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Shir Afar Geesood ah:- Dahabshiil Somtel, Qurba-joog Maamulka SNM

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Shirkadda Dahabshiil ayaa Maamulka Siilaanyo ku wareejisay 17 gawaadhida lagu rakibo qoryaha dagaalka iyo rasaas fara badan sida ay Jidbaale uga xog warrameen ila wadareedyo u badan ragii ay wada shaqaynsan jireen Daahir Riyaale.


6 ka mida gawaadhida Shirkadda Dahabshiil siisay Siilaanyo ayaa lagu rakibay qoryaha dagaalka kuwaas oo kala ah, Qori Zuu badeed ah, 3 Dhashiike iyo labo qoriga loo yaqaan Shilkaha, iyadoo baabuurta kalena ku socoto farsamada qori-saarka gawaadhidaas, oo ku sugan garaashka ka danbeeya ina Qulumbe ee magaalada Burco.


Hubka Dahabshiil iibiyey ayaa waxaa sababay markii ay ku jabeen labo dagaal ay soo qaadeen ciidanka SNM, ee ay isku beesha yihiin mulkiilaha shirkada Dahabshiil. Waxa kale oo tuulada Qori-lugud ku sugan raxan Wasiirro ka ah maamulka Hargeysa, iyadoo halkaas abaabul dagaal laga wado.


Duullaan ay u baxsheen Samriye ayey go'aansadeen in ay mar saddexaad soo qaadan, taas oo dhaqaalaha ugu badan ee ku baxaya 4tii maalmood ee ugu danbeeyey Qurba-joogta beesha taageerta maamulka Hargeysa ay dibadda si lixaad leh uga wadeen iyo shirkado ka taageeri doona xagga dhaqaale & hubka.


Go'aankan Qori-lugud lagu gaadhay ayey waxay isla garteen in xaduudda la soo xidho dabadeedna shirka sannadkan bishiisa labaad ka dhacaya magaalada London ka sheegtaan in dhulkii British proctate Somaliland la odhan jirey ay maamulaan, maamul Khaatumo la yidhaana aanu meesha ka jirin.


Dagaalkan la abaabulayo ayaa Shirkadda Somtel waxay ballan-qaaday in telefoonada Saraakiisha iyo dadka muhiimka ah in telefoonadooda codka duubaan, maamulka Hargaysana kaga caawiyaan waxii macluumaad ah oo hadba soo kordha. Shirkan ayaa waxuu ahaa mid afar geesood ah oo u dhaxeeyey Dahabshiil, Somtel, Qurba joogta & Maamulka Hargeysa.


Maleeshiyooyin Qabiil ayaa beryahan laga aruurinayey degaamo hoos yimaadda magaalada Burco, iyadoo diresyo loo xidhayo, kuwaas oo loogu yeedho Ciidan Qaran..

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Khadar: These companies are here to defend to their admin even to the last dollar. All are in unison liquidating Awdalites, Khaatumites, and Maakhirites if possible - Khaatumo has to prevail otherwise our existence will be in question.

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Somalina;782932 wrote:
@Jidbaale. C'mon Khadar! you can do better than that.

Jidbaale may have bad track record of propoganda, but I have heard inside source that such meeting happens. Somtel's involvement is obvious whenever a fight start that part of the region, the telecommunications are disconnected. So I won't be surprised if they colleberate with their militia leaders..

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Dahabshiil is there for the secessionist. The company lost credibility as a Somali business that's free from politics when they fully endorsed and published a country called Somaliland on their documents or publications - a non existing and illegal country that breaches Somalia's territorial integrity, they did it simply because of clan affiliation.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;782933 wrote:
So now dahabshiil is an arms dealer

Dahabshil owns armors and they were involved both Kalshale and the last fight in Buuhoodle. This is a well known story. Nothing new about on that. If you recall back after Kalshale fight where armors were purshased and they were in transit to Galkacyo where incident happened between the militia transfering the armored vicheles and Ethois, the vechiles were purchased from Dahabshil.. I am not making up this but I know brother of one of the killed militia with that incident..

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^Atleast, SOMTEL through its actions demonstrated it's with the admin in Hargeysa. I don't know about the rest, it's too much of conspiracy for Somalis to shut their mouth.

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Che -Guevara;782956 wrote:
Isn't Somtel the one that shuts down all communications when there's fight?

That is what I was saying. They are and even one time their base in Buholde was almost distoyed by angry people after they shut down the communications during the Kalshaale fight..

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Che -Guevara;782964 wrote:
^Atleast, SOMTEL through its actions demonstrated it's with the admin in Hargeysa. I don't know about the rest, it's too much of conspiracy for Somalis to shut their mouth.

Now Somaliland businesses are also the enemies the very companies that allow them to feed their people in buhoodle and las canod..allows them to talk to them from the exile they live in.. ;)


saxib somaliland albab walba waay idinka so xidaay...Somaliland is to big to fail or to big to falter...and all you guys can do is talk.:D

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The crazy conspiracy theories always involves somtel sillanyo selebaan gaal and dahabshil. For secretly wanting to destroy the garaad clan come on guys do you really believe that nonsense. All those accused of plotting against another somaliland clan always belong to the same clan for some strange reason.

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