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Meet Maadeet: SOL's Boko Haram

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Abtigiis, as an ONLF supporter, it is very stange of you to adopt this view. Shabaab is fighting an invading army and they are defending the Country and the Deen. How can you say some one who is fighting foreign troops -in his own country a terrorist?, what makes a terrorist in your opinion?.


I have recently read your comments regarding the martyrdom of Macallin Adam Cayrow, you were a true patriot then!, I don't know what has gotten you. The situation on the ground is the same, nothing has changed, there was foreigners occupying the country as as they are now, if you can't stand by their side, at least stop badmouthing them, this is the least you could do.



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^^ You're still mixing things up, yaa saaxibi. Al Shabab maybe fighting invading armies but they remain a backward group hellbent on killing and control. Any sane person that wants peace, prosperty and ISLAM to take hold in their land would first oppose Al Shabab and (only) then turn his mind to these invading armies. There is no two ways about it. Cowardly suicide bombers should not be sympathised with no matter who they're fighting.

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^^ You're still mixing things up, yaa saaxibi. Al Shabab maybe fighting invading armies but they remain a backward group hellbent on killing and control. Any sane person that wants peace, prosperty and ISLAM to take hold in their land would first oppose Al Shabab and (only) then turn his mind to these invading armies. There is no two ways about it. Cowardly suicide bombers should not be sympathised with no matter who they're fighting.

Afkaaga caana lagu qabay, Alla yacizak.

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Laa laa yaa beeh, anta mokhti' bil-marrah!, Control is good and its what we are lacking back home, and please stop this nonsense of Shabaab is hellbent on killing!, that is not the case. You and I both know that they have killed dozens of their soldiers as a punishment because they killed innocent civilians.


There is not a Muslim (at least a good one) that has beef with the Mujaahideen and has no problem with the al Kuffar al Ghaasibeen al muctaddeen or -as you put it-his priority is to get rid of the Mujaahideen first.


May God reward Al Muctamid bin Cabbaad who said:

والله لإن أرعى الغنم عند إبن تاشفين احبُ إلي من أن ارعى الخنازير عند الفونسو

when some of his consultants advised him to seek help from the Ferenjes after being defeated by Ibn Taashfeen!.

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^^ Yes but he was talking about herding goats, saaxib. I oppose Al Shabab for their indiscriminate killings (suicide bombings, if you like). I can't see byond that one big failings of theirs, ya Maaddeey.


Al Shabab want to remain in infiniate Jihaad and do not give the impression of ever wanting any peace. I do not believe that to be fair or just. I do not believe that Al Shabab's judgment is the only one that is correct. I can not trust a group that blindly and rigidly carries on fighting when it can clearly see that innocents suffer as a consequence of this needless fighting.



To argue that they are not hell bent on killing and give the evidence of them killing some more to prove the point is MAD ya MAADdeey! Wax fahan. :D

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Wakhti baad iska dhuminaysaan lol aan idinla kaftamee...Check on maaddeey's 5 prominent Somali's choice then this will tell you why this guy is a mouth piece for Al-habaab, purely qabyaalad! Maaddeey aniga iyo adigu isku dhuuman mayno duqa. I know in SOL madaxaagu kuugu duuban yahay oo aad isleedahay laguma garanayo laakiin waxaan Ilaah ka baryayaa inuu wanaagga ku tuso in dadka Soomaaliyeed ee maatida ah layntooda in janno lagu galaa aysan habboonayn aad garawsato!

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NGONGE, laa tashtimnee bi usluub multawiyah, anaa faahim al ishaarah!


The two killings are not the same and you know it, They are killing their own for taking an innocent life and that is what I call caynul insaaf.


Xiin, inaad Shabaab & Gaalada soo duushay isku boos dhigto eed nijaaso ku wada sheegto, waa jariimah kabeerah!.


Abwaan, sxb. with due respect in lagula doodoba ma banaana, fahamkaana kugu yar (waxaad tahay ninkii igu eedeeyey xanaaq & xad ka bax aan waxna ka jirin, markaan siday wax u jiraan kuu sheegayna inaad cudur-daarato waad awoodi weysay 'damiinimo & faham xumo!').


Su'aal: How did you know my list of my 5 prominent Somalis was because of clan?

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Carafaat;778360 wrote:
I feel honoured. But why mention my little charater here in the same thread as Maddeey, Boko Haram and other suicical bomb makers??

You should feel honoured, he only talks about what kind of person they are in a positive way. When professor Abtigiis makes a thread about you that's when you're officially inaugurated as a SOL member lol. We all been there before you he even done one about me so it's all cool :)

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Maaddeey;777252 wrote:
1) Mohamed Ahmed Roble 'Boqolsoon' (AUN)


2) Adam Cayroow (AUN)


3) Abdiqasim Salad Xassan


4) Xalima Khaliif Magool (AUN)


5) Xassan Adam Samatar



Tan ayaa ii sheegtay, aniga miyaa khasab kaaga dhigay? Malla isku ciyaaraa! Camal-xumadaan kaa sheegay, aflagaadadaada ayaa muujineysa hadalna uma adkaysan kartid ee dooddaada ma quud baa laga helaa? Cirka laad haddaad awooddo! Inaad cudur-daarato ku lahaa....inaan ku qancay jawaabtaada soo kama horrayso marka hore? Meeshaan dadka dhiig-karka qaba uma fiicna!

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^Damiinamada aan kaaa sheegay waa taas!. haddaad caqli leedahay List-igii aan qoray iima soo guuriseen!. sideed ku ogaatay in sababta aan u qoray ay qabyaalad tahay amase aan isku qabiil nahay?.


Qofkii hadalka na dhexmaray baa kuu jawaabtay sxb, oo si cad kuugu sheegtay in war xun aanan dhihin!, markaasaad weli soo indhacaddahay, war orodoo isku xishoo!.

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Soomaali baa ku maahmaahda "Fallaari gillgilasho kaagama harto"...meelahaaga iska caytan awalba beryahan raggannimo aad ku difaacdo waxaad tiri kaama sugeyn!

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Lool @ at the list of most prominent Somalis. What is more funny is the connection, very incompatible list of indivuals:


Adan Ayrow vs Magool = Alshabaab vs Queen of the Somali Pop music

Boqolsoon vs H. A. Samatar = Arguably one of the best Somali religious sermon delivers vs A great entertainer , just imagine how a powerful religious sermon by Boqolsoon fares against Samatar's Baladweyn or Isha Baydhabo. And the last is the stalinnist opportunist of A. Qasim.


Incredible list, aside the clanish charge but Maddeey's list are unique in their own way - he saw that rarity , Indeed!

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