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Xaaji Xunjuf

Garowe leader despised by the people of Dhahar Somaliland minister gacmay receives hero's welcome

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Faroole the most hated person in the dhahar district in eastern sanaag











Somaliland Minister gacmay receives a majestic welcome in dhahar eastern sanaag


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Good folks those Badhan and Dhahar people. The two track policy has proved to be working well for them, decreasing tension and instability and creating added value by working with Somaliland admin without giving up political clan alliance with Puntland.


We should take example of such political strategic roads. Loyaltly to one political goal doesnt need to contradict the other.

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Go back to the other thread and flesh out your thoughts on the London Conference - what the pros vs cons are for the actors involved.

The exchanges between you and Oodweyne presented the beginnings of a reasoned debate.

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Lol, now Faroole is a terrorist for not fighting. Hilarious :D


What's amazing is not the message but the fact that around 2 dozen women are carrying it. That makes it invalid in any normal person's book.


Make a big show of it at least.

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Those pictures were taken during the Galgala skirmishes. But why would you post it now? To divert attention from current political crisis facing the seccessionists?

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Carafaat;781427 wrote:
Good folks those Badhan and Dhahar people. The two track policy has proved to be working well for them, decreasing tension and instability and creating added value by working with Somaliland admin without giving up political clan alliance with Puntland.


We should take example of such political strategic roads. Loyaltly to one political goal doesnt need to contradict the other.

pow your head so that i can pray for you....god please give these people logic so that they can form a coherent sentence.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;781420 wrote:
Faroole the most hated person in the dhahar district in eastern sanaag











Somaliland Minister gacmay receives a majestic welcome in dhahar eastern sanaag




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Maakhir State is in a dormant state. Maakhirites ought to learn from the mistakes of Khaatumo. Khaatumo has learned in the harder way and it seems Maakhir is on the same trajectory as once Khaatumites were. The great people of Maakhirites can not afford being part of too many administrations - the luxury of jungling between "SL" and PL has cost us dearly and because of it; Khaatumo State was proclaimed at last. The moral of the story, Maakhir state needs to be fully independent (my preferable route), be fully part of PL or be fully part of SL. But having too many admins in the same cities is calling for trouble.

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Well said Taleexi! I was actually reading a field report published by the UNDP on the creation of autonomous Local Governments (LG) as a basis for vertical development and the restoration of legitimate Somali government. You can rightly understand who resisted and even threatened such UNDP efforts with political consequences. But that issue is further complicated by the absent or passive role of the intellectuals and leaders from this region. Both entities use political agents to hoodwink the international community and therefore divide the community along sub-clannish lines. I hope, as the initial formation of Maakhir inspired Khaatumo with ideas so will Khaatumo do if and when the latter succeeds in its noble vision.



Somalina, Read the 9th Paragraph, esp the highlighted part. Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series. Oxford: Nov 2007. Vol. 44, Iss. 10. As Puntland loses its grip, another area, Maakhir, declares independence.

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