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Aabayo Somalina's Cabinet for Somalia

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Somalina;780526 wrote:
Buurmadow oo rati dul saaran ma aragtey sawirkiisa?
XX amuu yahayba?.

lol...the one that he is riding on the Mongolian camel. That guy (Buur Madoow) wax ka been badan. Isagoo Dubai jooga buu dhahay China ayaan joogaa inta masawirkaas oo uu mar hore iska qaaday Waagacusub u diray!

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Really? kuwo indhayar ayuu la caweynayey xitaa. lol...gacan baan u taagey hadduu Siilaanyo safarkiisa Shiinaha la soo baxay sawiradaas.

'Aniga waa lay soo dhaweeyey, Siilaanyana airport ka ma dhaafin' ayuu la yimid. Ma ciyaaraayo wallee. :D

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Carafaat;779059 wrote:
Aabayo Somalina Sheick Shariif term is ending in August this year. Sheick Shariif has done a good job and deserves to slow down and give more attention to his family.


Therefor, I probose you as the First Somali Female President. Nobody here on SOL is more cougages, more consistent and more committed to the wider Somali cause and treat all of them the same and slap them with facts, figures and pictures. You karbaash the qowdhans, the maryooley, Shababist lapdancers, the budhcad badeed's, all equaly. Cidna uma joojisid marke khalad galaan, ama wadada dhex istaagaan ama nac nac isla soo taagaan.


No wo(man) more for fitted for the job the you. Tell us abaayo, how would your ideal clan balanced SOL cabinet look like. Who would you appoint on which post?


Some recommendations?


-My uncle Xaaji Xunjuf should definetly get the Chairmenship of the Guurti. No SOL'er can better explain complication issue's in pundits and knows Somali clan linages, history and villages and deegaans. He can create conflict and settle them as no other. Our Ideal most senior Somali traditional elder.


General Duke and fellow Mudugian should definetly get the Ministry for Information. Through Somalia no better men to inform, disinform the masses then the General. From Waqoiye, to Bari, to Mudug all the way to Jubba's. No man can better rally, campaign and translate politics to the common men then Duke.


-Abtigiis defintly Min of Culture. Keep him away from weapons, foreigners(Ethiopians), youth, women, for he then can become. Lethal to your goverment and himself. Leave him with actors, singers, authors. Keep him enternaied and let him entertain crowds in theaters.


-Xiinfaniin,Would definetly be a good Prime Minister. And he is not a danger to your goverment either,not to ambitous and is not a clannist. And if is he half the loyal and hard working for your goverment as he has done for Puntland. Then he will definetly be the central, balanced figure who can head your cabinet. Very traditional, respectfull towards women, will never Dare to oppose you in public and neither will turn against a women. You dont need to feara coupe d'etats with Xiin, no harmfull figure.


-Miskiin, Macruuf and Akhyaar. Minister for Social Development. Good attena for social development and society related issue. Hart on the right place and compassion for all.


-Chimera, Min of Urban Planning and Infrastructure, wiill turn Somalia in to an Indian Ocean/Red Sea paradise with the best of east and west, oriental and africa, holiday country and same time urban thriving cities.


-Qandalawi: Minister of Fisheries and Sea's.knows fish very well.


-Fiqiyare: Min of Oil and Resource.


-Oodweyneh, Ambassador to the Commenwealth and the UK. Definetly he should be close to the Queen and Mi6. No better poker player against those British ninies. Even impresses the House of Lords and charms and seduces every old Baronesses when needed for the country.


-Ngonge, Ambassador to Arab League. As ciyaal arab knws the arab the best. And with the arab spring no better attena and strategist to have between these arabs then Ngong e. He can apply his clan is everything divide and rule tactics on these Arabs. His Arab Predicaments can come very usefull when getting investments from arab rulers.









-Juxa, Chair of Parliament. Honoust, balanced, multi tasker, authority, wise chair who is acceptable for all the blocks and opposition as well. Nice to talk to during and jit jit during breaks in Parliament debates. She can discuss kids kiapers, int law and the new movie from Denzel in same conversation.


-Jaceylbaro, Definetly not include in your cabinet. Prefers to lead the oppositoion formed by the secessionist blocks. But with all the Bacaaaccc's from JB on your policies, your goverment is safe for re-election coming decad



-Opposition includes: Shababist boys like Che, Maddeey, jiilow. And secessionist like Abokkor Omar, The Hermet.

Other block:Somalia, rudy dirie,



-Somaliland State President, VP and Cabinet. Consist of Saalax(President), Liibaan(VP), Akash(FM), A_Khadar(Parlimant chair),
(Guurti), Aaliyah(Min of Religional Affairs),

Taleexi(Min for Myi and regional issue).


-Puntland provincial Governor(Dr.Osman).



-Azania Governor, Zack,Gaabal(vice Governor).


-Banadir Governor, Cambuulo iyo Bun.


-Central Governor, Faarax Brown.


-Southern Somalia Governor, STOIC


Puntlanders should be awarded extra cabinet seats and chairmen ships, to tone down their Presidential ambitions and regional dominance.


Somalilanders should get the most Ambssadors, keep their talks and sheeko far away from Muqdisho and Hargeisa. And so they can explain tthemseleves why Somaliland should and cant secessede from Somalia.



So far my recmmendations. Please add and tell us how you would fill those positions to make Somalia the best country in Africa by 2025.

General will be scrabed from Somaina's list of potential cabinet members. He will be replaced by Somalia.

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