlada Jabuuti iyo shacabkeedaba isagoo sheegay in Jabuuti ay mar walba tahay dowlad jecel horumarka dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed islamarkaana ay qayb weyn ka qaadatay dadaalada la rabo in Soomaaliya dib loogu dhiso.


Wasiirka cadaaladda iyo awqaafta ee Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti oo isagu wefdigan hormuud u ah ayaa isna ku dheeraaday qiimaha ay waxbarashadu leedahay iyo sida ay waxbarashadu uga qayb qaadan karto xalinta khilaafaadka iyo horumarka guud.


Mr Xaamid waxa kale oo uu Puntland uga mahad celiyey horumarka balaaran ee ay ka samaysay dhinaca waxbarashada isagoo sheegay inay tahay wax lagu faano in Puntland ay horumar baaxad leh oo dhinac walba ah ku talaabsatay.


Waa markii ugu horeysey oo wefdi noocan ah oo dalka Jabuuti ka socdaa ay magaalada Garoowe iyo guud ahaan Puntland soo gaaraan, waxayna ujeedada ay xiligan Garoowe usoo gaareeni tahay sidii ay uga qayb qaadan lahaayeen wejiga 2-aad ee shirka Garoowe oo shalay furmay.


Maxamed Siciid Yuusuf

Horseed Media













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Madaxda Soomaaliya oo ka qayb galay bandhig faneed caawa ka dhacay Garoowe [sawiro]


Kooxda fanka ee Waabari Puntland ayaa caawa munaasibad ballaaran oo ka dhacday xarunta Jaamacada PSU kusoo bandhigay heeso iyo majaajilooyin ka turjumaya sida lagu baadi goobi karo maslaxada dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliya.


Waxaana kasoo qayb galay bandhig-faneedkaani Ergooyinkii Shirka wadatashiga Tasduurka uga socday magalada Garoowe oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Dowlaada fadaraalka Soomaaliya.Puntland ,Galmudug,ehlu suna waljameca iyo Marti sharaf kale oo caalamiya.


Kooxda fanka waabari Puntland oo u hogaanka hayo Abwaan Shubo ,ayaa caawa soo bandhigay Heeso wadani ah xanbaarsana midnimada qaranka iyo in hal meel looga soo wada jeesto danta Soomaaliya.


Heesahaasi iyo Riwaayado goos goos ah ka dib ,madaxdii kasoo qayb gashay waxay aad ula dhaceen qaabka wanaagsan ee loo jilay bandhigaani ka hadlay sida uu u socdo Shirka looga wadatashanayo tasduurka Soomaaliya.


Madaxwaynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Shiikh Maxamad (Faroole) oo marka uu dhamaaday bandhiga hadalo kooban soo jeediyay ayaa sheegay inuu ku farax san yahay sida ay waabari Puntland uga hadleen marxalada lagu jiro iyo sida looga bixi karo.


Wuxuuna sheegay Mudane Cabdiraxmaan qaabka looga bixi karo marxalada Soomaaliya ay ku jirto inay tahay cadaalada iyo in madaxda soomaaliya ay hal meel uga soo wada jeestaan qarannimada dalkeena Soomaaliya.


Cali Cabdi-casiis Ducaale (Fantastic)







Farole has the look in his face saying "Hoyadi Wasuhu Muxu Yiri". Alla odeygu dabecad xuma, imagine meeting the guy









I heard this man is causing problems at the conference


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Danjireyaal ka socda midowgya Yurub oo Garoowe soo gaarey


Updated:- 1 min ago| 0 Commnets


Garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Garoowe waxaa goor dhow kasoo degey wefdi heer sare ah oo ka socda qaar kamid ah dalalka ku bahoobey ururka midowga Yurub.


Wefdigan oo Safiiro u badan ayaa waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha kusoo dhoweeyey qaar kamid ah golaha wasiirada ee dowlada Puntland oo ay kamid yihiin wasiirka Maaliyadda, wasiirka maamul wanaagga, iyo xubno ka tirsan golaha Baarlamaanka.


