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Somaliland takes recognition battle to London

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More than two decades after it unilaterally asserted its independence from the rest of Somalia, Somaliland plans to lobby hard at a major conference in London on February 23 for something it has sorely lacked since its inception: international recognition of its sovereignty.


"Somaliland will attend because 44 nations will be there and those are the ones we need to lobby and explain why Somaliland should be recognised; we see it as an opportunity," Abdillahi Jama Geeljire, Somaliland's Minister of Fisheries and Ports, said.


The London Conference, hosted by the UK government, is expected to bring together "senior representatives from over 40 governments and multi-lateral organisations... with the aim of delivering a new international approach to Somalia", according to a statement posted on the website of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.


Geeljire said: "Somaliland was invited on equal terms with those nations that will participate; it is a golden opportunity for our country and will give us the exposure we need to present our case. It will provide Somaliland with the opportunity to share with our Somali brothers our experience and how we achieved the peace and stability we enjoy today and they are searching for."




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If people get to this level of madness for recognization, they would believe and buy anything they are told. What recognization, Brits clearly said, we wouldn't recognize you ever and you must attend somalis conference in London sitting next to other somalis. XX adigoo intaa le'eg ma waxaan baa lagaa gadayaa.. Caqlow ba'a..

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A khadar its all about the end goal Somaliland is an independent state Somalilanders see that it functions like that and its government serves its people, attending the conference is something the people of Somaliland agreed on from the elders Politicians Mps Religious leaders. What is wrong with sitting next to other Somalis. Somalilands neighboring countries are Somalia and Djibouti both Somali countries so sitting next to Somalis is not a problem or be in a room with Somalis.A khadar if you asked me in 1984 if there is a chance of a Somaliland i would be very skeptical but things changed times changed. A khadar Somaliland is writing its own history right now.

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XX, awoowe, tell me if somaliland is attending this conference as an independent country or if they are a regional admin within Somalia? Bal warkaaga cadee waxba gidaarada ha isku masixine..

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