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Low IQ Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

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There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.

"Prejudice is extremely complex and multifaceted, making it critical that any factors contributing to bias are uncovered and understood," he said.

Yahoo Article


So would it be fair to say that "Qabiil is linked to low IQ"? Someone please make the case for that.

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There's no doubt that the qabiiliisteyaasha waa xayawaaniin cooska cuno. hadaaba adoo nin weyn ama naag weyn ah aaminsantahay qabiil hebel keygaa ka fiican just because anigaa ka dhashay...xoolo number one baad tahay oo cooska cuna. Ragga soomaalida qaarkood xoolo intee dhaafeen ayaa magac kale NatGeo looga raadinayaa oo illaa iyo hada magac lagu tilmaamo ayaa la la'yahay. mid xoolo ah ayaad maqleysaa oo ku doodaya gabar reer hebel ah ma guursanaayo sababto ah qabiilkeeda iyo keyga xarash ee isu hayaan ama waxaa arkeysaa wiil gabar loo diidaayo oo la leeyahay qabiilkiisa nasab ma'aha laakiin gaal gafuur weyn leh oo aan gudneyn iyo indho yar iyo waxaan la aqoon baa hadhoow gabartii xaaraan kula dhaxaya markaasaad odaygii nacaska ahaa ee wiilka soomaaliyeed ee muslimka ahaa eryay oo hadhoow meelaha qaracsan baad arkeysaa oo kuleh gabartii baa iga hallowday oo gaalo ayey raacday...don't you think that guy is a fool with the lowest of low IQ?


Soomaaliyey allah ka cabsada oo dulmiga iyo munaafiqnimada aan iska dhaafno or else wallaahi dhibaatada maanta lagu jiro oo ceebta iyo fadeexada badan mid ka daran ayaa la gali doonaa...gabdhaha waxaan kula talin lahaa inee sharafta iyo magaca muslimnimada iyo soomalinimada dhowraan oo aysan dhulka is dhigin sababtoo nobody will ever respect you if you do not respect yourself FIRST and raggana waxaan kula talin lahaa iney gabdhaha walaalohood ah ee muslimka iyo soomaaliyeed ay dhowraan oo ay sharafteeda iyo magaceeda ay xafidaan sababtoo ah hadaadan adiga sharfin walaashaa soomaliyeed oo aadan xushmeyn yaad ka sugeysaa oo aad u fadhidaa inuu xushmeeyo?




That's me reporting LIVE from under the trees in Leheley - Kismayo.


Over and Out.














Peace, Love & Unity.

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The disturbing thing about this study is the daftness along with the attendant chauvinism and bigotry will continue in perpetuity as the truly daft tend to marry each other.


The results of this study probably apply to religious literalists ala Alshabaab who literally believe in spy angels perched on shoulders 24/7, talking snakes, Jonah living inside a big fish, Jewish guy water skiing in the Red Sea 2000 years ago, Biblical/Quranic creation story implying incestuous human origin, and miscellaneous religious morons who go around threatening people for simply having different views.

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BOB;780770 wrote:
There's no doubt that the qabiiliisteyaasha waa xayawaaniin cooska cuno. hadaaba adoo nin weyn ama naag weyn ah aaminsantahay qabiil hebel keygaa ka fiican just because anigaa ka dhashay...xoolo number one baad tahay oo cooska cuna. Ragga soomaalida qaarkood xoolo intee dhaafeen ayaa magac kale NatGeo looga raadinayaa oo illaa iyo hada magac lagu tilmaamo ayaa la la'yahay. mid xoolo ah ayaad maqleysaa oo ku doodaya gabar reer hebel ah ma guursanaayo sababto ah qabiilkeeda iyo keyga xarash ee isu hayaan ama waxaa arkeysaa wiil gabar loo diidaayo oo la leeyahay qabiilkiisa nasab ma'aha laakiin gaal gafuur weyn leh oo aan gudneyn iyo indho yar iyo waxaan la aqoon baa hadhoow gabartii xaaraan kula dhaxaya markaasaad odaygii nacaska ahaa ee wiilka soomaaliyeed ee muslimka ahaa eryay oo hadhoow meelaha qaracsan baad arkeysaa oo kuleh gabartii baa iga hallowday oo gaalo ayey raacday...don't you think that guy is a fool with the lowest of low IQ?


