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Somalia Constitutional Conference Phase 2 Begins In Garowe Feburary 15 2012

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Interesting facts given by the Puntland ministry of health and education.


Education Facts

115,000 students are studying in Puntland

8 University.


Health Facts

9 General Hospitals in Puntland

5 Immunisation Centers

4 HIV/AIDS Research Clinics

7 T.B Clinics

2 Psychiatric wards

60 Operational Maternity Clinics

181 Health Posts (God knows what He Meant but that what it sounded like to me)


Compare that to say 2001

According to the director general of health in the regional administration in Garowe, there are 63 qualified doctors registered in Puntland, five functioning hospitals, three health centres, 25 MCH clinics, and 62 health posts (many of them not functioning).

Please pay careful attention to the new presidential palace being built. Looks quite massive in its own right. It doesnt look anything similar to the governor houses in Bosaso or Garowe. It looks like a complex of many buildings like the villa somalia. Goes from East To West

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Gaacuur;790894 wrote:
Ditoore, Qodobada Shirka Garowe 2 ee la isku raacay ma inoo sheegi kartaa?

I am not posting that untill it is official, just wait in due time a press release will be released and all your questions answered. So stick to topic and provide your input onto solid facts that is reported in the video and also your comments on the new presidential palace.

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Dr_Osman;790895 wrote:
...stick to topic and provide your input onto solid facts that is reported in the video and also your comments on the new presidential palace.

Haddii aanan qaldanayn, the topic is about Somalia Constitutional Conference Phase 2..

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Ok its official. Gaacur stop whining, your prayers has been answered


Xiritaankii shirka wadatashiga ee Garoowe-2 [Codad+Sawiro]

Updated:- 1 min ago| 0 Commnets


Magaala-madaxda Puntland ee Garoowe waxaa xalay lagu soo gaba gabeeyey wejiga 2-aad ee shirka wadatashiga arimaha Dastuurka ee Garoowe-2.


Shirka oo qorshuhu ahaa in shalay gelinkii danbe lasoo afmeero wuxuu soo gaba gaboobey xalay saqdii dhexe kadib markii qaar kamid ah qodobada heshiiska la isku mari waayey.


Waxaana heshiiska oo ay wada saxiixeen madaxda dhamaan dhinacyad shirkaas ka qayb gelaya kamid ahaa:


Yaraynta tirada xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka oo la isku raacay in laga dhigo 250.

Ansixinta Dastuurka oo laysla qaatay in ergooyin 1000 gaaraya oo bulshada qaybaheeda laga soo kala xulay ay u codeeyaan.

Sameynta gole 54-xubnood ka kooban oo Baarlamaanka ka sareeya.

Iyo nidaamka maamul ee dalka oo laysla gartay in laga dhigo Federal ku salaysan 18-kii gobol ee horay u jirey.


Horseed Media waxay sidii ay horayba idiinku balan qaaday halkan idiinku soo gudbineysaa khudbadaha ay madaxdii shirkaasi jeediyeen iyo sawiro muujinaya muuqaalkii ay xafladaasi lahayd.













Dhegeyso codka Madaxweyne Shiriif

Dhegeyso codka Madaxweyne Faroole

Dhegeyso codka wasiirka cadaaladda Jabuuti

Dhegeyso codka wasiirka Dastuurka ee DKG

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Oodweyne;791002 wrote:


Fiction and delusion at it's best. In other words, if someone believe there is some sort of a
18 regions
of the then Somali Republic, which ceased to exist back in
, are still in operation in the Somali peninsula, in the present day; then, I fear, no amount of
on the ground could persuade some one of that folly.


But, then, again, it's nice to write fiction of one sort or another for one's political agenda; but, to make it work in the ground, is whole different ball game together, indeed..

And they call Somaliland delusional even though it controls from Djibouti to Las canod. While they dream of a non-existent 18 region Somalia. Dukey keep dreaming, lets see you take this so called constitution to the so called 18 regions of Somalia for a vote as is the case with every state. no chance, therefore its more fantasy then reality. :D

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Oodweyne if we are going into a trusteeship as you say, you are part of the 18 original regions and your leadership is now part of the process. Thus we are all heading in the same direction. Its just if you read the final communique it would be more clearer for you. The Republic of Somalia is back..

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The Garowe principles are irreversible; it is binding on all regions of Somalia including the north-western territories. Like it or not. Thank God Somalia is winning this time,,,,

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General Duke;791010 wrote:
Oodweyne if we are going into a trusteeship as you say, you are part of the 18 original regions and your leadership is now part of the process. Thus we are all heading in the same direction. Its just if you read the final communique it would be more clearer for you. The Republic of Somalia is back..

more delusion If it helps you sleep at night then think so but we both know Somaliland aint part of any process other then its own interests. But things are about to get alot more interesting as of 6-7 months. :cool: And its binding on those who sign it. lol..hence why they sign it einstein. haha..pathetic :D

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The Hermet;791012 wrote:
more delusion If it helps you sleep at night then think so but we both know Somaliland aint part of any process other then its own interests. But things are about to get alot more interesting as of 6-7 months. :cool:

So says the person who was predicting, no who was claiming Somaliland would not join the London Somalia



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Hey the British gave us an offer we couldn't refuse. Publicity in front of 40 heads of state, a speech by the president explaining Somaliland's case and aims and a separate status from Somalia to help win the argument towards your soon to be trusteeship status . It would have been ****** not to take it.

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