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Like Communism, the “Idea” of Somaliland Clan-Secession is Dead

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Like Communism, the “Idea” of Somaliland Clan-Secession is Dead


Aman H. D. Obsiye, Awdal State of Somalia -- Nabad iyo Caano - (Peace and Prosperity)


Sunday, 29 January 2012





The winds of unity are blowing in the Northern Somali territories. Since the fall of the Siad Barre’s regime, there have been two fighting ideologies in the territory that was known as British Somaliland. The first ideology was the belief in one unified Somali Republic, led by Northern Unionists.


The second ideology was the belief in dividing the Somali Republic on early European imperial boundaries, led by the SNM, also known as the Secessionist. The Secessionist strong holds are Hargeisa, Berbera, and Burco, what can be called the SNM triangle. The western and eastern regions, of what was known as British Somaliland, have decided to join the Somali Republic in the forms of two federal states: The Awdal State and the Khaatumo State.


These new federal states, within the Somali Republic, are following international law and policy towards the Somali territories which explicitly dictates that the Somali nation is one and that it must be federated. With the emergence of the Awdal State and the Khaatumo State the idea of two Somali nation-states, the idea of secessionism, is dead. Like Communism, the idea of Somaliland is dead.


Today the SNM military apparatus has decided to send hundreds of troops to the western and eastern regions to conduct armed suppression on the innocent Somali populace. There are currently 400 troops on the outskirts of Borama to violently suppress the emergence of the Awdal State.


There are currently many hundreds troops on the outskirts of Buhodle to violently suppress the emergence of the Khaatumo State. Currently, the Somaliland Army (the SNM Army) is committing crimes against humanity against the innocent Somali populace in Buhodle. The only crimes these people are committing are to be Unionist.


The Awdal State and the Khaatumo State have declared their territories to be unionist territories, within the Somali Republic. Therefore, the international community must recognize the breach of sovereignty the Somaliland Army is committing against the sovereign territory of the Somali Republic.


Sovereignty is the main pillar of international law, and de jure sovereignty of the Awdal State and the Khaatumo State are solely with the Somali Republic, and not the illegal secessionist entity known as Somaliland. Like Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the Soviet era, the Somaliland Army is seeking to suppress the will of the people, but like Communism, the idea of Somaliland is dead.


With the emergence of the Awdal State and the Khaatumo State, the winds of unity are blowing in the Northern Somali territories.


The idea of a federalized central government for the Somali Republic is the widely accepted logical option. The Awdal State, Galmudug State, Khaatumo State, Puntland State, and an executive federal state of Benadir (Mogadishu), will be the foundation for the new Somali Republic.


These five states, with the emergence of few more federal states in South-Central Somalia, will collectively provide personnel for the new Somali government that will emerge after August 2012. The post August 2012 Somali legislative and executive branches should be firmly inclusive to insure an organically accepted central government.

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I lived in where I live for quite sometime and I have never seen so many people from Somaliland region so openly organizing and opposing the official SNM line of secession. University students from Borame who used to populate May 18th celebration parties for Somali land's unilateral declaration of separation, are now sporting the blue flag in unionist gatherings. It is a sign of an ending era. Even Faysal Warabe has now doubts about the whole thing :D


Dont get me wrong, the delusion still exists and some continue to think Somaliland is a state (that can even pull a walk out form international gatherings as NGONGE suggests) :D, but significant cracks are opening up in where it matters the most.

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What first they wanted to defeat Somaliland with poorly written articles and now they want to shoot us with their Music instruments all the way from Minneapolis :D

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Oodweyne with respect to reality on the ground, here is how I see it. Following cities are already in Khatumo hands









War bahashu muddo yar bay jirtay , haddana intaasay maraysaa, waa warka lay sheegaye

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Warka aan kaaga hayo baa ka daran LA, Yagoori and Erigavo. Sidaanu wax u ognahay kuma shaacin karno SOL... waa ceeb Xiinow...

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Haddana ogow weli kalgacal walaaltinimo, xigaalo iyo wax walba diyaar baan u nahay ee sida ugu dhibta yar ha noo dhaafaan haddii kale difaacida maatadayada naf iyo maalba waa u huraynaa. Eebbow xaqa tus.... mar rag xitaa haddii lagu qoslo wax fahmayaa way soo indho adag yihiine.

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Oodweyne: Goormee ka bilownaa three months-ka ma, maanta mise beri. Erigavo-na I'm going to claim the south of it like Galkaio.

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