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Xaaji Xunjuf

Garowe clan enclave MP gunned downed by raas caseer state forces.

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Xildhibaan Katirsan Barlamaanka Dawlada Puntland Oo Bargal Lagu Dilay.

on January 27th, 2012


Bargaal(;- Xildhibaan katirsan Barlamaanka Dawlada Puntland ayaa lagu dilay deegaanka Bargaal ee Gobolka Bari.


Ala ha uraxmadee Bile Maxamuud Yuusuf ayaa ahaa kooxo hubaysan rasaas ooda uga qaadeen gaari uu watay markii ay is af dhaafeen sida uu warfidiyeenada u sheegay Qaasim Maxamed Yuusuf oo katirsan Golaha shacabka Degmada Boosaaso.


Waxaa uu sheegay in mudanaha iyo shaqsiyaad wehliyay ay ku sii jeedeen deegaanka Caluula ee Gobolka Bari waxaana uu carabaabay cida ka danbaysay dilka Xildhibaanka isagoo sheegay in is hortaag ay ku sameyeen maleeshiyaad lamagacbaxay mamulka Casayrland deetana ay rasaas ooda uga qaadeen.


Wararka waxaa ay intaa ku darayaan in rasaasta maleeshiyaadka uu dhawac ka soo gaaray darawalkii Ala ha uraxmadee xildhibaanka docda kalana waxaa dhawac uu soo gaaray laba kamida maleeshiyaadka oo ay rasaas is waydaarsadeen wiil uu dhalay mudanaha geeriyooday oo safarka ku wehliyay.


Waa dhacda uguba hadana u baahan in xukumada ay talaabo kaqaado madama uu geeriyooday xildhibaan katirsan Barlamaanka Dawlada Puntland mana ah arin la dhayalsankaro sida ay u sheegeen siyaasiyiin katacsiyeyay dhacdada lagu dilay Xildhibaanka.


Waxaa Tacsi soo gaarsiiyay Madax katirsan Dawlada Puntland iyo siyaasiyiin caana waxaana dhamaantood ay ka tacsiyeeyeen geerida Xildhibaanka waxaana ay Dawlada ugu baaqeen in talaabo deg deg ah ka qaado maleeshiyaadkii falkaa fuliyay. Galkacyo

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Where does it say Raas Asayr in the news?



But even if there was Raascasayr state, we welcome it, it shouldn't be another nightmare for you just like Khaatumo :D


Weak man's meal baan u aqaan: Nin daad qaaday xumbo kuskay :D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;781021 wrote:
Raas caseer state is a reality now they are hunting down Mps from the garowe clan enclave they moved out of their Nairobi hotels now.

Aun to the killed MP.

An innocent man was cold-bloodedly murdered and you can hardly contain your joy! How sick of a person are you? You are disgrace.



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Atirisho;781163 wrote:
An innocent man was cold-bloodedly murdered and you can hardly contain your joy! How sick of a person are you? You are disgrace.



is all politics, the other side do it all the time.

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AfricaOwn;781166 wrote:
is all politics, the other side do it all the time.

Just because others do it doesn't make it alright. People shouldn't lose their morals.

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Devastating news. I suggest the Ras Casayr traditional leader speaks to the clan and bring it to reality.



2 states or more voluntarily can become a regional authority if those two states are fall under the 1991 borders which comprised 18 state jurisdictions. That is what the constitution says. Complying states so far are Puntland-Galmudug-Somaliland. Emerging states that meet the criteria also are khatuumo(sool-sanaag), azania(juba-gedo) however non-complying states are awdal and ximan.


Some people might be confused regarding the constitution how-ever after in-depth analysis it doesn't say you must control 2 states fully because that is not realistic as somalis all share and live within states however in order to become a regional authority, it says simply two states or more can willingly come together and form an administration. So you could literally have one city from 1 state and another city from another state and if you willingly come together you have met the constitutional requirements. How long will that last until its amended probably soon because of the crazy level amount of administrations declaring statehood.


They might need to put in a check and balance and say 2 states or more where you the administration controls at least 50% of the both states and they may need to use a formula to work that out by basing it on recognised regional cities of that state as per the 1991 for example mudug;


1. Galkayo

2. Galdogob

3. Garacad

4. Hobyo

5. Harardheere


this will be able to work out who owns the most cities in a state whoever does then the state goes to them, if its tied then two states can form from it. But this will need rational minds when negiotating ama maskax saliim because lets be honest who-ever owns the most regional cities in a state their reer badiyo folks will be double that in the interiors and is clear the states is there. As for the mudug case the state should go to Puntland since they control Galdgob-Garacad. While The Other guys control Hobyo and Harardheere. Its a tie. Then the decider is galkayo and you go back to the 4 districts it used to be under 1991 to see who owns the city and the state goes to puntland.

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Another assasination in Bari. When will a sensible SOL' er adress this issue? If the young cant adress the issue and come wioth solutions. Who will?


Silence is no option.

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