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General Duke

UNPOS moving to Mogadishu from Nairobi shocks the Secessionist, why?

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Dervish;781699 wrote:
Somaliland is finished, stick a fork in them they're through. How do they expect to defend themselves against foreign aggressors when they can't even beat a small town.

So you want them to beat the small town and yesterday u were crying about aggression

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Xaaji Xunjuf;781705 wrote:
So you want them to beat the small town and yesterday u were crying about aggression

Forget about wanting, they CAN'T beat a small group, but they can harm their kids and elderly. Good job.

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Caano_Geel;781632 wrote:


Somaliland is a independent country and it will stat that way for good... Bal yay naan arkin berri iyadoo la leeyahay xafiiskii UNPOS oo la qarxiyay.

Airport in qarxiyaa miyaad u ololeynaysaa?


50% baad helaysaan waxba ha iska waalina, wax aan isla cuno ceeb ma ahan dee ogow. 50/50 Hargeysa/Mogadishu, it's win win for the parties involved. :D :D :D

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The only person in shock will be the Pirate ninny Faroole who was fantasizing about the capital of Somalia being

moved to Garowe village. :D

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Somalina;781950 wrote:


50% baad helaysaan, wax aan isla cuno ceeb ma ahan dee ogow. 50/50 Hargeysa/Mogadishu, it's win win for the parties involved.

:D On our side that is better than sharing with the Garowe clan enclave.

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peasant;781985 wrote:
If Hargaysa does not get it's acts together, who knows it might even lose the second capital spot to Garowe!


Hargeysa is the capital of Somaliland. It's being advanced by it's inhabitants per diem.

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General Duke;781984 wrote:
Mogadishu is the capital and it's closer to Garowe than Hargaysa.

Duke, I am not sure if Xabashi's and their chearleaders are welcomed by folks in Muqdishu for years to come. Only one guy is allowed for the time of his mandate, and that is Abdiwali. And after august he will get the first airplane and run for his life. like yeey and sharmarke's son. :D

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Carafaat, Mogadishu cid walba ayaa joogta maanta; ka shaqeysata, ka beec mushtarta, ku nool, muslim iyo gaal, Somali iyo shisheeye.

Everyone is welcome my friend. :)

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peasant;781985 wrote:
If Hargaysa does not get it's acts together, who knows it might even lose the second capital spot to Garowe!

I don't think they're asking for that, so garowe could easily have the second capital spot, whatever that's worth.

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Somalina;782011 wrote:
Carafaat, Mogadishu cid walba ayaa joogta maanta; ka shaqeysata, ka beec mushtarta, ku nool, muslim iyo gaal, Somali iyo shisheeye.

Everyone is welcome my friend.

I am sure everyone is welcome. But I dont know if our friend Duke would dare to go, as he already fears South-Galkacyo, let alone Xamar. :D

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Somalina;781950 wrote:
Airport in qarxiyaa miyaad u ololeynaysaa?


50% baad helaysaan waxba ha iska waalina, wax aan isla cuno ceeb ma ahan dee ogow. 50/50 Hargeysa/Mogadishu, it's win win for the parties involved.

Somalina walaal maya u ololayn maayo, ee waxaan leeyahay ka ilaaliya yaan la qarxinine. 50% waa caadi, laakiin ma adaa damaanad qaadaya? :D

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