Wefdiga EU ka socda ee Garoowe yimid ayaa waxaa kamid ah Safiirada Soomaaliya u qaabilsan dalalka Sweden, Italy, iyo Britain, waxaana sidoo kale goor dhow la filayaa in uu Garoowe soo gaaro madaxweynaha DKG ah ee Soomaaliya mudane Shariif sh. Axmed.


Ujeedada socdaalka wefdiga midowga Yurub ka socda ee Garoowe soo gaarey ayaa ah sidii ay uga qayb qaadan lahaayeen xiritaanka wejiga 2-aad ee shirka Garoowe oo qorshuhu yahay in maanta lasoo gaba gabeeyo.


Waxayna noqonaysaa markii ugu horeysey oo ay tira danjireyaal ah oo intaas le’eg kana socda dalalka ku bahoobay ururka midowgya Yurub ay magaala madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe soo gaaraan.


Horseed Media










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Madaxweyne Shariif Oo Saacadaha Soo Socda Ku biiraya Shirka Garoowe


Garoowe (RBC) Waxa saacadaha soo socda lagu wadaa in uu gaaro magalada Garoowe ee xarunta gobalka Nugaal wafdi uu hoggaaminaayo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed kuwaas oo ka qeybgalaya shirka Garoowe labo oo maalintii seddaxaad galay.


Shirka oo ummuuqda in wali aan xal laga gaarin muranka ka dhex jirra ergada ka qeyb galeysa, haddana waxa socda ukala dabqaadid markii ergada Galmudug ay ka caroodeen qodobo ka mid ahaa kuwii laga doodaayay.


Afhayeenka Puntland Axmed Cumar Xirsi oo la hadlay wariyaasha ayaa sheegay in uu wali taagan yahay khilaafka laakin ay rajo ka muujinayaan in la dhameeyo, wuxuuna sheegay in shirka wali socdo.


Wuxuu kaloo sheegay Libaax Joore in maanta shirka uu ka soo qeybagalaayo madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah Shariif Sheekh Axmed si goob jooga uga noqdo xiritaanka shirka Garoowe oo arbacadii ka furmay Jaamacadda PSU ee magaalada Garoowe.


Sidoo kale wuxuu saameen ku yeeshay shirka Garoowe muranka ka jirra gudiga dastuur u sameenta Soomaaliya ee madaxa banaan kuwaas oo saluugay xubno quburo ah oo lagu soo daray taas oo markale jahwareer ka dhex dhalisay shirka Garoowe.


Wasiirka dastuurka maamulka Puntland Dr. Cabdi Xasan Jimcaale oo la hadlaayay wariyaasha ayaa sheegay in shirka uu wali socda, ergada ka qeyb galeesana loo qeybiyay illaa seddax kooxood.


Kuwaas oo kala ah.


1- Guddi ka dooda qaabka Fadaraalka ee larabo in Soomaaliya ay qaadato, ma waxa uu noqon doonaa labo gobal iyo wax ka badan mise wax loo fiirin doonaa hadba gobalada xasiloon dalka.

2- Gudi ka dooda mabaa’ida shirka Garoowe ka soo baxa iyo sida loo dhaqan galin karo.

3- Gudi ka doodin doona habka dowladeeda ee la qaadan doono marka xiliga KMG ah uu dhamaado, ma waxaa uu noqon doona in dadka ay doortaan madaxweynaha, mise sida hadda loo doorto madaxweynayaasha


Ugu dambeen wuxuu sheegay Wasiirka dastuurka maamulka in shirka ilaa bari uu gaari doono oo qodobada kama dambeesta ay soo bixi doonaan.


RBC Radio


Xafiiska Wararka Garoowe

Wixii ku soo kordha markasta kala soco haddi alle idmo

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Somalia National Constitutional Conference (Garowe II)Garowe, Puntland State, Somalia


15-17 February 2012



Statement by the President of Puntland State of Somalia


H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole)


Excellencies, Distinguished Diplomats, Honorable Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen:


I am pleased to address this historic convention – the 2 Constitutional Conference here in Garowe. The first Conference showed Somalis and the world alike that: 1) conventions can be held inside Somalia, in areas of peace and stability, and 2) that there is a growing commitment from the Somali people and leadership to end the anarchy which touches on so many layers of our society.


