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Puntland Chamber of Commerce Meets His Counterpart In Oman. PICS

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Gudoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga iyo Wershedaha Puntland oo La Kulmay Dhiggiisa Dalka Cumaan [sawiro]


Updated:- 2 hours ago| 0 Commnets


Gudoomiyaha Rugta ganacsiga iyoWarshadaha Puntland Mudane, Maxamuud Xaaji Xayir Ibraahim oo booqasho rasmi ahkujooga dalka Cumaan ayaa halkaas kulamo kaladuwan kula qaatay Hogaankajaaliyada Puntland ee kusugan dalka Cumaan, Xubno badan oo kamid ah ganacsatadareer Puntland, Hogaanka rugta ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha ee gobolka Dufaar eedalka Cumaan iyo xubno kale oo aad u badan isagoona booqday meelo muhiim ah ookuyaala gobolkaas halkaasoo uu soo indhoindhayayey sida habsamida leh ee uu usocda ganacsiga Puntland iyo Cumaan.


Gudoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha ee Puntlandayaa kulan taariikhi ah la qaatay Dhigiisa Gobolka Dufaar ee dalka CumaanMudane, Cabdalla Saalin Bin-Rayaas iyadoona kulankaas oo mudo badan soconayeylooga hadlay arimo badan oo quseeya ganacsiga labada dhinac iyo sidii loo siikordhin lahaa loona balaarin lahaa isfahanka dhanka Ganacsiga ee labada dhinac,Gudoomiyaha rugta ganacsiga ayaa Shahaado sharaf lagu gudoonsiiyey halkaasiyadoona ay Dawlada Cumaan madaxdeeda Rugta ganacsiga u qaabilsan gobolkaDufaar ay sheegeen inay ku faraxsanyihiin xiriirka balaaran ee dhanka ganacsigaah ee ay Puntland la wadagaan taasoo ay ku tilmaamay mid muhiim u ah jiritaankaiyo hormarka shacabka labada dhinac.


Mudane, Maxamuud Xaaji Xayir ayaa isna dhankiisa sheegeyin guud ahaanba shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay abaal u hayaan shacabka reer Cumaan oouu sheegey inaysan marna kala maarmin, Dhanka kalena Wuxuu Gudoomiyaha rugtaganacsiga ee Puntland dhigiisa gobolka Dufaar u sheegey in Puntland ay diyaar utahay inay sii labajibaarto ganacsiga iyo iskaashiga ay la leedahay DalkaCumaan taasoo uu sheegey inay tahay mid soo jireen ah iyadoona kulankaasi uujawi is afgarad ah kusoo idlaaday.


Dhanka kalena Gudoomiyaha Rugta ganacsiga iyoWarshadaha Puntland Maxamuud Xaaji Xayir Ibraahim ayaa booqday Dekeda Salalahoo ah dekeda ugu balaaran ee ganacsiga Puntland iyo Cumaan laf dhabarta u ah taasooah halka laga dajiyo xoolaha Puntland laga dhoofiyo islamarkaasna badeecadu ayPuntland uga timaado Waxaana uu usoo arkay sida ay shaqadu u socoto oo ahaydmid dardar leh.


Sidoo kalena Gudoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Iyo WarshadahaPuntland Wuxuu la kulmay jaaliyada Puntland ee halkaas ku nool kuwaasoo uu ugawarbixiyey xaalka guud ee dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaana kan deegaanada Puntlandisagoona si gaar ah uga warbixiyey Xaalada Ganacsi ee Puntland, Gudoomiyahaayaa dhankiisana Warbixin ka dhagaystay Ganacsatada halkaas ku nool oo ugawarbixiyey xaaladooda, shaqadooda iyo Caqabadaha hortaagan iyagoona Amaan usoojeediyey Shaqada adag ee ay qabato Rugta ganacsiga ee Puntland oo mudooyinkii udanbeeyey sii labajibaartay shaqadeedii.


Horseed Media












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Pls note Bosaso International Port has all sorts of workers from all around the world and all around somalia and east africa.



Bosaso folks always look to the gulf to frame how to take their development. They dont look at other parts of Somalia. Waan uu firsaday



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King yeah the guy done some good as far as the connecting the diaspora and local business communities, his even made the business community in Puntland one big lobby who work together for the good of the state.


He is still lacking in getting people to invest into the region and in-particularly the puntland diaspora business community who really need to start investing now before its to late when the oil comes out there will be no space for them and all the outsiders will be building Puntland. Hada ka gaar ama chance kale heli maysan

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^^^^ no its not like that. I think most of reer Puntland would love to invest in Puntland, including your truly, but the problem is getting a loan plus people to do business. Furthermore, there is disconnection between reer puntland at home and abroad. I think the minister should create a office in areas like America, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East so that reer puntland can network, invest, and buy into shares of companies. What do you think osman?

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kingofkings;784432 wrote:
^^^^ no its not like that. I think most of reer Puntland would love to invest in Puntland, including your truly, but the problem is getting a loan plus people to do business. Furthermore, there is disconnection between reer puntland at home and abroad. I think the minister should create a office in areas like America, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East so that reer puntland can network, invest, and buy into shares of companies. What do you think osman?

Thats very good idea, but the diaspora is not investing as much as it should be, sure they have invested but what I mean its not even 5% of what the diaspora could do. There is alot of ppl still waiting for hamar who my father is one of and I am of the total opposite spectrum that believes Puntland should develop and not just sit there waiting for mogadishu which may never come and my mom is from the usc clan and and I dont expect to see a govt coming from there anytime soon because I know what my abtis talk about and their issues are a long way from being resolved. Dont wait puntland move forward you can only help mogadishu when you help yourself

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^^^ i'm with you on that one. What can you do? Old habits are hard to break, but luckly, Puntland has the young generation who is more the eager to invest, transform, and make Puntland the envy of Africa and the world. :cool:

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