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Things You Never Thought Would Happen!

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1. The separation of Beelwenyta SSC from Puntland.

* Due to Beesha SSC being a cofounder of Puntland, they decided to rather take what they rightfully own and consider their loss a gain, rather than create a civil war within Puntland, where they'd fight for power. The latter is a silly thought, really. lol


2. A black man being elected to be the President of the United States (Actually, subconsciously, I knew there would come the day a Non-Cacuasian would be elected as the President of the United State, so it is what it is)


3. The Formation of Awdal State of Somalia, where Beesha Awdal would eventually take their loss in forming a "unity" with the SNM militia, after being massacred countless times in the 1980s by the SNM and simply say to Reer Hergeisa, "Good bye", we're choosing SELF-DETERMINATION and we're part of SOMALIA.


4. The end of Meles Zenawi's rule. He has 2 years left and he will step down. I foresee a dark cloud of hostility and bloodshed moving towards Ethiopia. An all-out war against Tigre and Amhara, Oromo and Somali, Amhara and Somali, Oromo and Tigre, it's going to be messy.



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Somalia;783155 wrote:
5. SSC fundamentally belonging to Puntland.


6. Puntland oil rescuing the rest of Somalia

It's really funny to see you laugh at the delusional statements of the Separatist Militia supporters of SOL make on here, yet you think you're making a legitimate comment, yourself. LOL


It feels good, walking into a Somalia Party, not being correlated or "attached" to Puntland, but rather my own State, a State that is for the people of SSC and by the people of SSC.


Bluelicious, really? What 'many' fallen dictators are you talking about, other than Mubarak, who left on his own accords because of his age. And...Qadaffi, who wasn't really a dictator? lol

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