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Less Parties, Less Talk and A Lot More Actions, Dear Khaatumo State!

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The Rise of Neo-Somali Nationalism!


Let's try to contain our party to once or twice a year and let's focus on doing the actions needed to stabilize socially, economically, politically and geographically Khaatumo State of Somalia.


I see parties, dancers, singers all around the world. I see our Khaatumo women having fun in the Diaspora. I see our Khaatumo men, laughing, and talking at their local Cafes, or during the Marfiish times, but I see little in their actions.


Our men fighting in the front lines against the Terrorist Separatist Militia from Hergeisa and Burco, have families. They need us to take care of them and their families, since they are sitting in the sun, with excessive heat and in the cold, with excessive winds and chills for the dignity and freedom of the people of Khaatumo State and Somalia in general.


Look at Kalshaale. A year ago, we fought to liberate Kalshaale, Meygaagle and Hogaagane from the Treacherous Terrorist Separatists from Hergeisa and Burco. Our men died liberating those three areas, many were injured, some crippled for life. Mothers and children were killed by the Treacherous Terrorist Separatist Militia. By Allah's Mercy and Might, we won a year ago and liberated our lands. After the victory of Kalshaale, the Khaatumo Diaspora went back to their partying and talking, forgetting the heroes of Kalshaale, Meygaagle and Hogaagane. The thousands of defenders of Freedom in Kalshaale, Meygaagle and Hogaagane were forgotten. They were not being taken care of, as they should be. Their families needed financial stability and with the sudden setback of the Khaatumo Diaspora, the Defenders of Kalshaale abandoned their posts and went back to their families.


A year later, the Treacherous Terrorist Separatist militia came back to Kalshaale, Meygaagle and Hogaagane, only to find out that the three areas were literally empty from any Khaatumo Defenders. The Triplet locations that were freed had been abandoned due to lack of support from the Khaatumo Diaspora. In 2010, December, Kalshaale became a SNM militia base. I was filled with anger, shock and remorse. I couldn't have believed how we lost an area we have fought and won to liberate it. Furthermore, in Janaury of 2012, the Treacherous Terrorist Separatist militia from Hergeisa and Burco waged an all out war against the town of Buuhoodle, and like always in the past, the brave citizens of Buuhoodle and it's surrounding towns took up arms, men leaving behind their children and wives, running towards the enemy from Hergeisa, defending their homes and families. In the matter of 2 hours, they recaptured Buuhoodle, which has fallen into the hands of the Treacherous Terrorist Separatists who waged a surprise attack from the North-Western side of Buuhoodle. The fighting continued, and the Treacherous Terrorist Separatists were moved back into Sool Jogto. Few days gone by and not surprisingly, the Militia from Hergeisa waged another offensive against the citizens of Buuhoodle, this time, the defenders of Buuhoodle and Khaatumo State of Somalia defended themselves bravely, resulting a counter attack, which resulted the death of over 100 Somalidiid Militia, some of their dead are still scattered in the battle field today, after a week later. Their injured militia topped over 100 as well. They were utterly defeated and humiliated.


The most hysterical scene came about, after 24 hours of the humiliation and defeat of the Treacherous Terrorist Separatist Militia, their Clan Chiefs, Religious Scholars opened their mouth, begging for peace. The same Clan Chiefs and Religious Scholars that gave their militia the green light to attack Buuhoodle, the same Clan Chiefs and Religious Scholars that were shouting out for blood to be spilled in Buuhoodle were all of a sudden, begging an immediate cease fire and peaceful negotiations. One might think, since they are Clan Chiefs and Religious Scholars, they might be speaking from the heart. But, don't be naive. As the Militia's Clan Chiefs in Hergeisa and Burco scream for Peace, their politicians, and Clan Chiefs are amassing thousands of militia, weapons and ammunitions in Qorulugud town, which is about 20 kilometers from the battle field of Sool Jogto. This gives one the reality behind their attempt in making peace. It's all a show. It's a tactical move, to put at ease the defenders of Khaatumo State, specifically Buuhoodle defenders into thinking that the Clan Chiefs of Burco and Hergeisa will stop their militia's incursions once and for all. Fortunately, the defenders of Buuhoodle have learned from history and history has repeated itself far too many times in Northern Somalia, where the Clans from Burco and Hergeisa would speak peaceful rhetoric in one mouth, while preparing for war and bloodshed in their "second" mouth.


I want to give a special reminder to the Khaatumo Citizens of SOL and beyond. We have neglected our Heroes. We have prioritized things that were far less significant than the men and women in uniform, armed to defend the FATHER LAND. The men and women who left their families to join and be stationed in the front lines. We need to remember them, we need to put actions into our talk. We need to continuously support them. We need to understand that, without our Nationalist Khaatumo Soldiers, Freedom of Khaatumo State of Somalia won't be reached or seen or kept.


We need a lot less partying, a lot less talk, and a lot MORE ACTIONS.



Writer: IAmRevolution

Desktop: Camel Milk Threads lol

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Soomaalaay war hooy this is maddness ee maydun inaga daysaan. War maydan dadka iyo arlada ka fadhiisataan ? Dadkiini iyo dadkiini baa'baa'e and you are arguing about a tuulo - ayadoo wadankiin indnku filan oo indinka badan.


"You are not a true believer until you love for your brother what you love for yourself."


Is caawiya intaydun is xanibaysaan. Dadkiina dhib oo aydun ku kordhisaan wax tari mayso. Xabbad iyo rasaas wax kordhin mayso. Jabhad iyo siyaasi faa'iido keeni mayso. Ajahanab soo dhowaysi iyo gacal ka fogoow meel ku geyn mayso. Dad kala qaybi wax tari mayso. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Kii ku dhibana u dulqaado, be the better person, the better muslim. Ilaahayna ka duceesta.



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Bluelicious;783625 wrote:
That was some real talk, you said it exactly how it is hardcore. Best thread I read so far on this whole Khaatumo situation!



Thank you sweetie.


It's amazing how the SOL members from Khaatumo State are avoiding this thread. It speaks volume. They yap, yap, but I see no actions. I criticize any group, whether it's the SNM invasion and genocide or the lack of action of the Khaatumo people.

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Right. I have to agree with you and same time disagree with you. the formation of Khaatumo darwiishs is going slowly, but everthing else has been success

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