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Chris Allan “Ma Aha Ujeedadayadu Inaanu Isu Keeno Somalia Iyo Somaliland, Waxaanu Og Nahay Dareenka

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“Ma Aha Ujeedadayadu Inaanu Isu Keeno Somalia Iyo Somaliland, Waxaanu Og Nahay Dareenka Shacbiga Somaliland, Weftigu Ka Mid Noqon Maayaan Wefdiga TFG-da” Chris Allan


Hargeysa (Ramaas) Feb 2,2012 – Garabka Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin ee xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee UDUB ayaa soo bandhigay qoraal ay sheegeen in safiir ku xigeenka dawlada Ingiriiska u fadhiya Addis-Ababa uu shalay u gudbiyey ka dib markii uu shalay safar ku yimid Hargeysa.


Qoraalkan oo ay sheegeen ka hor inta aanu u gudbin inuu u akhriyey ayaa si fiican u faahfaahinaya shirka London loogu qabanayo kooxaha Soomalida.


Qoraalkan oo ay soo raaciyeen War-saxaafadeed ay ku taageereen in Somaliland ka qayb-gasho shirka London ayaa u dhignaa sidan “Waxa raiisal wasaaraha Dawladda Ingiriisku marti gelinayaa shirka loo qaban doono Somalia Bisha Febraayo 23 2012 laguna qaban doono magaalada London.


Ujeedooyinka shirkuna waa sida soo socota.


1.Dawladda Ingiriisku waxay aragtay fursad lagu heshiisiin karo Somalia oo aanay Somaliland ka mid ahayn


2. In shirkani khaas u yahay Gobolada dhexe iyo Koonfurta Somalia.


3. Ma aha ujeedadayadu inaanu isu keeno Somalia iyo Somaliland.


4.Waxa lagaga wada hadlayaa arrimaha nabad gelyada ee gobolka, oo ay ka mid yihiin; Argagixisada, Budhcad badeeda iyo nabad gelyada gobolka geeska Afrika.


5. Waxa kale oo lagaga hadlayaa arrimaha baniaadanimada, horumarka iyo ka hor taga abaaraha.


6.Waxa kale oo lagaga hadlayaa sida ugu haboon ee loo hagaajin lahaa taageerida iyo horumarinta Somalia


7. Sida beesha Caalamku isaga kaashan lahayd Taageerada iyo horumarka Somalia


8 . Somaliland qayb kma aha geedi socodka siyaasadeed ee Somalia,


9. Waxanu danaynaynaa in Somaliland ka hesho taagero horumarineed, la dagaalanka argixisada, dhismaha dawlad wanaaga iyo sidii nabad galyada iyo deganaanshaha salka loogu adkayn lahaa.


10 . In laga barto habkii ay u martay nabadeynta, dib u heshiisiinta iyo dhismaha dawladnimada.


11. Waxay fursad u tahay madaxweynaha Somaliland inuu la kulmo 50 dawladood madaxwweynayaashooda, kalana hadlo qadiyada Somaliland.


Maqaamka Somaliland ee shirka:


Waxanu og nahay dareenka shacbiga Somalilanduu ka qabo ka qayb galka shirka iyo arrimha gooni isu taagoodaba, sidaa awgeed:


12. Ka mid noqon maayaan wafdiga TFG ee Somalia


13.Waxanu u xaqiijinay Somaliland inaanay gorgortan ka galeyn mustaqbalkooda iyo rabitaankooda waxii ay doonayaan.


14. Somaliland ka dhex muuqan mayso dawlad goboleedyada Somalia iyo TFG midkoodna.


15. Waxay Somaliland ka mid noqon doontaa 50 dawladood oo ka soo qayb gelaya shirka, waxayna lee dahay maqaam la mid ah dawladaha kale ee shirka lagu casuumay.”




Ramaasnews Desk



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this is what abtigiis and carafaat was talking about. propaganda and lies to feed poor landers

The true is, somaliland could not refuse to take part this meeting, the old master give the ultimatum to participate, otherwise will cut the political and financial support given to somaliland. The landers may negotiated some face saving points for this meeting but it clear they are forced to participate and we knew they will participate. Khaatumo state may well participate directly or indrectly as well.

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:D:D:D Bacaaaacdaan halkaad ka soo aruurisay.. Sheeko xariir badnaa!


waa kan qoraalka rasmiga ah ee Shirka London:


We have invited partners who have a key interest in Somalia. We expect around 40 governments to attend, along with the UN, AU, EU, World Bank, the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development, the Organisation of Islamic Conference, and the League of Arab States. We are also inviting representatives of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Institutions,
as well as the Presidents of Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah (ASWJ).


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Where does it say it will try to bring Somalia and Somaliland in reunion? Original point stands.



“Ma Aha Ujeedadayadu Inaanu Isu Keeno Somalia Iyo Somaliland.

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Dufaan, Khatumo is like an adopted child, nobody wants it accept Somaliland, but everybody feels sorry for it. Lol


As for there attendance, I agree they will be their in the shape of Xabsade the democratically selected representative of that region..

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Saalax;784145 wrote:
Where does it say it will try to bring Somalia and Somaliland in reunion? Original point stands.

Somaliland waxay uga qeyb galaysaa ayada oo matalayso Northwest Somalia, waxayna isku dhinac fadhiisanayaan Puntland, Galmudug iyo ASWJ. sida ku cad qoraalada ay soo saareen guddiga diyaarinta Conference-ga.


We are also inviting representatives of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Institutions, as well as the Presidents of Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaah (ASWJ).

Waa runtaa in aanan Shirka looga hadli doonin Reunion, sababtuna waa Somaliland still part of Somalia, marka su'aashu waxay tahay goormey go'day (Officially) oo reunion loo baahdaa?

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If Somalia is supposely in a reunion with Somaliland or are united. Why are they saying sorry and other nonsense to Somaliland? that is not how people who are in a reunion speak.


President Sharif says sorry to Somaliland for the past “mistakes”

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That is your head of state apoligizing to Somaliland but we couldn't careless and don't want any reunion with Somalia.

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President Sharif says sorry to Somaliland for the past “mistakes”

Mistakes made by who? a former dictator! :D


Sharif waa Madaxweyne, ninka Mistakes ka uu sheegayo geystayna waa Madaxweyne hore.. Xiriirkaas uun baa ka dhaxeeya.

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As if Somaliland has already left Somalia. LOL Somaliland is part of Somalia, just like Galmudug, Khaatumo, Awdal, Puntland and Jubbaland States.


There is nothing to UNITE, since there is nothing that has been DIVIDED. LOL

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The dictator is somebody who is part of the history of former Somalia.

This is not the first time your head of state requested for forgiveness from Somaliland on behalf of Somalia. Our citizens have made their decision longtime they are with Somaliland.

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^ Hergeisa is under occupation by Extremist Separatist Politicians, trying to fatten their pockets. This "Somaliland" you speak of lives of off International Aid. 95% of the Civilians in Hergeisa and Burco are starving to death.


The only people constructing homes in hergeisa and burco are the Diaspora with the Welfare money they get from the country they live in abroad. I really don't see what you're yapping about. You're a minority, and as Western Ideology has taught us, Majority Rules, Minority Rights.


You are a minority. It's your right to demand an apology. Whether you receive that apology or not, we (the majority) could careless. lol

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