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Boy Wonder

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Hey thx for reminding me of this story. Subhanallah what a story indeed. I was watching a video of him, giving dawah and converting some christians to Islam i think back in 1999 and my heart was so up lifted to see the mercy of allah.


If i rember correctly the boy's Mother and father where very religous devout Christains (i think his father was a Pastor)and he was born into this family speaking the quran how amazing is that? and yet ppl still refuse to acknowledge the thruthfullness of this deen.

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ive seen this boy before on video but aorund 4 years ago and thought it was all fake. see the thing is when i went to college the next day i asked all my arab friends if they heard of him and they never did. thats an issue that annoys me. we all know arab scholor,but they dont recognise those that are african and are blessed with the religion.they somwat think Allah only made Islam for them.


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