It is our determination that this Garowe II Conference is held in a spirit of respect, mutual understanding, shared responsibility, and that this Conference plays a role in the concerted effort to save our beloved country and to realize the dream of


a peaceful and progressive Third Republic of Somalia. Today, the whole world is paying more attention to Somalia because of terrorism, piracy, famine, and refugees and immigration, proliferation of small arms, and general insecurity. It is paramount for the Somali people and leadership to understand and appreciate the world’s attention at this critical time of our history.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


I would like to briefly touch on key issues relating to the constitutional process. As part of the Roadmap peace process, the Garowe I Conference, held here 21-24


December 2011, laid the foundation for the ongoing constitutional process in Somalia.


The Garowe Principles agreement was a historic milestone towards developing the Federal Constitution and sanctioning the political institutions of a Somali federation. We have to give more attention to the constitution drafting process which requires time and specialized legal expertise in federal systems.


There are a number of key issues related to the constitutional process, namely: 1) the nature of federalism – many comparable examples in Australia, Malaysia and Canada; 2) the system of government – presidential or parliamentary; 3) the formation of Federal States and status of a federal capital; 4) the National Constituent Assembly; and finally, 5) the establishment of a bicameral Federal Parliament, where federal states are given a voice and balance in the national legislature – the upper chamber of parliament.


These are all important and relevant issues. Somalia has suffered a prolonged conflict in part because of decades of misrule that resulted in weak governance institutions, leading to complete collapse and fragmentation of the Somali nationstate in 1991. We have since been trying to bring together the Somali people and recover from war.


Delegates at this Conference have the noble opportunity to lead the Somali people towards a political system that is fair, dynamic and built on a strong foundation that incorporates our Islamic values, our Somali culture, and our local traditions.


This political system begins with a Federal Constitution. The type of federalism we would like to see for Somalia is a system where power and resource is divided between the states and the federal level. Gone are the days when power and resource was unfairly concentrated in a single city-state.


Expectedly, when Somalia’s central government collapsed in 1991, the nation-state collapsed with the fall of Mogadishu – a city-state under successive administrations since independence. This historic disaster should never be repeated and the Somali federation should provide space for political stability and economic development at the local and state levels, to ensure sustainable stability even if the center is threatened or falls. This is how government is managed – at the local level where people play the most important role and can solve and manage their own affairs.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


Our vision is to see a parliamentary federal system in order to better protect the interests of the people. Furthermore, we believe that the formation of Federal States – even those with nominal control – should be completed before the Federal


Constitution is finalized. This would allow space for federal states to jointly agree and sign a Federal Constitution, instead of a central government imposing a Federal Constitution upon future states.


The selection criterion for the National Constituent Assembly poses a dilemma and I urge Conference delegates to reflect deeply on resolving this issue. It is very difficult if not impossible to reconcile National Constituent Assembly member selection process with the 4.5 clan-based system. Our suggestion is to find a way to harmonize the 4.5 formula and the National Constituent Assembly selection process.


The Federal Parliament, as detailed in the Garowe Principles, shall have two houses: a Lower House based on 4.5 clan representation system for the coming four years, and after that to be based on constituencies; and an Upper House consisting of representatives from the Federal States. This provides the political entities that collectively form the federation with clear checks and balances within the national legislature.


Further, the bicameral Federal Parliament protects the voice of constituencies (citizens) as well as the voice of the federated units (states).


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


I am confident that a Conference held by Somalis inside Somalia will produce results that inspire our people and the world-at-large. Moreover, I am hopeful that the international community’s renewed interest and engagement in Somalia strengthens and reinforces ongoing progress towards sustainable peace, security, stability, and development and democracy.


Finally, I appeal to the Conference delegates and the Somali people in general to forgive each other, to forget the past, and to work collectively towards restoring the dignity and honor of Somalia and its people.


A successful conclusion at the Garowe II Conference will send the right signal around the world that Somalia is ready for sustainable peace, security and governance.


Thank you and God bless.