Soomaaliyey allah ka cabsada oo dulmiga iyo munaafiqnimada aan iska dhaafno or else wallaahi dhibaatada maanta lagu jiro oo ceebta iyo fadeexada badan mid ka daran ayaa la gali doonaa...gabdhaha waxaan kula talin lahaa inee sharafta iyo magaca muslimnimada iyo soomalinimada dhowraan oo aysan dhulka is dhigin sababtoo nobody will ever respect you if you do not respect yourself FIRST and raggana waxaan kula talin lahaa iney gabdhaha walaalohood ah ee muslimka iyo soomaaliyeed ay dhowraan oo ay sharafteeda iyo magaceeda ay xafidaan sababtoo ah hadaadan adiga sharfin walaashaa soomaliyeed oo aadan xushmeyn yaad ka sugeysaa oo aad u fadhidaa inuu xushmeeyo?




That's me reporting LIVE from under the trees in Leheley - Kismayo.


Over and Out.














Peace, Love & Unity.

HaHaHa. Horta, marka koobaad, wlc Back sxb. Halkee ku maqneed? :) Marka labaad, si fiican ayaad u micneeysay oo qosol badan weliba (NatGeo:)). Oo aan aniga suubin Karin. Marka sadexaad waxaan rajeynayaa, in aad OBAMA 2012 u vote gareeyneesid inkastoo dad soomali ah diley (yaa kala jecel :)). So sxb, waad mahad santahay.

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Carafaat;780621 wrote:
Nin-Yaaban, ninyahow hortay qolomaa tahay?

My cousin oo Garoowe kasoo noqday i soo xasuusisay. After staying that town almost for two years from Kanada, markuu soo noqday uu Nayroobi soo maray. Haye Garoowe ka waran la yiri. Ha igu sheegin meeshaas kulahaa. Maxaa dhacayna la weydiiye. Qofkaa aragtidba 'qolomaa tahay' iyo 'wa aayo wiilka' ayee la soo boodayaan uu dhahay, salaantoodaba waa saas. 058.gif


Poor cousin, xuu ka ogyahay waxaas, Xamar uu iskaga dhashee.

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I agree with everything that's been said in the article. Having strong conservative beliefs and being prejudiced leads to less progression, development and stagnation of the mind which makes you dumber. Open mindedness is the key to progression and more development which results in a higher intelligence and higher IQ because you learn more. The mind is like a parachute it doesn't work if it isn't open meaning that an open mind is a mind that is non judging open to new thoughts, ways of doing things that does not see obstacles but opportunities.


Nin Yaaban - Qabil is a mental disease it messes up your mind.

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In my mind the people that are ultra anti-qabil are the same as qabilists. Both groups take something as matter-of-fact as family history/lineage and twist it into something negative.


The qabilists use it as a weapon to discriminate against others and the anti-qabils want to do away with the whole system altogether.

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The Older we get the more conservative views we tend to adhere. Qabyaalad is the same, The more you live in Somali community the more you get convinced that Qabyaalad is a form of living that we are doomed to accept & all of those who say otherwise are a bunch of hypocrites who are trying to delude others.....

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Raamsade;781180 wrote:
The disturbing thing about this study is the daftness along with the attendant chauvinism and bigotry will continue in perpetuity as the truly daft tend to marry each other.


The results of this study probably apply to religious literalists ala Alshabaab who literally believe in spy angels perched on shoulders 24/7, talking snakes, Jonah living inside a big fish, Jewish guy water skiing in the Red Sea 2000 years ago, Biblical/Quranic creation story implying incestuous human origin, and miscellaneous religious morons who go around threatening people for simply having different views.

.. is this an attempt to proof to us that AlShabaab aren't the only bigoted morons on the loose or that the supposed 'daftness' is hereditary?

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Of course Alshabaab aren't the only morons... most Somalis are morons. How else can you account for the recent fighting over some godforsaken dusty village called Buhoodle that isn't even worth dried goat shid resulting in more death, mayhem, refugees for poor Somalis?

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