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Real Inferiority complex.

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MoonLight1;783280 wrote:
There is too much Tollaayeey in Hargeysa these days.

dont be scared moonlight hahaha... :D Somali's have just realised your poison a cancer within the somali organ thats all..:D

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War niyo adigu maad walaantahay ma qabil dhan oo somali baad kanser ku sheegeysa maxaad ahayd adigu kaftan ka yar eeh sol baad run moodaysa.

Xaaji iskadaa inanka yar, cancerka uu sheegayo kan maskaxda galaa ka daran.

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Somalida Xurguftan yar oo Siyasadeed ba ka dhexeysa laakin not colaad beelo dhan oo Somali inad cudur ku sheegtiid maha Munasib wana wax aan sharaf ahayn ka wantow baan odhan laha not just on the net diiniyan wax hagaagsan maha.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;783317 wrote:
Somalida Xurguftan yar oo Siyasadeed ba ka dhexeysa laakin not colaad beelo dhan oo Somali inad cudur ku sheegtiid maha Munasib wana wax aan sharaf ahayn ka wantow baan odhan laha not just on the net diiniyan wax hagaagsan maha.

Well said,Xaaji

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Someone with the name RAAGE & QAMAAN should have made bit more sense......just saying yacni. But then, we all have numnuts like him midst our Co.

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Abdul;783390 wrote:
Well said,Xaaji

Don't fall for Xaji Xunjuf and his deceiving words. Reerka Xaji ka soo jeedo, waxa lagu yaqan inay ku hadlan hadal wanaagsan sometimes, laakinse, waxa ka soo baxaya afkoda iyo waxa ku jira qalbigoda iisma waafagsana.


I bet Xaji Xunjuf wa Ismahan in that site, leaving those hateful comments. LOL

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