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MP Asha A. Abdalla attends Maakhir Conference in Nairobi (Pics)

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Somalina;786122 wrote:
InshaAllah, in Somali wada midowdo ayaan ku duceyn.

Allah Soomaali oo dhan hawada mideeyo, Dalkeena Somalia nabad iyo barwaaqo haa noga dhigo, Caasimadeena Mogadishu ha dhigo Maagalo caalami oo la tartanta caasimadaha kale ee caalamka, Allah ducada ha aqbalo, amiin, amiin

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Somalina, What is absolutely essential is the cooperation of the two communities on matters of security and development. They have to work together and support their regions' need for political independence, the promotion of peace, the development of institutional & economic infrastructure, etc. The "disputed status" and its contributory downward spiral effect on Makhir regions will be a thing of the past. There are stumbling blocks such as the policy failures of the international community but changing realities on the ground (for instance, Turkey's determination to restore the Repiblic) and the volition of our people in resolving their own crisis are most likely to reverse and chart out a new beginning. The merger or political settlement in Maakhir and Khaatumo regions was actually suggested by the International Crisis Group in 2007 as a workable resolution strategy to end the stalemate created by PL and SL.

It took 7 years for the formation of PL, so the effectiveness of creating a building block regional state has its ups & downs.

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Maakhir State & Khaatumo State are natural and historic allies, we share so much in common kinship, history, interests, values, same goals, same aspirations, same destiny. Also Maakhir State & Khaatumo State are facing same challenges and threats. For our own survival our two brotherly/twin states have to work closely on Somali unity, security, militarily, socially, economically etc. Khaatumo State & Maakhir State should promote and strengthen bilateral cooperation in all aspects. I agree the old USP Alliance is a great example, Northern Somalia Unionist Regions (Awdal, Maakhir, & Khaatumo) are the true Guardians of Somali Unity.

Well said Liibaan. It's our regions which are forced to bear the brunt of proxy wars, economic stagnation, etc. Keep up the good work.

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finally the maakhiris too are back with their maakhir state.this is the best thing that could happen for Puntland another group that have been nothing but trouble for the state and is a major security risk. after 13 years one wonders what exactly these people have contributed to the state other than waiting for payouts in exchange for loyalty!

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NASSIR;786871 wrote:
B-Boy, Are you a new script?

calling me a script won't change the fact that i am just stating the truth!

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prove my statement was wrong instead of calling me a script this is a discussion forum after all:confused:

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Che, You can tell who he is, but let him be the new script.


b-boy, You'll be a script until you become a sol-nomad. That way we can judge correctly the integrity and weight of your viewpoints.

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March 12, 2012

Kampala-(MMedia)- Xaflad aad u balaadhan, hadafkeeduna ahaa dib usoo noolaynta Maakhir State Maakhir, iyo maamul u samaynta gobolada Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Galbeedka gobolka Bari ayaa habeenimadii xalay ahayd ka dhacaday Magaalada Kampala Ee Xarunta Dalka Uganda gaar ahaan Bol Bol Memerial Hotel

Xafladan oo si weyn Loo Agaasimay isla Markaana ay kasoo qayb galeen Siyaasin, Wax Garad, Aqoon Yahanada, Isimo, ururda Bulshada . haweenka , Ardayda wax ka barata Ugandha, iyo gabi ahaanba Maamul Goboleedyada Ka jira Dalka Somalia ayaa ahayd mid lagu taageerayo Maamul Goboleeda Maakhir State Of Somalia


Shirdkan Oo ay Goob joog ka ahaayeen ergooyin kasoo kala jeeda gobolada Sanaag, Haylaan, Galbeedka Gobolka Bari, iyo Jubada Hoose loogana Arinsanayey Xaalada adag ee ka Jirta Gudaha Deegaanada Maakhir iyo Sidii loo Taaba Gelin Lahaa Maamul Goboleeda Maakhir State Sido kale waxa Qayb Ka ahaa Ujeedada Xafladan Midaynta Jaaliyadaha East Africa Ee Maakhir State


Masuuliyiintii Goobta ka hadashay waxaa Kamid Ahaa Gudoomiyayasha Jaaliyadaha Maakhir Ee Wadamada Kenya. Uganda iyo Sudan Waxaa Ugu Horayn Madaashaa Ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha Jaaliyada Maakhir State Ee Dalkan Uganda Mudane Cabdirsaaq Axmed Siciid(Qaraaji) Isaga Oo U Mahad Celiyay Gudiga Soo Qaban Qaabiyey Xaflada Qiimada Badnayd Waxaana uu Ka waramay xaalada Jaaliyada ee dalkan Uganda


Gudoomiyaha Qaraaje Waxaa Uu sheegay Inay Muhiimad gaar ah leeday In Gobolada Maakhir State Laga Hir Geliyo Maamul u Gaar ah Isla Markaana xaaga la saaro arimaha Bulshada Sida Caafimaada. wax barashada, iyo Amaanka Guud ahaan Gobolada Sanaag, Hayland iyo Bari


Sido Kale waxaa isna Madasha Ka hadalay OoKalmadiisa qaatay gudoomiyaha Jaaliyada Maakhir Ee dalka Kenya oo isaga iyo Wafti uu Hogaaminayo ay Maal Mahan Ku Suganaayeen Magaalada Kampala Si ay uga Qayb galaan xafladan Mudane Cabdisalaan Bulqaas


Mudane Bulqaas Waxa uu sheegay inay farxad weyn U tahay kasoo Qayb galka xaflan isaga iyo waftigiika ka yimid dalka Kenya Maadaama Ay tahay Tan Guud oo Looga Arinsanayo Xaalada Gobolada Maakhir


Sido kale waxaa iyana Mesha ka hadlay Gabi ahaanba Maamul Goboleedyada Ka Jira Dalka Somalia oo Sheegay in ay Ku faraxsan Horumarka Maakhir iyo in Ay danoohada Si agaar ah ugu tashadaan


Iku soo waa duub oo xafladan ayaa ahayd Mid lagu ayidayey xafladii dhawaan ka dhacday dalka Kenya Waxaana Laga Soo Saaray War Murtiyeed Ku wajahan Wax Garadka, aqoon yahanada Siyaasiyiinta iyo Ismada Deegaamanada Maakhir state Waxaana Saxafaada u akhriyey Shiikh Cabdiqani Cali Moon


1: Waxaa Loogu Baaqay Dhamaan Isimada , wax Garadka , Aqoon Yahanada, Siyaasiyiinta Maakhir State inay Gudaha Gaboladaasi Shir Weyne Guud Ku qabtaan Isla Markaana ay kaga Tashadaan Aayaha iyo masiirka Rer Maakhir


2:Inay Waajib Muqadas ah tahay Midnimada Somaliyeed


3: Waxaanu Ku wargelinaynaa Dawalada Federaalka Somalia iyo beesha caalamka In Gobolada Sanaag, Hayland iyo bari Aanay ahayn dhul lagu muran sanyahay ay tahay Dhulka Ugu Nabada badan Geyiga Somalia Taladiisuna ay ka Go’do Isimada, Noabdoonada, Aqoon yahanka, Reer Maakhir Khayraadkiisana aan lagu isticmaali Karin Si Sharci daro ah

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