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Title: in 1960 we existed by Mohamoud Ahmed Abdalle (Shine)

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Poetry on How Somalia was in 1960


This poem is composed in Gabay. It is called "in 1960 we existed". It was composed by Mohamoud Ahmed Abdalle (Shine). The poet composed this poem after he read the poem "1960" composed by Sahra Bashir.


O’ lady your substantiated poem has penetrated deep in my psyche

I am still conscientious otherwise I would not have ponder about your words

It has gone through my skin and bones like a flowing bloodstream

My wound was hurt and I felt the pain

It has burned my morale like the fire your hell

It has given me shivers and suffering at night

Your lamentation gets to those who have feelings

Somalis are all ******, thugs and weak

Some are searching for power and leadership positions

Satan that takes the soul of people is what they consider their government

He gives them lessons about clanism that leads to eradication

Nowadays the religions of Allah is used to murder people

Some have become refugees and others are following

Some live for victimising brothers & sisters & are alienated from Allah

And there are middlemen who sold the country away to outsiders

Today foolish Somalis are divided into these discontented three categories

Instead of feeling for and taking care of the country

Instead of feeling for the country and trying to take care of it

Each vanquished person is laying down suffering from cold

In the 1960s we existed as people and we governed ourselves

Today we are sick people who have not stocked any medicine

Only Allah knows how we will end up

Don’t start giving me a bitter aloe and expose the corrosion that was covered

Don’t remind me how my peers left me behind

O’ Degmo it is your right today that you weep because of my suffering

You have felt the anguish of the Somalis may the curtain be removed

Only Allah can heal them from the cholera they are inflicted with

Please say Amen to my prayer that they all follow the right path


View Somali Translation


Title: Lixdankii dad jira baan ahayn by Mohamoud Ahmed Abdalle (Shine)


Poetry on How Somalia was in 1960


Gabay: Lixdankii dad jira baan ahayn by Maxamuud Axmed Cabdalle (Shiine). Gabayaagu wuxuu kaga jawaabaya gabayga ay tirisay Sahara Bashiir ee 1960:


Gabadhyahay daliilkaaga gabay waygu duxayaaye

Damiir baygu laabane indhaha kuma daliigsheene

Diirkiyo laftuu xulay sidii dhiigga deeddama’e

Damqashiyo xanuun baygu kacay doogtii aan qabaye

Dubaakhayga waa gubay sidii dukhunka naareede

Daliilyaan ka qaadiyo inaan diifto layl dhexe’e

Dabuubtaadu waxay daarrantaa ruux dareen qaba’e

Soomaali waa wada dammiin daaduf iyo liide

Derejiyo in magac doonaysoo duubab loo sudhaye

Shaydaanka duufsada khalqiga baa u dawladahe

Dersinkii qabiilkuu u dhigay laysku dabar gooye

Diintii ilaahbaa beryahan laysku dilayaaye

Dar qaxootinimo laasimiyo qaar ku daba jooga

Qaar dulin walaaluun u nool daa’in ka irdhoobay

Iyo qaar dillaalloo dalkii dibad u iib geeyey

Saddexdaa dudday maanta tahay doqontii Soomaale

Cid u diirnaxdiyo daa daryeel lagula daalaaye

Dulli waliba meeshiisibuu durey la jiifaaye

Lixdankii dad jira baan ahayn duul ismaamula’e

Maantana daleel baynu nahay daawa aan dhigane

Duuggana Allaa garan halkuu nagu dambaysiine

Waxba dacar ha igu oogin iyo milil *****llaaye

Waxba qayrkay inan dib uga hadhay ha i dareensiine

Degmooy waa gartaa maanta inad iga dul oydaaye

Wax ku daaray Soomaalidaa daaha laga saarye

Daacuunka galay qaaddiruun baa dawayn kara’e

Dawgii san inay wada maraan ducada aammiin dheh!



Src: Maankoris

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