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Why would anyone kill a doctor ?

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Kooxo hubaysan oo Digtoor caan ah ku dilay Gaalkacyo


Gaalkacyo: (Sh. M. Network) Kooxo hubaysan ayaa Koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo waxa ay ku dileen Dhaqtar caanka ahaa Magaaladaasi, iyadoo dilkaasi kadib Ciidamada ammaanka ee Galmudug ay sameeyeen howlgallo baaritaano ah oo ku aadan dilkaasi. Dr.C/qaadir Max’ed Keynaan oo ka mid ah dhqaatiirta ka howlgalayay Koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa xalay waxa ay kooxo hubaysan ku toogteen Xarunta Caafimaad oo si gaar ah loo leeyahay oo lagu magacaabo Daarul Shifa. Kooxo ku hubaysan Bastoolado ayaa la sheegay in Dr.C/qaadir ay ugu galeen Xarunta oo ku taala Xaafadda Astan Hobyo ee Koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana rasaas ay ku dhufteen dhaawac kasoo gaaray loo qaaday Isbitaalka guud ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo halkaasi oo la sheegay in markii dambe uu ku geeriyooday. Kooxaha weerarka ku qaaday Dr.ka ayaa la sheegay inay ka baxsadeen goobta, waxaana daqiiqado kadib halkaasi gaaray Ciidamo ka tirsan Maamulka Galmudug kuwaasi oo howlgallo ilaa iyo iminka aan cidna lagu soo qaban ka sameeyay xaafadda uu dilka ka dhacay ee Astaan Hobyo. Koofurta Gaalkayo oo ay gacanta si buuxda ugu hayaan Ciidamada ammaanka ee Galmudug ayaa maalmihii u dambeeyay waxa kusoo kordhayay falal ammaan dari, waxaana dilkaani uu imaanayaa xilli maalin ka hor Janaral Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid guri uu ka daganyahay Magaaladasi lagu qaaday Weerar Ismiidaamin ah kaasi oo ay sheegteen Al Shabaab.

Walee waa lahaabey

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Why I dont like that city is that for example one section feels more connection with people from Buuhoodle then their own city folks. Imagine a hospital, police station or a school that doesnt help/accept/threat people from the own city but support folks from hundred kilometers away.


literally institunalisation of clan is sick and this should be said.

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Somalia;784006 wrote:
Baraxley, Galmudug now started killing its own professionals. So wrong

War isku xishoo. anaga hal magaalo haa no kala saarin. shalayna Suldaan ayaa lagu dilay xafada kale, maanta dhaqtar xagan. waxba isma dhaaman labaduba, hadii kale heerkaas mee gareen oo mid ayaa tanasul yeelan lahaa.

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Why I dont like that city is that for example one section feels more connection with people from Buuhoodle then their own city folks. Imagine a hospital, police station or a school that doesnt help/accept/threat people from the own city but support folks from hundred kilometers away.

Carafaat that is a problem for all somalis, for example the folk in Burco feels more brotherly and connection to the folks in Gaashaamo ethiopia rather than his neighbors in Yagoori.

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Moonlight dont cover up for the naked institutionalization, its the most shamefull thing ever. I rather have one city that is administratered and governed by Al Shabaab then one city with 3 diffrent administration.


I want Galkacyo to leave Somalia and come under Al Shabaab or Ethiopian control, better then the current situation.

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Carafaat why are your people more connected to addis ababa then babies being born in your beloved Mogadishu? Cut the hypocrisy out little man

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Dervish;784077 wrote:
Carafaat why are your people more connected to addis ababa then babies being born in your beloved Mogadishu? Cut the hypocrisy out little man

Where is khaatumo now:D

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Carafaat;784020 wrote:
War isku xishoo. anaga hal magaalo haa no kala saarin. shalayna Suldaan ayaa lagu dilay xafada kale, maanta dhaqtar xagan. waxba isma dhaaman labaduba, hadii kale heerkaas mee gareen oo mid ayaa tanasul yeelan lahaa.

Ma naag baan ahay markaa xishoo ii tiri :confused: The people to blame for all of this is clear. It's the lack of governing on the "Galmudug" side. And it is true that is should be called by the name of Baraxley because it is a one neighbourhood administration and they can't even control that while they are trying to expand elsewhere.

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