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Citizens Of Bosaso Enjoy A Fun Day Out At The Beach. PICS

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Sidee Loogu Jimcaystay Xeebta Boosaaso [Daawo Sawirro].


Boosaaso[RBC Radio] Xeebta Boosaaso waxa ay kamid tahay goobaha loogu dalxiiska badanyahay Puntland sababtoo ah boqolaal dadweyne ah ayaa usoo tamashle taga maalin kasta oo Jimce ah.


Inta badan dadka yimaada Xeebta magaalada Boosaaso ayaa ah kuwa siyaabo kala duwan uga faa’ideysta kuwa bada ayey kugaha u galaan oo wey ku dabaashaan,kuwa banaankeeda ayey kubad ku ciyaaraan laba laba kooxood iyaga oo ah iyo kuwa kale oo usoo daawasho taga.


Farxada iyo Tamaashaadkii maanta oo Jimce ah ka socday ayey leedahay Akhristayaasheeda dal iyo dibada nala wadaaga.



Cismaan Turaabi

RBC Radio

Xafiiska Wararka Boosaaso













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yeah but its ironic that it came right after the p.m did a beach day out at lido beach, I will just put it to coincidence but there are other skeptics who would say otherwisse

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Taleexi, These pics actually refute the Hobbesian view of Somalia. People look healthy and are enjoying life to the fullest.



Osman, There's no difference between Xamar & Boosaaso & hence I see no skeptics.

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The Zack   

Ninyahow dad Somali ah baa weerar ku socdaa oo dagaal xun baa ka socda meesha adna sawiro "beach" baad nooga sheekeyn?


At least move it to the general section. We are mourning here.



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Guys thinks are moving ahead I think.


Oil Tanks outside oman





Dont these look like oil tanks in Bosaso and Oman?



The question remains is Bosaso setting up for exports already? please take into consideration the following from range resources

In addition the hydrocarbon survey team scouted a possible pipeline route from the well locations in the Nogal Valley to Ely on the Indian Ocean coast. In March 2006 the MEPS structural geology team will be deployed into the Nogal Valley to map surface structures. This field team will be brought in after completing a mapping campaign in the Komombo Rift Basin in Egypt, followed by a visit to both the Jawf-Marib and Hadhramout rift valleys in Yemen – which are the locations of the majority of Yemen’s current production.


In the event of one or more discoveries from any of these initial four wells,
a small diameter pipeline between 50 and 150 kilometres in length will be put in place with a simple storage facility at the coast. A floating hose will be put in place to a mooring buoy with a rented storage tanker – with a shuttle tanker to transport crude initially to Mukalla in Yemen for off loading to the regular tankers that pick up Yemeni crude. In this way – even modest production from any discovery can be used to substantially fund further development out of cash flow Prospect A

Open debate guys regarding one of the the biggest transformation project to happen in the Somali era

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I think it is safe to say without even hearing any debate on the issue Puntland is planning for export to mukalla yemen initially untill cash-flow comes through and will invest it into infrastructure projects untill the big OIL companies come in upon commercial discovery and build the refineries, pipelines and dig other wells in the daror and nogal basins. The oil era has kicked off and puntland will develop with further foreign investors who will come lining up, some of whom have already started trying to beat the queue and then the diaspora intellectuals and business-men will all return and the PUNTLAND ENTERS A NEW AGE AND THE SOL COMMUNITY WILL OBSERVE DHAGAX DHIGIS AFTER DHAGAX DHIGIS ON A DAILY BASIS

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