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Global Public goods, how about Somali Public Goods?

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Global Publuc Goods, how about Somali Public Goods?


Global public goods are aspects of development that reach across borders: Examples include the environment, public health, int security,food markets international trade and financial infrastructure. Actions are often needed that extend beyond what market systems or individual countries can do on their own


If you look at the Somali context what could be Public Goods that is shared, cant be managed by individual country?


-the sea and marine resources


-clan conflicts, clan relations and peace between clans and people's

-Somali language

-livestock and enviroment(deegaan)

- movement of people or migration

-religious movements



Can you think of other Publuc Goods in the Somali context?


Do you think we should find away to manage these public goods and what would be the best way or structure? Considering all the diffrent stakeholders andtheir diffrent status

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