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Somaliland Will Not Attend The London Conference.

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Hargeysa (Qaran news)-Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo, ayaa la sheegay in uu ka cagjiidayo ka qaybgalka shirka 23-ka bisha Febuary ee sannadkan kooxaha Soomaalida loogu qabanayo Magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska, isaga suulagay kaalinta Somaliland shirka ku yeelnayso.


Sida ay sheegayaan warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo shabakeda wararka ee Ramaasnews ka heshay ilo ku dhaw Madaxtooyada, waxa uu Madaxweynuhu isku dayayaa in uu maalmaha soo socda ku dhawaaqo go’aanka xukuumadiisa ee ka qaybgalka shirka London, iyada oo ay u badan tahay in uu ka soo horjeedsan doono, maadaama kulamo talo Qaran oo uu la yeeshay masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulkiisa isla afgartay in aan lagu deg-degin soo jeedinta beesha caalamka ee shirkaas.


Waxa kale oo aan sababo aan la garanayn loo baajiyay shirar ay isugu iman lahaayeen Madaxweynaha, shir-guddoonada labada gole iyo madaxda axsaabta Qaranka todddobaadkan , ka dib markii sida la sheegay dawlada ka war heshay in ajandaha shirku dibeda u soo baxay, kaasoo qaadici lahaayeen dhinacyada kale oo u arka mid lagu wiiqayo Qaranimada Somaliland, waxaana uu Mr Siilaanyo ku hawlan yahay uu sidii jawaab waaqiciya u gaadhsiin lahaa wadanka Ingiriiska oo martigelinaya shirka lagaga hadlayo aayaha dambe ee maamul u samayn Soomaaliya.


Dawladaha Ingiriiska iyo Maraykanka oo Somaliland caadis ku saarayay Madaxweynaha Siilaanyo in uu ka qaybgalo shirka Magaalada London, ayaa xoojinaya qorshaha abaabulka shirka, waxaana ay wakhtigan isticmaalayaan qalabka warbaabinta dalalkooda oo faafinaya fariintooda, iyada oo maamlmihii u dambeeyay ay idaacada B.B.C-da qaybta la hadasho dibedaha ee la yidhaadh World Service ay si toos ah u tabinaysay aragtida shacabka reer Somaliland ka qabaan isu imaatinka London.


Dhanka kale golaha wasiirada xukuumada, ayaa aragti kala duwan ka qaba shirka, iyada oo ay qaarkooda Madaxweynaha ku dhiirigelinayaan in uu dhakhso u cadeeyo mawqifkiisa, kuwaasoo ku doodaya in uu haddii uu qaato go’aan qeexan oo diidmo ah ay xukuumadu go’adoon siyaasadeed oo caalamiya geli doonto, halka kuwa kalena ay qabaan in haddii xukuumadu ay aqbasho shirka London in ay waayi doonto kalsoonida dadweynaha oo hoos u sii dhacaysay muddooyinkan dambe.

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saxib..i already know Somaliland will not attend this conference as i have stated her on Sol again and will never sit on the same level as gal mudug state and puntland. plus this TFG government is history as of August so its better to keep the status qou why change it makes no sense.

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I think president Axmed siilaanyo is going to follow Mr oodweynes advice will see how it goes the udub crew is against the conference ucid is indifferent Guurti leader Selebaan Muslim advised president Siilaanyo also not to go to that conference.

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^^^ rich comming from a person and people who were just crying and emphasising Somaliland's attendence at the conference the other day..i think your the real retards.. :cool: one minute crying for somaliland to attend and when it says F*** off...the contrary.. not only retarded but confused...hahaha....:D

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If you attend then you need to put aside your claim that you are a different country.Of course you are not.

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Abdul;781983 wrote:
If you attend then you need to put aside your claim that you are a different country.Of course you are not.

There are going to be 40 different delegates from all over the world Somalia's problems affect Somaliland so but i am sure the government in Somaliland will make a good decision regarding this conference.The thing is Somaliland attending this conference or not attending this conference, doesn't change anything on the ground or in other words it doesn't stop Somaliland quest for statehood. The point is what's in it for Somaliland reading the agenda of the conference its all about piracy Alshabaab and the African union mandate.But Britain is suddenly interested in Somalia there is something else going on something the public isn't aware of i was calling hargeysa few days ago there are so many rumors going on. Britain wants to present something to the world concerning Somalia.


England ba rag ku shirayaan oo maxa iga gidhish ah :D

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Some folks really have tendency to pre-occupy themselves with triviality and you have many of them in Somaliland. Rather discussing what kind of country they want to be and what they can expect from their leaders in terms of content, they rather pre-occupy themselves with if their highest diplomat and representitive can go to a meeting or not.




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It's a lose, lose situation for the secessionists.

If they go they will have eggs on their face. Since the meeting is for Somalia and they will be a state or province. If they ignore then they will be isolated even more.


Like Faisal Waarabe stated, this failure is their own doing.

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