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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somali goormay Siyaasad beeleysan ka weynanayan

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Ma marka dalkooda laga ibiyo Ethiopia iyo Kenya

Ma marka dadkooda oo dhan laga barakicyo umado kale lugu beero

Ma markay xoriyadooda wayaan

Ma markay diintooda cidhidhi gasho

Ma marka xeebahooda la ibsado

Ma marka dalkooda xoog lugu qabsado

Ma markay dhaxal guuraan?


what year








Goormey Somalidu siyasaada beeleysan ka korayan?

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Xiinfanin this is not about unity or even Political unity its about peoples unity to some extent in essence unity for Somalis as people is a positive thing it comes in all forms and sizes.But i prefer the Somali race to be intact for centuries to come thus we must fight clanism and Clan based fiefdoms and all of that in the entire Somali peninsula.From Djibouti all the way down to garisa from jigjiga to Raaskaambooni from raas caseer to Lawyacade from Lowyacade to diredawe.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;787210 wrote:
Goormey Somalidu siyasaada beeleysan ka korayan?

Xaaji I would say 2012 because we are ready. Sanadkani waa sanadkeenii. Soo ducee in illaahay nala garabgalo, insha-allah

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Showqi;787222 wrote:
Xaaji I would say 2012 because we are ready. Sanadkani waa sanadkeenii. Soo ducee in illaahay nala garabgalo, insha-allah

We shall hope inshallah

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Indeed Xaaji there needs to be a limit on clan fiiedoms, it aint funny anymore. Tubaxa dub ha loosoo xiro, and we can make the first in a temporary agreement or a permanen Confederation between Somalia and Somaliland. And all else are regions.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;787210 wrote:
Ma marka dalkooda laga ibiyo Ethiopia iyo Kenya

Ma marka dadkooda oo dhan laga barakicyo umado kale lugu beero

Ma markay xoriyadooda wayaan

Ma markay diintooda cidhidhi gasho

Ma marka xeebahooda la ibsado

Ma marka dalkooda xoog lugu qabsado

Ma markay dhaxal guuraan?


what year








Goormey Somalidu siyasaada beeleysan ka korayan?

Welcome back XX and please don't retract back to your steps again.. Let us move forward and no more Ethio boys are more closer than Southern somali boys like your uncle once puked with..

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A khadar i never agreed with what faisal ali waraabe spews he is entitled to his own opinions i will give you mine though


Carafaat its not just that or clan based entities


What about the 4.5 ma umad nus ah baad aragtay Xita hada beel wax lugu qeybsado it should be temporarily but not 21 years


Mar mar Generalki Maxammad siyaad bare waan u garaaba.

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Che -Guevara;787229 wrote:
Xaaji, when you stop calling Puntland a Garowe clan enclave while saying Somaliland is qaran.


You are right i should call puntland the Garowes sub clan enclave



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