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Shariif oo yimid Garowe & shirka oo ka socda PSU

17 Feb 17, 2012 - 6:19:11 AM




Madaxweynaha DFKM Somalia Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa maanta 17,Feb ,2012 soo gaarey magaalada Garowe ee xarunta dowladda Puntland si uu uga qaybgalo dhamaadka shirka dastuurka Somalia wajigiisa labaad ee ka socda xarunta jaamacada PSU.


Gudoomiyaha barlamanka Somalia Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan ,raysal wasaare Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas , madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ,kuxigeenka Puntland Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire iyo xubno kale oo isugu jirey wasiiro ,xildhibaano ,ururada bulshada rayidka ah ayaa ku soo dhaweyey Shariif garoonka Garowe.


Kadib ayaa waxa wafdiga madaxweynaha iyo dhamaan dadkii soo dhaweeyey ay ku soo laabteen hoolka uu kasocdo shirka dastuurka ,iyagoon halkaasi madaxdu kula kulmeen wafdiga ka socdey dowladda Jabouti ee uu hogaaminayay wasiirka awqaafta Xaamid Cabdi Suldaan.


Dhinaca waxa kasocda PSU Garowe maalinkii sadexaad shirka Somlidu ka ladeehay dastuurka dalka ,waxana lagalay nasasho labo saacadood ah ,iyadoona la filayo in la isku soo laabto abaare 6-da maqribnimo caawa si halkaasi loogu soo bandhigo qodobada heeshiiksa Garowe2 kasoo baxay.


Halkan ka daawo sawirada soo dhawaynta Shariif ee Garowe












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This is what I yearn for. Look at that Smile on Farole face.



What brought that smile? I think it is safe to say the contributing factors would have to be hosting the constitutional conference for Somalia twice and this one is actually bigger then the last one, Plus the guests here today in Puntland are not small cookies either. The Highest level of E.U delegations to ever visit Puntland which consists of ambassadors of sweden, italy, and the u.k. The UNPOS secretary, Jabuti Ministers, TFG President, P.M, Parliament Speaker plus Galmudug President and Ahlul Sunnah.


Puntland way la janqaday siyasiga calaamka wax kale lama oran karo iyo qof inkiri karo ma jirto ama been buu naftisa uu sheegay

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carafaat you didnt say anything positive about puntland, your talking about somaliland and puntland beef. Your not balanced your biased and it's well known, like I said the day you say something positive about puntland is the day people will think "war ninku mnta mala soo haaya"

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Weriyeyaal Caalami ah oo Garoowe soo gaarey

Updated:- 1 hour ago| 0 Commnets


Koox weriyeyaal ah oo ka socda qaar kamid ah warbaahinta Caalamiga ah ayaa galabta soo gaarey magaala-madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe.


Weriyeyaashan oo ka kala yimid dalalka midowga Yurub, Maraykanka, iyo qaar kamid ah wadamada Africa ayaa ka socda TV-yo, Idaacado, iyo Wargeyso Caalami ah.


Waxayna ujeedada ay Garoowe usoo gaareeni tahay sidii ay u tebin lahaayeen wejiga 2-aag ee shirka Garoowe oo caawa in uu soo gaba gaboobo lagu wado.


Weriyeyaashan oo ay tiradoodu 10 ku dhowdahay ayaa ka kala socda Fox News, BBC, CNN, iyo dhowr wargeys oo kuwa dunida loogu daalacashada badan yahay ka mid ah .


Dhinaca kale waxaa weli jira ismarin waa ka dhashay nidaamka Federaalka ee ay dowlada marka KMG nimada laga baxo imaan doontaa ku shaqaynayso kaasoo ay ergada Galmudug shirka uga qayb gelayaa dood adag ka keeneen.


Waxaana hada socda shir ay albaabdu u xiran yihiin oo ay ku jiraan gudiyada hoose ee shirku kuwaas oo ka arinsanaya sidii khilaafkaas loogu gudbi lahaa si shirku uu usoo gaba gaboobo.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee shirka Garoowe-2 oo ay ergooyin aad u tira badan oo madaxda Soomaaliya iyo beesha caalamka ka tirsani ka qayb gelayaan ayaa ah mid natiijada kasoo baxda si weyn loo wada dhowrayo.


Horseed Media


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