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Cali Khaliif Galayr oo cafis waydiistey Cabdullahi Yusuf

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Dubai(Pi) Warar aad ugu dhow Cabdullahi Yusuf madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya ayaa noo xaqiijiyey inuu Cali Khaliif Galeyr uu kusoo booqdey Dubay mudo labo bilood laga joogo hada, kulankaan ayaa ujeedada uu Cali Khaliif u booqdey Madaxwweyne Cabdullahi Yufuf ahayd in uu dhameeyo Xurgufta dhextaal isaga iyo Cabdullahi Yusuf.


Waxaa naloo xaqiijiyey in Cali Khaliif yiri “Madaxweyne Waxaan kuugu imid inaad i cafido” balse Cabdullahi Yusuf wuxuu ugu jawaabay “Ma aniga shaqsi ahaan inaan ku cafiyo mise in Reer Puntland ku cafiyaan, Anigu waa cafis wixii xageena inakala gaaray lakiin dhinaca Puntland Dambiyadii aad ka gashey waxay u taal shacabka Puntland iyo hogaamiyayaasha hada talada haya” sidaas ayayna ku kala tageen.


Cali Khliif waxaa waxaa lagu eedeeyaa inuu geed dheer iyo mid gaabanba u fuuley burburinta Puntland lagasoo bilaabo xiligii uu Cabdullahi Yusuf Madaxweynaha ahaa, dhinaca kale wuxuu dhowr jeer lacago uu soo ururshey u direy gudaha Puntland is loogu furfuray siyaasada Puntland.


Video-gaan hoose wuxuu kamid yahay shirar hoosaad uu Cali Khaliif ku cadeynayey khilaafaadkaan,waxaana looga duubay si qarsoodi ah.


Regarding this.


Cali Khaliif Galeyr “Waxaan direy lacag lagu burburiyo Puntland markaan Ra’iisalwasaaraha ahaa”

Watch him say it from 6:00


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Xaaji Xunjuf;781963 wrote:
Professor Cali khalif galaydh is a good politician and a great speaker.

There's no doubt about that.

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We dont exactly know what he meant. Maybe he supported Yeey's opposing candidate during elections or one of the many internal clan battles.

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Carafaat;782111 wrote:
What has he done specificly. could you explain?

In 2000-2001 during Cabdiqassim's term, Abdullahi Yusuf was against the TNG. So to get rid of Abdullahi Yusuf in Puntland, Khalif Galayr tried to flood the Puntland economy with counterfeit money produced in Indonesia. He used people such as Jama Ali Jama and another Ciise Mahamud/MJ elder so they could replace him.


The plan didn't succeed. Watch the video at 6:00, he says it himself.

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But hasnt Faroole printed fake money as well, when he was a Minister? and didnt Yeey and Cade Muuse wage war? Yeey and Jama Ali Jama?

Have they appologized?

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Carafaat;782134 wrote:
But hasnt Faroole printed fake money as well, when he was a Minister? and didnt Yeey and Cade Muuse wage war? Yeey and Jama Ali Jama?

Have they appologized?

Why should they apologize for overthrowing a man who was working for the TNG? It was great and the people from his clan didn't fight against it, they knew he was too loose. There was a bigger game at stake.


The reason it is different for Khaliif Galayr and not the rest of the TNG is because of where he hails from. That's why it was wrong.


As for Faroole, printing for Puntland vs printing to destroy Puntland ain't the same.

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