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Somali Christian Population Map

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It appears theirs no christian community in Somalia other then mogadishu, hargeisa, berbera and marka. Kismayo, qoryooley, and burco have no christian population. U need to zoom in and study the data and the rest of nation doesnt either

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So as you can see from the data, its not looking good for certain areas in Somalia who will probably be all missionised in 100 years. The christianity crusaders have established themselves in key cities and have succeeded in converting local population of people to john and james maxad ka sugaysa dadka meelahas ka yimi oo dibadda jogga they would be at least triple the rate of the ones inside the nation. Its shocking but their active missionaries inside somalian cities where a healthy christian population resides locally who could be your doctor, your teacher, your MP or even president.


The only solution to have halal leader with proven track record where no missionaries are active or christian population that is 100% muslim and has the data to prove it should lead your cities into state of islam or else at the rate the missionaries are missionizing certain cities in somalia you could become christians in 100 years. Its because bad local leadership in those specific cities

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There are always people like Osman who assess every issue on Qabiil....Qabiil......Qabiil…..Qabyaalad...(did I say enough of that)…Instead of focusing on the truth about the data, his input was “oh there are no gaalo in my clan’s xaafad”...Ilaah ha ku daaweeyo!

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Abwaan, As somali citizen i am concerned that some cities in somalia are being missionized, its not qabil issue. I am flatly pointing the blame at bad leadership in those cities that has caused this to occur!!! I am not placing the blame on tribe, you are the one who is making assumptions and therefore appear to be tribally sick!!!


All i am saying is i dont want those cities to becomes john and james of tommorow and its best something is done now. Were not talking about one or two christians here were talking about thousands because its 2% of the population of those cities

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Weird. I don't know what is more surprising: The thread starter believing this crap or how deep his neo-qabyaaladism goes down. Wuuba ku farxi lahaa u maleynaa if waxa meesha kusoo dhajiye run ahaan lahayd.


Pray tell us the Yahuudi population of Soomaali regions, Ditoore.

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