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Iran To Host Somalia Peace Conference

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''Shir ayaan ka qaban karnaa''

29 Jan 29, 2012 - 9:00:51 AM


Wasiirka arimaha dibedda Iran Cali Akbar Salixi ayaa shaaca ka qaadey maanta 29,Jan ,2012 in dawladiisu diyaar u tahay martigelinta shir lagu xaliyo dhibaatad Somalia ka taagan.


Salixi ayaa hadalkan sheegay ka dib kulan uu la qaatey xogahayaha guud ee urur goboleedka IGAD Maxamuud Macalin.


Wasiirku waxa uu soo jeediyey in shirku yeesho laba waji kan hore oo ka dhacaya Nairobi waxa ka qaybgalaya ayuu yiri dalalka Iran ,Kenya ,Somalia iyo IGAD.


Waxa uu ku adkeeyey wasiirka arimaha dibedda Iran in loo baahanyahay fulinta qodobadii lagu heshiiyey (Rad Map) ,isagoona dhanka kale sheegay in wajiga labaad farxad u tahay inay Somalilad ku martiqaadaan magaala madaxda dalkooda ee Tehran.


Dawladda Iran ayaa lagu tilmaamaa dalalkii kaalinta wayn ka qaatey samatabixinta abaartii kalka ku dhufatey gobolada koonfureed ee dalka.



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Interesting the world is all paying attention to somalia now, is it the OIL in Puntland and knowing that Somalis will come to an agreement sooner or later since poverty will now be in the history books and ppl will see more benefits having a govt to reap the oil rewards, I think their coming in now for that reason knowing full well somalia is going to be at peace soon and oil money is going to do that for us

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