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Aabayo Somalina's Cabinet for Somalia

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Thank you very much. I believe the General's ineffectiveness to further the voice of the people of Puntland Somalia has led to his downfall.

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Carafaat;779059 wrote:


-Somaliland State President, VP and Cabinet. Consist of Saalax(President), Liibaan(VP), Akash(FM), A_Khadar(Parlimant chair), Naasir(Guurti), Aaliyah(Min of Religional Affairs),

Taleexi(Min for Myi and regional issue).

As Khatumite, I strongly object being lumped together with anti-Somalia/somalidiid, and clan-secessionists. I believe the fake list is extremely unfair and biased against Northern Somali People of Khaatumo, Maakhir & Awdal , it only reflects the clan-secessionist mindset of the Somalilander author Carafaat.


The fake list doesn't reflect the realities on the ground in Somalia.


First, The People of Khaatumo State, Maakhir State and Awdal will never agree to be part of Somaliland Clan Enclave based on old colonial maps.


Second, Khaatumo Regional State Of Somalia is already full-fledged federal state recognized by TFG Government of Somalia, Insha Allah, Awdal State and Maakhir State will be recognized very soon by our Central Government of Somalia.




- Khaatumo State Of Somalia: Taleexi (President), Khadar (VP & Defense), Abdul (VP & Min of Finance), Malika (Khusuusi Parliament Chair), Liibaan (FM), Valanteenah (Minister of Health), Aaliyah (Min of Religion and Social Affairs), Naxar (Minister of Interior ), Mario B. ( Min of. Natural Resouces & Oil)



- Maakhir State: Naasir (President), Som@li (VP), Xudeedi (FM), Hunguri ( Minister of Defense)


- Awdal State: Akash ( President)

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Liibaan waan markaa VP ka dhigay sawmaha. Wayahay. Somaliland sidee ayaa wax u kala qeybin leheed? Waad ka tagtay, fadlan so gudbi listka?

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Somalina;779092 wrote:
I would've thrown 95% (approx) from the above list in prison.


Tooshka iga dami walaal, Lama Goodleyaal siyaasadooda kuma jiro.

I thought you guys said somalina waa la casilay

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Carafaat;813683 wrote:
Liibaan waan markaa VP ka dhigay sawmaha. Wayahay. Somaliland sidee ayaa wax u kala qeybin leheed? Waad ka tagtay, fadlan so gudbi listka?



Somaliland State of Somalia: Wadani (President), Abwaan (VP ), Cambuulo&Bun ( Finance), Maadey ( Defense), Che (FM), Dr_Osman (Minister of Health), Polanyi Ina Godane (Min of Religion and Social Affairs), Somalia (Minister of Interior ), AsadSL ( Min of. Communication), JB ( Min of Propaganda & Misinformation). snm Clan-secessionist rebels : (NG, Odweyne, XX, Abokor Omar, Burahadeer,Norf, Hermit, stoic, freedom etc).



-Ximan iyo Xeeb VP: Carafaat

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xiinfaniin;813873 wrote:
Only my step son would know whether I am a harmful figure or not. Wiilkaan adeerka u ahaa goormuu online forums ka bartay?

waa wiilkee wiilkaasi? ka ilaali ciyaalka online forums.

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