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is life worth risking going to europe ?

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God have mercy in their soul.



Akhriso Magacyada Tahriibayaasha Soomaalida Ee Xeebaha Liibiya Lagu La’yahay Ayadoo Meydadka La Helayna Maanta La’aasay

Tripoli,Khamiis 26 January 2012 (SONNA) Siihayaha Safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Libiya iyo Guddi Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ka tirsan ayaa waxa ay ku guuleysteen in ay aasaan 17 qof oo ay badda Libiya soo caarisay iyaga oo meyd ah kadib markii ay la qalibmatay doonidii ay la socdeen dadkaasi




Wararka ay Wakaaladda SONNA ka helayso safaaradda ayaa tilmaamaya ib Cabdiqani Wacays oo ah siihayaha safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Libiya iyo Guddi jaaliyadda Soomaalid ah ay magaalada Misirata ku aaseen 17-qof oo Soomaali ah kuwaasi oo 14-kamid ah ay ahaayeen haween 2- rag ah, halka qofka kalena uu ahaa canug yar oo labo bilood jirta.




Doonidaan ka shareecatay xeebaha Libiya oo siday 56 qof oo muhaajiriin Soomaali ah ayaa waxa ay ku wajahnaayeen dhanka dalka Talyaaniga, hayeeshee doonidii ay saarnaayeen ayaa waxaa la waayay 14-kii bishaan aynu ku jirno, waxaana 17-ka la aasay laga helay xeebaha Libiya kaddib markii ay baddu soo caarisay.




C/qani Wacays ayaa sheegay in 39-ka kale ee la la’yahay ay u badantahay in ay dhinteen, isagoo intaa ku daray in ay ku dadaalayaan sidii ay ku ogaan lahaayen nolol iyo geeri waxa ay ku suganyihiin.




Hadaba Wakaaladda Wararka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee SONNA ayaa u suurtagashay in ay hesho qaar ka mid ah magacyada dadkii doonidaasi qalibmatay la socday ee ku degtay xeebaha Libiya xilli ay ku sii jeedeen xeebaha Talyaaniga, waxa ayn kala yihiin sidan.




1.C/Qaadir Maxamed Jimcaale




2.Muxuyadiin Xaaji Cllhi Fiidoow




3.Mowliid Xuseen Cabdi Qoobdheer




4.Shiikh Xasan Cali Xaanshi




5.Xasan Mowliid Cismaan (jees bile)




6.Maxamed Aadan Hurwaa




7.Aadan C/qaadir Aadan ( aadan baale) dhintay)




8.Xuseen Cali Garaash




9.C/raxmaan Maxamed Nuur (amaan)




10.Liibaan Xasan Ibraahim




11.Maxamed Feysal B/weyn




12.C/maalik Xasan Shiikh Ibraahim




13.Saciid Maxamed Faarax




14.Cali Faarax




15.Dhaqane Maxamed Ciiloow




16.Saleymaan Sabriye Siyaad




17. Cali Maxamuud Cawad




18.C/risaaq Maxamed Nuur (ruush)




19.C/raxmaan Maxamed Macalin Gurey( xaam)




20.Xasan Maxmed Cali gaab




21.C/qaadir Farax Xiriyo (madaxay)




22.C/fitaax Guuleed Clle




23.Ismaaciil Xuseen Barre




24. Cabdi Muxudiin Guure (Cabdi faroon)




25.Axmed Xasan Dhaqane




26.Naciimo Cabdi Cllhi




27.Malyuun Cumar Axmed




28.Nafiso Cilmi Siyaad




29.Maryan Xuseen Cali (Dhimatay)




30.Aniso Macalin Gureey

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Absolutely. Not only is it worth it but those Somali migrants who perished in the Meditarranean sea are hereos that we should eulogize and honor them with a 1000 statues all across the Somali peninsula. What could be more heroic than risking life and limp to improve your lot and that of your family? The people who build N. America and Australia left lands far better than the nighmarish hellhole that is Somalia. So I salute these fallen heroes.

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Eight years and so ago, after that tragedy happened, wali masiibada wey socotaa. Eebba ha u raxmado kuwaan iyo intii Soomaali ku geeriyootay badahaas, saxarahaas iyo dhulalkaas shisheeye iyagoo geedi socod ah.


Sideed sano kahor Rome tacsi looga dhigay Soomaali ku baaba'day baddaas Liibiya iyo Talyaaniga u dhaxeyso:







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Narniah;780461 wrote:
I see caskets, how did these people die?
Where was that held that funeral ceremony?


what does 'AUN' mean?

AUN= Allah u naxaristo= May God have mercy on them.


They died in the ocean on their way to Italy they were refugees.


This is sad news may Allah have mercy on their souls and bless them even a 2 month old baby died.

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Waxaa soo xasuustay wiil Xamar aan daris ku ahayn, walaalahey iga waa weynaana isku fac ahaayeen. Nayroobi waa iskula soo qaxnay, oo ku kulanay sanadkii 1992.


Mar uu bug ku baxay isla sanadkaas ayaa waxaa laga soo celiye Jarmalka asaga iyo dhalinyaradii kale uu la socday. Diyaaradii markii lagu soo celiye oo baddaas korkeeda mareyso ayuu ku dhahay dhalinyaradii kale oo diyaaradda la saarnaa, "Haddee diyaaradaan dhacdo weyba iska fiicnaan lahayd, Yurub anoo nool haddaa tagi waaye almiina meydkeyga ha lagu duugo" uu yiri. Dhalinyaradii kale aad ugu nixiye. Hana habaarin dhaheen, Yurub jano ma'ahee. Isla asagaas ka sheekeyn jiray.


Ar yarkaas aad ayuu uu u calafxumaa. Ilaa hadda Nayroobi ayuu joogaa oo aan isku arki jirnay, waa 20 sano ka bacdi, walina buufis haayo.

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So many people lost to the sea. Allah yarxama, may Allah grant them paradise.


MMA, taasi waa nasiib daro. It's all chance - qadar Alle, whether one makes it or not. I've had relatives who tried for ten years and succeeded at the end. The perseverance, the sheer will - it's amazing. Ilaahay ha u fududeeyo intii tahriib weli ku jirta.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;780463 wrote:
It was held in Rome, Talyaaniga. It was October, 2003. They died in the high sea between Liibiya and Talyaaniga, the result of same misfortune that happened to walaalaheena this week again.


AUN = Alle ha u naxariisto

Oh May Allah have mercy on their souls ameen. Ina lilahi wa ina ileyhi raja'uun.


Bluelicious;780464 wrote:
AUN= Allah u naxaristo= May God have mercy on them.


They died in the ocean on their way to Italy they were refugees.


This is sad news may Allah have mercy on their souls and bless them even a 2 month old baby died.

SubhanaAllah, this is such a heart breaking news, even a baby:(. May Allah grant them all Jannah for their suffering ameen.


Ina lilahi wa ina ileyhi raja'uun.

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Raamsade;780446 wrote:
Absolutely. Not only is it worth it but those Somali migrants who perished in the Meditarranean sea are hereos that we should eulogize and honor them with a 1000 statues all across the Somali peninsula. What could be more heroic than risking life and limp to improve your lot and that of your family? The people who build N. America and Australia left lands far better than the nighmarish hellhole that is Somalia. So I salute these fallen heroes.

They were brave, when I understood what happened it made me cry (I can't stop crying). I feel so ashamed that I complain about my life sometimes, when these people went through so much but they still kept going, never giving up. Walahi they are heroes May Allah accept them all as shaheeds ameen.

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