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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland borders Are Unalterable

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Somaliland borders Are Unalterable


Written by Ibrahim Hassan Gagale

Feb 06, 2012 at 12:04 PM


The officials and surrogates of defacto Puntland Administration of Somalia routinely claim in the media that Somaliland Borders are "Colonial Borders". This blind, habitual denial of Somaliland Republic borders indicates that these individuals are either ignorant of the historical origin of the current borders of African states or intentionally mislead listeners for obsessively pursuing unattainable clan-based statehood that does not exist in Africa or elsewhere.


The United Nations, African Union, or African States did not draw or make the current borders of African States. All the borders of African independent states had been drawn by the colonial powers of Europe at the end of the 19th century, mainly during The Partition of Africa held in Berlin in 1884. The statehood, independence, and diplomatic recognition of each African State today are based on its own colonial demarcations or borders. Likewise, all the borders of the Arab World, Asia, and South America also emerged from colonial borders drawn mainly by Britain , France and Spain.


Similarly, the statehood, independence, and the expected diplomatic recognition of Somaliland Republic are based on its own colonial borders drawn during British Somaliland Protectorate era. In the East, Somaliland border runs along Growe and Bosaso. In the West, it runs along Lowya'addo. In the South, Somaliland shares border with Ethiopia. And in the North, Somaliland border runs along the Red Sea.


The borders of Somalia , Somaliland, and Djibouti have the same international status and legitimacy because they were all drawn by European Colonial powers. Anyone who opposes the legitimacy of Somaliland borders, its statehood, its independence, and its diplomatic recognition is challenging the borders and sovereignty of all African independent states (54 states) whose borders rose from their colonial borders or demarcations.


Borders are not based on tribes but based only on land. There are no tribal borders or tribal states in Africa or in this world and there will never be one. There are only national borders of states whose nations make-up consists of many or several tribes that share common borders and sovereignty. The following African Tribes clearly show of how African clans are distributed over different countries. The inhabitance or residence of some African clans is as follows:



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