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Letters From a Billionaire

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I Love You People! Without You I Would Have To Actually Work




I love the people, I really do, I love you all, because without you, I would have to actually work. Without you, I would have to get a job and do things with my hands. Without you, I would have to start making a living instead of parasitically sucking on your labor.


I love the people, because the people work hard to enrich me. I love the people, because they line up on the freeway each day, to go to work, to step up and serve the master class.


People often accuse me of hating the people, nothing could be further from the truth, I love the people the way a farmer loves his cows.


I love the people the way a pimp loves his prostitutes. I love the people the way professors love those TAs that do all the work with no credit. For the love of people, let us not fight, let us not speak of class warfare, we are one machine, you the slaves, I, the master. Let us not argue about technicalities, I love you all, with my heart and my soul, just keep working, keep contributing to my net worth.


Yesterday, I went for a walk in a park, I saw a homeless person and I felt disgusted that he was not working for me, he was not growing my wealth. You must all stay on track, keep producing, stay focused and happy, happy consumers, happy wage-slaves, adjusted conformists.


When the wage-slavery becomes a heavy burden in your chest, just think of the weekend, think of the happy mindless drunkenness! When you start to accurately feel like a slave, just think of the weekend fun! Cheers to the friggin’ weekend!









From The Activists Website

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War Makes Me a Killing



I know that war kills your kids and the ****** soldiers who fight the wars of the rich, but let’s be honest, it makes me a damn killing. You cannot imagine how much money I make from wars, guns, bullets, cluster bombs, they sell for an insane premium.


I know, I know, you will whine that poor people’s kids will die, but let’s face it, money is more important than people. Let’s just put all the bullshit aside, money is the blood of the social machine, money is my blood.


Your government, the one that you vote for, buys bombs from me for $200,000 a pop, how about that? A nice quick profit. Your heroic politicians, they make shady weapon deals that you cannot even begin imagine. Last year I sold $2 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, and $1.5 billion worth to Israel, you see how I be rolling?


You think someone with as much money as me cares for countries or people; national identities are what we feed the poor. You think someone with my kind of net worth cares whether I am selling weapons to a dictator or a warlord.


Stop thinking, you think too much, just get back to work, war is big business, good business, because all profitable businesses are good businesses. War is the ultimate business because the product will be used, because more will be needed, because all that built up hate will need an outlet.


Yes yes, the children of the poor will die in wars, but what do they matter, better than death by starvation. The way I see it, the arms business is merciful business, it puts all of the poor people out of their suffering. I am giving humanity a great service by manufacturing weapons that will kill the remainders, the leftovers, the people stuck in slums forever.




A Billionaire


the one who profits from the misery of many

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