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Finding good Somali girls for Marriage, impossible?

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Showqi;786905 wrote:
Ninku waa nin fiican oo akhlaaq leh, marka saddex haduu hayo waa in Suubis loogu daraa.....

Ninka fiicnaantiisa ha ahaatee dumarkeena heer wuxuu gaaray uu ka ganacsado. Ma aragtid miyaa shabaka guurdoon ah sameystay yiri Salmaan, oo looga tala galay walaalaheena maadaama asaga ka bad bateen. Kac dheh kaas camal.

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Blue, Xabad i qancisa iyaan ilaa iyo iminka radinayaa! Markaan Saddex iyda oo kale ah helo, aduunku jano ayaabu isu badalyaaye Heey. No I would stick with one.


Taleexi, haye ileen waa adiga waxa suuqa nugu ciriiriyey. Mareykanka ayaad nagaga soo duushay soow ma'aha,,,:mad::mad:

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Showqi;786924 wrote:
Blue, Xabad i qancisa iyaan ilaa iyo iminka radinayaa! Markaan Saddex iyda oo kale ah helo, aduunku jano ayaabu isu badalyaaye Heey. No I would stick with one.

You better stick with one if you don't want to become crazy. I seriously don't know how some men can manage to have 2 or 3 wives, they can't split themselfs in 2 or 3 and treat each of them the same that's impossible. Any man that marries a second or even a third doesn't care about the first wife he only cares about money he sees the women as a means to increase his money may I add money from the government.

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It all depends where you are. Back home men can have two or three wives and over 25 kids. Some of my uncles back home are on that boat I'm sure 20ka ciyaala waxa afar ciyaal oo qurbe jooga kuma ka firsada dabad ki sadex ku raba asaga uun baa walanaya

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;786876 wrote:
Revert iyo Soomaali dumarkooda isku nacay. Runtii walaalaheena aad iyo aad ayee isku hoos dhigeen, heybadooda meel ugu dhaceen.


Masaajid walba aad aragtid, ha ahaado mid Bosnian ah ama mid Afghani ah, iyagaa iska soo register gareeye, seeking 'reverts.' Disgusting. Ma iyaga kaliyaa Muslim ah. Qaarkoodna banaanka lagu soo wada tuuraa, kuwii lasoo tuurina dulqaad weyn ku jiraan oo abuse iyo reerkooda in laga gooyo ku noolyihiin.


Maan, dhiiga ayaaba igu kacay markaa aqriye 'pressurized' to accept mida sadexaad ee Soomaaliyeed. Shuud.

Ninku haduu muslim sax ah oo diinta ku dhaqma yahay wuu geeyaa gabarta mana aha in loo fiiriyo jinsiyada qofka. ogoow inee maanta macquul tahay in la helaayo gabdho soomaaliyeed oo gaalo raacay oo xaaraan kula dhaxa ooba laga yaabo iney caruur xaaraan isugu dhaleen marka ninka muslimka ah ayaa la qaatay ee widaayoow shib iska dheh. teeda kale gabarta haday adiga soomaaliga ah ku rabin oo ay kaas hada soo muslimay rabto maxaa la dhahaa? taasna ha hilmaamin brother oo meesha wee ku jirtaa iyadana, calaa aya xaal qof kasta dooqiisa isagaa iska leh allah kheyr ha uga dhigo.



PS. Che, Nuune, Wadani iyo rag kaloo badan oo meeshaan soo madax madoow aa gabdhihii ka seexday, sadkoodii waaye waxa meesha lagu kala boobaayo. Lol








Peace, Love & Unity.

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somali women outnumber somali men, its not hard to find one. if a former gaal convert can have 3 somali women, then naag somali qiimoba ma leh(no offence to the good somali women). ilaahi amarkiis.

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What about a girl who is not religious but is willing and happy to learn about the deen if you teach her? I'm not religious but am trying to change for the better. Obviously I tell any of my prospective suitors this because I'm a honest person and believing partners ought to be able to share everything. Someone needs to give me a male Somali perspective on this! PS. Does she have to be a hijabi or adopt it after you marry? Oh and how long does the Somali courting process last (my mum says half a year to a year?) I'd like to have that wrapped up before I start my masters. Please and thanks in advance.

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Open your eyes...shes standing right next to yah!! Now if u is a mom's boy..then why u here complaining. Just tip mom & she will hook-u-up! easy. Just as Aaliya said. Which i totally dont understand. Come on guys, getta out & date. whats wrong with chya!!


All you gotta do is smile and say hi pretty lady!! that works wonders with the ladies. My father use to tell me & brothers (6 of us), women are like a bus, there is always one coming down the street. U just need to take the one thats going to your way!! lol. So true

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^^^lol, waryaa your LBC/Campton jokes might piss off some ladies...


I hope people make wise choices, & if they can't stick together, then be conscious & be considerate of (especially the children) & be civil w/one another. I know some sista's back in Kenya that are married to Kenyan's. What makes them different that parading yourself at the masjid & marrying a revert or otherwise, is that many of them grew up generations with the kenyan's, understand & know their cultures or has intertwined, so they don't see much difference in themselves (at least not visibly). I am guessing this will be the situation with our youth somalis here in the diaspora.


As for who to look for: avoid talkative, always has something to say about everything girls/too opinionated. on the other hand, one who has no Xishood (whether is talkative, etc) in front of your boys (I don't care if she's the 1st lady...)if she's somali, it would be wise to be a bit reserved, maybe leave the room/house when the hubby/boyfriend & his boys are there for IFTAR et cetera. It tenses the air if she's around every instance. As for religious, perhaps ask her in one of your first interviews "what are the 5 pillars of islam? & which one's have you accomplished at this point?"


***(caution: skewed comment approaching)**** a lady who listen's to Qaraami (ah Nimco dareen, hebel yare, .....king whoever....etc won't cut it).


Lastly, if you aren't all this to begin with yourself, dee naga daa sheekada ....

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Eh eh what about the men doing all that BOB mentioned mise iyagu xaaraanta maqabatoo?


Naga daaya wixi xunba xaawaa leh!

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Juxa abaay ur right nimaanka somaliyeed ee wax ka qaldantahay i've seen a lot of us men baashaal going out clubbing, waxbarasha oo lagu liito while gabdhaha ee diintaa ku xirenyahiin akhlaaq suuban, waxbarasho heer fiican gaareen

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