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An Open letter to the leaders of Somaliland

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Mintid Farayar;782264 wrote:

What do the different political actors in the former Somalia have to offer Somaliland? I believe (currently) nothing.
They're slowly being led to the slaughter and they don't even realize it (i.e. a creeping, stealth trusteeship). Even the Ethiopians officially said last week they are willing to hand over control of the Hiiraan regions they control to AMISOM when the time is right - no mention of handing it over to the TFG and its forces. The international community is more conversant than you are (it seems) with the capacity/non-capacity of the different administrations.

They might have not much to offer. As TFG's perios is ending. But there is more space/political vacuum then ever before, to influence things in Somalia. But you with your little/narrow horizon rather sit, wait and blame others. rather then taking matters in own hands. that is the diffrence between me and you, Minti.


And you assertions that they are being led to the slaugher, is incorrent this time. In fact things are changing and people are willing to accept any positive steps. Minti, belief me I for one have always supported Somaliland's foreign policy and opposed Dhirta waqooyi going to TNG/TFG like Buuba, etc. Up to this year, because I belief there is changing coming and we have a momentum. So wake up, smell the coffee and get to work even if it was for recongnition.

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Carafaat;782277 wrote:
The might have not much to offer. But there is more space then ever before to influence things in Somalia. But you with your little/narrow horizon rather sit, wait and blame others. rather then taking matters in own hands. that is the diffrence between me and you, Minti.

If we talk about the situation is right now there is nothing to talk about Somalia is not a sovereign country should we talk to general Bahuku or should we talk to the Kenyan generals. Or perhaps we should talk to Amir Godane or Mr Caalin of galmudug or the Pirate of Somalia Mr Faroole.


This carafaat will not work the bases of talks with Somalia will be on Mutual respect acknowledgment of co existing as two separate states.If that's not the case Somaliland will take 3 steps back ,and relations of the two countries will be always as the status quo.

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Carafaat;782277 wrote:
They might have not much to offer. As TFG's perios is ending. But there is more space/political vacuum then ever before, to influence things in Somalia. But you with your little/narrow horizon rather sit, wait and blame others. rather then taking matters in own hands. that is the diffrence between me and you, Minti.


And you assertions that they are being led to the slaugher, is incorrent this time. In fact things are changing and people are willing to accept any positive steps.
Minti, belief me I for one have always supported Somaliland's foreign policy and opposed Dhirta waqooyi going to TNG/TFG like Buuba, etc. Up to this year, because I belief there is changing coming and we have a momentum.
So wake up, smell the coffee and get to work even if it was for recongnition.

Saaxiib, ha xanaaqin when the fallacies of your different arguments are pointed. Don't do a Xiin routine and resort to name-calling when you're losing the argument. I'm just showing you the logical progression of Somaliland's path thus far, as opposed to the paths the other Somali political actors have taken.


Regroup and try again...

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Minti, inadeer, kumaan caayin. sidaan ku caaya, ileyn Suldaan baad ii tahaye. :D


I only said. I have always supported the policy of Somaliland of non-intervention with Somalia. Up to this year, I think Somalilands needs to change its position, make the people ripe for re-attachment and prebare for a deal.

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Carafaat;782290 wrote:
Minti, inadeer, kumaan caayin. sidaan ku caaya, ileyn Suldaan baad ii tahaye.


I only said. I have always supported the policy of Somaliland of non-intervention with Somalia. Up to this year, I think Somalilands needs to change its position, make the people ripe for re-attachment and prebare for a deal.

You'll excuse me if I don't believe your statement of past beliefs....

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Mintid Farayar;782296 wrote:
You'll excuse me if I don't believe your statement of past beliefs....

Ask Xaaji Xunjuf, he will tell you.


First you thought I was a non-ethnic lander, now you think I am one of those classic TNG/TFG "nothern trees", but belief I am not. I have always opposed them, cause their timing and way of operating was flawd. except those who were working for SL ofcourse. :D

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Carafaat you always contradict yourself i mean what is difference between now and a year ago we are still where we were a year ago, Somaliland will not change its stand on Somalia and Somalia did not change its stand on Somaliland.TFG TNG salbalaadh koox manifesto its all the same.

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no, but the situation in Somalia changed.


-TFG period is ending, there is chance to influence how future goverment might look like and how it deals with SL.

-Somalia will for the first time in 20 years engage in a effective process of nation building bottem-up.

-This process has the best chance to work and will give SL opportunity to influence regional players.

-We have a common enemy in Al Shabaab.

-Somaliland is international recongnized as a goverment.

-SSC and Makhirians have turned back on Puntland and

ready to engage with SL, if they have certaintly about character of future Somaliland/Somalia relations.

-We have showed the world we are stable enough

-UK(our former protector :D) is onboard.

-And we have waited enough.

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Carafaat there are still foreign troops inside Somalias territory if you think this will just end after august you are wrong.

Alshabaab is still not defeated in many parts of Somalia


Clan fiefdoms proposals are in full gear and i predict further division is on the horizon


There is jubaland jubaras state Azania all waiting to fill the vacuum once Alshabaab is removed from the Juba regions


Somalilands role is still not clear and certainly they are not ready to have talks with Somalia any time soon.


One good thing though i agree the maakhirians and the garaad clan have officially left the garowe clan enclave for what it is,and that is something we should welcome.


The brits want to stop British Somalis leaving the UK and turning into terrorists not so sure how that will help Somaliland?


Other than some non bilateral aid for Somaliland they care more about fighting the pirates in the horn of Africa.


But perhaps i am wrong and they want to return back to berbera like the old days and fight the Iranians from Africa's seashores Crazy talks Carafaat:D

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Mintid, and I really doubt if you belong to the noble Sulantan lineage. Cant belief that brave men Like Jamac Qaaliib, Buuba, current Min of Dec of Somalia, Sultan Abdiqadir and Faisal Waraabe, xaji Waraabe and you belong to the same family. You dont sound brave.


Laga yaaba inaa abtiyashaa raacday, from the other side. That would make sense.

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I think you must have me confused with someone else. For I'm far from belonging to any Sultan lineage you're alluding to. Just a poor Somalilander burnt by the mirage of Somaliweyn, just like the rest of his people...


But nice attempt at fishing for lineages.

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Never mind. The rhetoric non-intellectual scribt and little content ayaan gartay, the Haatuf kind. :D



P.S. Why havent you responded my earlier thread on Common Public Goods?

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