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Daror Oil Drilling Reaches 1100 Meters Depth. Drill Target Is 3800 Meters

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Howlihii shidaal qodista Puntland oo si habsami leh u socda


Updated:- 18 mins ago| 0 Commnets


Waxaa maalintii 19-aad galay howlaha shidaal qodista ee laga wado dooxada Dharoor ee gobolka Bari.


Siciid Faarax Yare oo ah mas’uul ka tirsan shirkadda shidaal qodista wada ee Africa Oil oo maanta si kooban warbaahinta Horseed Media xafiiskeeda magaalada Boosaaso ula hadlay ayaa ka warbixiyey halka ay wax marayaan.


Mr Siciid wuxuu sheegay in Riiggii qodaalka wadey oo dhulka dalooliyey masoo gaareysa 1100m, isagoo intaas ku daray in saadaashu ay ka weyntahay intii ay horay u ahayd, laguna rajo weyn yahay in la gaaro natoojo aad loogu farxo.


Siciid Faarax ayaa dhinaca kale mar aan wax weydiiney tirada dadka Soomaalida ah ee fursadaha shaqo ka helay howlaha shidaal qodista ee ay shirkadoodu wado sheegay inay jiraan dhalinyaro aad u tira badan oo ka shaqeeya inkasta oo uu ka gaabsaday inuu sheego tirada guud ee dad ay Africa Oil shaqaaleysey.


16-kii bishii lasoo dhaafay ee Jen/2012 ayey ahayd markii ugu horeysey ee dooxada Dharoor ee Puntland laga bilaabo qodaalka ceelkii ugu horeeyey ee shidaal laga soo saarayo Soomaaliya, waxaana saadaal hordhac ah oo la sameeyey lagu ogaadey in goobta shidaalka laga qodayo uu ku jiro keyd gaaraya in ka badan 2-Bilyan oo Fuustol.



Horseed Media

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Wowwwww wat a huge blow to the anti puntland elements oo ku sugan dalka gudahiisa iyo dibedda online iyo off miyi iyo magaalo wat a devastating news when they hear 1100 meters has been drilled

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the oil campaign continues and we shall all hear soon some very good news. Amazing how bossaso have kept the security tight everything is riding on this oil program

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Caano yes the drilling campaign is going good. 1100 meters in 19 days aint bad if you ask me but I suspect we are going to hear some good news soon

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